"Princess, be careful there, okay? Please take care of yourself hmm? Don't just trust anyone you understand? Always remember that we love you so much." mommy said while crying that made me teary eyed. I know I'm such a cry baby and childish but I can't help it.

"I love you too, mom, dad." I said

"All right, Sophia, you got in the car and you’ll have a long trip." dad said and hugged me

"Goodbye, young lady." our helpers said so I smiled at them

"Goodbye" I said and Bert opened the door for me

"Thank you Bert." I thanked him

"You're always welcome, young lady" he said and got in the car and drove.

I looked at the red envelope where my enrollment form was. You are right, this is the envelope on my side table that I saw when I woke up. And if you think that in the school mentioned here whose name is magical academy I will study then you are right again.The name of my new school is really strange. Who in their right mind will name their school Magical Academy right?

I just took my phone and played my music then doze off to sleep.


After a while the car suddenly stopped causing me to wake up.

"Young lady we're here" Bert said so I opened the car window and when I looked, my eyes widened.

Why are we in the forest?

"Mang bert, are you sure this is the way to my school?" I asked and Bert nodded

"Yes. Young lady. Just go straight to that forest and you will see your school right away. Sorry if I can no longer accompany you to your school because I am not allowed to enter that forest because it is private property "You can't step inside or get into that if you are not a member of the magical academy." Bert apologized

"You don't need to apologize Bert. It's okay. I understand" I said with a small smile and that’s what he also did and got in the car and left.

As mang bert said I just straightened the road. I do not know where I am going because my feet seem to have a life of their own.

Eventually I saw a large and scary tree.

Suddenly my foot walked towards the tree. I tried to stop but I couldn't because my feet seemed to have a life of their own. Shit! I'm going to crash into the tree! Damn this foot! Why is it not cooperating with me?!

"Ahhhh!" I shouted and put my arms across my face and crossed my arms and just closed my eyes.

Wait, why do I feel like I'm not in pain? I opened my eyes and lowered my arms and my eyes widened because of the beauty of this place! I was awed by what I’m seeing right now. Where am I? What is this place? Then I looked in front of me and I saw a sign

'Welcome to Magical Academy'

That's what it says so this is the magical academy? I looked behind me checking if there was a gate and I was right. There’s a giant gate! Wait! But I don't remember going through a big gate?

This is frustrating the hell out of me! I just went for a walk and looked for the dean's office. I wonder why this place seems so familiar. This is so confusing! Maybe read too much fantasy books, that's why I keep on imagining things.

Then I felt my feet stop at a big door and I saw a big sign already on it

'Head Masters office'

So they don't call their principal dean but head master?

This school is really weird. I'm sure there is something strange about this academy and that’s what I’m going to find out. I was about to knock when the door suddenly opened on its own

Wow! Their door is hightech huh! I just went in and I saw an old man sitting in a chair with his hand on the table. He is old but his complexion does not have any wrinkles. He also sat up straight and his body still looked strong.

He looks like the Dumbledore of Harry Potter! His hair is also white and he has a long mustache like dumbledore! Could it be that Dumbledore has a missing twin? Oh my god! I’m getting crazy!

"Hello, young lady. You are the new transferri, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Have a sit." he said and I sat down

"May I see your enrollment form young lady?" he asked

Why is it that even the people here are still calling me young lady?

I immediately gave him my envelope with the enrollment paper that mommy and daddy had already filled out. Then they also fixed the information about me. They have deleted everything that could cause them to know who I really am. I do not know why I still need to change all the information about me. But I won't ask them. I'll wait unti they're ready to tell me. I trust them.

Tsk. When I find out who is really threatening my life I will really break all his bones in the body so that my problem will disappear. I am a champion in all martial arts, I have a lot of medals because I participated in so many martial arts competitions.

What I wonder is that mommy and daddy know that my life is in danger, why did they transfer me here, right? Why don't they just give me a bodyguard or maybe report to the police to catch whoever is the person they say who wants to kill me? I am really confused by what is happening. I want to ask but I know they will not answer me.

