
chapter 21|Cas

"Okay, it's almost time are you ready?"

I felt a trickle of sweat roll down my eyebrow but that didn't stop me from nodding and flashing her a confident smirk. Truth is I'm terrified.

I'm really about to sneak into Aunt Adaora's castle.

I'd known her for years. Due to our alliance, she came over very often to have meetings with my mother that I was often not allowed into. Although terrifying as fuck she did seem to have a soft for me as she usually trained me when she had the time whilst she was in Hearts.

Other than that I knew nothing about her.

She came with little to no guards and never spoke about her personal life. Her rugged looks and large muscles intimidated everyone to the point where most shied away from a conversation with her.

Not to mention she was so tall she made me look short.

Queen Adaora of Spades was a very dangerous and respected woman.