I spent the whole weekend hanging out with Layne. After I came home from the non-existent date with Wes, Layne and I hung out in my room and talked the whole night. Layne called Wes every name under the sun. She was so pissed. I didn't really want to say much. Wes did try to call me multiple times that weekend, but I didn't bother picking up. I was humiliated and disappointed. Wes rejected me that night. He changed his mind when it was obvious I was not up to his standards. In my head, I kept blaming how I look like as the reason for Wes' rejection. Maybe if I was thinner, or more fashionable, Wes would not feel so embarrassed showing me off. I just kept the opinion to myself. If I tell Layne, she would dismiss the idea and say that's not it.