"Hmm? So Sophia Sandoval is your name?" he asked and I nodded and smiled

"I'm Master Harvard. The headmaster of the Magical Academy." he introduced

"It’s nice meeting you Master Harvard. Sir if you don't mind can i ask you?" I asked

"Sure! What is it?" he asked

"What kind of school is this? Why is this school seems so strange and looks so different? What are you? Because what I know about adults in your age is that they can no longer move or speak properly due to old age but you can speak and move just fine, you look strong as if you are not old." I asked bluntly

And he seemed surprised by my question and later he smiled.

"You are so smart that you notice all that. I can see that you’re an intelligent and keen observant woman." he said

"Thank you sir. But you're still not answering my questions." I said

"You are the first creature to come here to this academy from the mortal world who asked and realized immediately." he said

"For your questions the students here including me and you are not humans. We are extraordinary creatures. There's a vampire, wizard, wolf and other magical creatures here" he answered that made my eyes widened.

I laughed when the Master Harvard said sink in to me. What do they think of me? A child to believe in those magical creatures?

"Your kidding right?" I said while still laughing

"No." he said seriously so I looked at him and I became serious too

"I'm a human and I shouldn't be here because I'm not like you." I said

"You're not human. Because no one can enter this place and also this envelope has a life of its own. It only goes to extraordinary people like you-us" he explained. At first not everything he said sinks in to me but little by little everything was sinking into me.

Ohmy gosh! It is a dream come true! I have long dreamed of seeing magical creatures like those from the fantasy movies I watched. Is Edward Cullen here? Or maybe the Salvatore siblings, Damon and Stefan of vampire diaries?

I always read vampires, wizards, werewolf stories and more. As I said I love magical things.

"If what you said is true then what are you?" I asked

"I'm a wizard." he answered and then his eyes suddenly became blue. Oh my god! So it is really true!

"So how can I know what creature I am?" I asked

He took a mirror and placed it in front of me.

"Look at this mirror and tell me what you'll see" he said so I looked in the mirror and saw a vampire and a wizard.

'Don't tell anyone that you saw a vampire and a wizard at the same time. Tell him that you only saw a wizard’ I heard a voice in my mind. Who’s that?

"I saw a Wizard." I said I do not know why I followed what that voice had said.

"So you're a wizard. You'll know how to control your powers by studying here in magical academy." Master harvard said so I nodded in return.

"Now this is your dorm number, section and your id. The entrance is open. And Mister Lefir please escort Miss Sandoval in her dorm.You can go now. By the way welcome to the magical academy!" Master harvard said and I bowed my head as a respect and Mister Lefir took my belongings and took me to my dorm. After a while we stopped at a dorm and I opened the door and went in and Mister Lefir put my belongings on the side.

"Thank you Mister Lefir" I thanked him courteously.

"You're welcome," he smilingly said and left.

I looked at my whole dorm, it was so beautiful. Red and blue are the motifs of my dorm, my favorite color! They are great! How come they knew what was my favorite color? Or is it part the magical thing? I just shrugged it off. I already think too much today. My brain feels so exhausted because I already overused it.

I arranged my belongings and went to bed. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.


Wait, where am I? All I remember is I was in my dorm? How come I’m now here in a forest? What the heck is going on?


Shit! Who's that? Why do I feel so petrified hearing that voice?

"Who are you?!" I shouted

"It's not yet the right time to know me. Soon my princess." he said

"You're only mine, my princess!" he shouted and I hugged myself because I felt terrified when he said those words. It feels like I already heard it before I just can’t remember where and when.

"No! I'm not yours! And I will never be!" I shouted back trying to mask the fear that I’m feeling right now.

"No. Your wrong. You're mine. Only mine" he said and laughed evilly that made me petrify then I felt that someone hugged me in the back. I struggled but he’s too strong then I felt his lips on my ear and he suddenly talked.

“You’re always mine. Mine alone. I’ll beheaded all the people who will try to break us apart. I’ve missed you so much” he said and then I suddenly feel a pangs pierced in my neck.

"Ahhh!" I shouted and I immediately opened my eyes.

I sat down while holding my chest. My heart is pounding so hard! I immediately touched my neck where the man bit me but there’s no blood or wound on it. Maybe I’m just imagining things! Right! That’s just a nightmare.

It's just an atrocious nightmare! I have nothing to worry about. Right, everything is just a dream. Eventually, I fell asleep again.