Chapter 04

The past

It has been sixteen years now yet Klaus had been brooding I get it he lost his mate but all he has been thinking of is to avenge her, he stopped acting like a leader it is like he stopped being responsible so what if he lost his mate, that doesn’t give him the right to stop living.

A women walking down a hall kept thinking about her leader she believes that he does not have the right to brood over his lost mate the woman had reddish hair with blue eyes, Klaus the leader of the werewolves lost his wife in a fire that engulfed his house killing his wife and child, the woman believed that she was better than his wife she believed that she was the one who deserved to be the Luna not Rebekah who was she to take the heart of Klaus.

The woman entered a room where a man sat beside the fire next to him sat a beautiful woman with brown hair and hazel eye the red head rolled her eyes then spoke “Klaus are you done brooding?”

The man turned to her “what do you want Marissa?” he spat

“I want you to stop brooding and act like a leader; it has been sixteen years now get over it”

“Marissa stop it now is not the time” replied the brown hair

“Shut your filthy mouth Kristine; I did not speak to you” spat Marissa with venom

“Get out, Get the hell out, and do not dare speak to Kristine like that ever again” spat Klaus

The woman stormed out mumbling how stupid he was to brood over an ugly woman

Klaus turned to Kristine “Are you alright?”

“Yes, but she might be right Klaus, I Know how Rebekah was important to you as she was important to me and she deserves your brooding but don’t you think she would be sad when she sees that you have neglected your pack? Yes, Marissa is evil and she thinks that she could be your Luna and she envied Rebekah but she has a point that you need to return to your leader duty, think about it brother whatever you come in terms with I have got your back” she patted his back then left.

Kristine cared about her brother she believed that he had the right to brood but also he needed to act like the leader he is.

Klaus was staring at the fire thinking about the words Kristine said, Klaus and Kristine had some similarities in the way they appeared, he cared deeply for his sister as she did.

Klaus was deeply thinking about how Kristine was right that Rebekah would not want him to neglect his leader duties, he took a deep breath then he decided to be the leader he is supposed to be.

He called out, and a boy with black hair and hazel eyes entered, the boy said “Uncle Klaus you called”

“Yes, Brett seems like your mother was right Rebekah would not want me to neglect my duties as a leader”

“What would you like me to do Uncle?”

“Call out for a meeting”

“Yes, uncle as you wish”

Meanwhile Danny was in her room with her door locked thinking about Luke, how could he accept her while she comes from a long line of hunters and he was a vampire?

It might have been a short time she just met him but she feels connected to him it is like once they stared at each other and locked eyes they established a connection, she felt safe with him yet she was worried that he might get hurt because of her, suddenly she heard a soft knock coming from her window she got up from her bed then went to her window unlocking it finding Luke speak of the devil he kissed her forehead then said “Hi” and smiled , she smiled at him and replied with a soft hi.

“My family wants to meet you” he said

“What?” she asked

“I told my sister about you and she wants to meet you as well as my parents” he replied

“Do they know about me being a Winchester?” she asked

“Yes, Are you up for it?” he asked

“Yes, Let me just get a jumper” she grabbed her jumper and went back to the window to find him gone she looked down to find him whispering saying “Jump, I will catch you”

She jumped into his arms, he pulled her on his back and raced through the woods till he came to a clearing then he took of his scarf wrapping it around her neck then he pulled her in his arms then they walked out of the woods in a town full of vampires he pulled her closer to him keeping her safe just in case someone smelled her not all vampires are like him and his family, they have control and they do not drink human blood well not directly as they drink blood but from blood bags so they would not hurt anyone in return they kept walking her tucked under his arms, he kissed her forehead taking a deep breath taking her scent in somehow her scent calms him he knew from the minute he laid his eyes on her and smelled her that she was his mate he knows that it is too soon to say but he was in love with her she was his angel and he was going to protect her even if it gets him killed, they entered another forest him whispering that they are almost there, they came across her family hunting viciously killing an slaughtering a town she started whimpering, she did not want to become like them he pulled her closer promising her that he won’t let anyone hurt her and he would make sure that she would never become like them and that is a promise that he tends to keep, then they reached a beautiful castle he took her to a small passage underground where they entered walking till they reached a door. All Danny could think about was What was going on?