The soft howling of the wind could be heard in the house as the boy sat near his piano touching a few keys.
Finally, he looked outside just to see the stormy weather.
Everything was getting swept up by the heavy wind. Leafs flew in the air, trees bowed down.
Damon wanted to go outside so bad, but he knew it was too dangerous to go out at this moment.
Maybe if he waited a little longer, he could go.
The boy was eager to see the girl he longed for. Medusa. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Whenever he tried to talk to her, he would chicken out and walk away.
But not today. Today he was gonna man up and confess to her. No matter what happened, he wasn't going to run away again like before.
If he wanted to change, it should be that way. He was scared she would turn him wodn like she did with any other guy.
But even if she accepted him? Would her parents approve of their relationship?
Anxiety started to fill his mind.
Was it a good idea to go outside today? Was he thinking too far ahead of time?
Maybe he should just stay home.
Yes, that's wat he will do. Just stay home.
He stopped pacing around and sat down on his couch.
Maybe tomorrow.
No, definitely tomorrow.