“Is this what you do every day?” Ian asked as he pulled his sword from three of the creatures he skewered. As soon as Silvus disappeared, the creatures lumbered forward with the intent to attack. Auria, Lysander and Ian pushed forward, weapons at the ready as they formed a protective circle around each other. Auria lunged at the forefront, disabling and dismembering the creatures in the middle. Lysander leaned back and rained arrow after arrow at the creatures that managed to stay out of Auria’s way. But the biggest threat was Ian. His enormous build was perfect in handling his gigantic broadsword. He managed to cleave the bodies of creatures in half, their green blood spouting like fountains from their dismembered bodies. Some of it managed to come into contact with his armor, making it hiss with its acidic properties.

“Do what every day?” Lysander asked back as he lifted his bow and shot another arrow at one of the creatures.