The girls hefted their weapons as they charged inside the hideout. Their eyes widened as they saw blood splattering the rock walls and littered little bodies were either pinned onto the walls or scattered willy nilly onto the ground.

Gnomes and trolls – Auria thought grimly. She had expected that the white light would have eliminated all dark creatures but then she should have known that her power can only subdue creatures with powers that were covered with an evil aura. Since gnomes and trolls were technically creatures that were quite like fairies in the aspect that they exist, and they were simply following the manipulations of their master, they would not be considered a threat by her aura.

Then again – Auria rethought as the knights were being attacked by cudgels and short swords in a cramped space – they were only fulfilling their duty of eliminating the minions of Silvus who were trying to kill them.