I woke up at 5:00 am. I'm planning to wander around in the academy to get used to this place. It's a good thing I never dreamed again the nightmare I had last night. I did my morning rituals and then got dressed up and then put a powder and lip balm in my lips.

And I looked in the mirror then viola! I look perfect well what can I do? I was born beautiful. It is called natural beauty and don’t you dare to object. I look even better in my uniform because my uniform is a good fit for me. The uniform looks like those in the anime. White v-neck like men's uniform with red necktie topped with black long sleeve blazer and black and blue checkered skirt color that is above my knee.

As soon as I came out of the girls dormitory, everyone immediately looked at me maybe because this is their first time to see me. No one saw me here at the academy yesterday because it was already midnight when I arrived here at the academy.

I heard a group of men whispering about me. I just don't know if it's still a whisper because I can still hear them from my place.

"Bro look there’s a chick transferee" guy 1 says

"Yes, I just hope she will be our classmate!" guy 2 replied

"I hope so" says guy 3

I stop listening my head might grow even bigger. As I was walking around I bumped into someone that causes me to sit on the floor. Shit! I muttered a curse in my brain as I felt a throbbing pain in my ass.

"Oh my! Sorry miss! I'm really sorry!" she immediately said and helped me stand up.

"No. It's fine" I said and looked at her

Her eyes widened when she saw me. What is so surprising about my face? Am I too ugly? Or am I too beautiful for her to be surprised like that?

"P-princess?!" she asked in shock

"Huh? What are you talking about? My name is not princess." I refused

And when what I said sank into her she apologized.

"Oh I'm really sorry for my attitude. By the way I'm-" she couldn't continue what she was going to say when suddenly someone shouted.

"Vanessa!" a woman yelling someone’s name

The woman looked, maybe she was the one called by the woman who shouted so it means the woman who shouted is behind me

"Did you know that we've been looking for you for a while?! Huh?!" the woman shouted as if she swallowed a microphone with the loudness of her voice.

"Do you also know that it is bad to answer when someone is talking?!" the woman whose name was Vanessa shouted at the woman that made her realize that she interrupted our conversation.

"Oh, sorry miss hehehe" she said then I turned to her I mean them because the woman is not alone she’s with her friends. Suddenly their eyes widened when they saw me.

I raised my eyebrows because they keep looking at me as if they had seen a ghost when they saw my face. It’s just so weird.

"Princess?!" they shouted at the same time

What the heck? Princess again? I know it's my first name but I'm not used to being called a princess aside from my parents.

"Huh? What are you talking about? And why are all of you calling me princess? Princess isn't my name." I lied again

"Oh were very sorry." they apologized

"It's okay." I replied

"Ahm, I'm Vanessa Gyo," said the woman I bumped into introduced herself.

"I'm Yna Madrigal." the woman who shouted earlier said while holding the hands of the man beside her.

"I'm Alexa Kim" the woman said beside Yna who was also holding a man's hand.

"I'm Clarence Park. I'm Alexa's boyfriend" the man beside Alexa

"I'm Blaze Kim and I'm Yna's boyfriend and Alexa's older brother" the man holding Yna's hands said.

"I'm Drake Monteverde. Vanessa's boyfriend" the man who keeps on looking at me weirdly and walks over to Vanessa and put his hands on Vanessa's waist possessively that made her blushed.

Why do we have the same last name? Is he a distant relative? No. My parent were both an only child maybe it's just a purely coincidence.

"Clyde Villegas" the man with the poker face and if Drake’s stares is already weird he had it worse. He keeps on looking at me with a longing in his face that confuses the hell out of me.

After they introduced themselves all of a sudden my head throbbed with so much pain. Why?

Ugghh! Shit! My head hurts! There are images that are flashing in my brain but they are vague.

"Hey, Miss, are you okay?" the man whose named Blaze asked

But I was not able to answer him because of my severe headache then suddenly lose my consciousness.



Hello! I'm Vanessa Gyo, 15 years old and I'm Drake Monteverde’s one and only girlfriend.

So for those who are fantasizing my Drake so you better back off or else I will hunt and kill you one by one. So back to present. The woman I bumped into who looked like Princess fainted. Fortunately, Clyde caught her. And we immediately took her to the clinic. I wonder why she fainted right after we introduced ourselves.

I watched her closely. She really looks like Princess but at the same time not. Because if you’ll base her whole face she has the same face with Princess Princess but if you’ll base on their eyes they look different because Princess's eyes are strange and very beautiful but this woman who looks like Princess has just simple blue eyes. But don't even underestimate if her eyes are just blue because when you stare into her eyes you will feel like you are being hypnotized. When you look at her eyes it seems that you’re looking into a deep and beautiful ocean.

"She's okay, she just fainted. You have nothing to worry about, Your Majesty" the nurse said and bowed.

If you don't know, Yna, Alexa, Me, Clarence, Blaze, Clyde, Drake and I are princes and princesses.

This is because there are 6 kingdoms. First is the Fire kingdom where the prince and princess are Blaze and Alexa. Second is the Earth Kingdom of which Clarence is the prince. Third is the wind kingdom where the princess is me. Fourth is the Water kingdom where Yna is the princess. Fifth is the Ice kingdom of which Clyde is the prince. Sixth is that the Royal Kingdom is the ruler or highest and most powerful of all kingdoms and it’s prince is Drake and Princess is the princess. Maybe it’s already obvious what power we had right? But the princess is in the mortal world because the king and queen want the princess to be safe because the princess’s life is in danger. There are many people who wanted to kill her. All of the girls in our group are wizards except Alexa because she is a vampire.

After a while, the woman I bumped into woke up

"Ugh." she muttered and she slowly stared at us with confusion.

"Uhm? Where am I?" she asked

"You're here at the clinic." Clarence replied

"Why? What happened?" she asked

"You fainted earlier after we finished introducing ourselves to you." Drake said and later she seemed to remember what really happened.

"Oh I already remembered. I'm sorry if I bothered you. I'm really sorry." she apologized

"It's okay. But it's not for free." Alexa said I already know what this woman is up to.

"Of course there is nothing free in this world you know" Drake riding along with Alexa’s trip

And the woman's eyes widened.

"H-huh? B-but I-I don't have any money right now. I left my money at our house. I only brought a little but promised when I get home I will pay you right away! Waahhh please don't kill me! Promise I will pay you when I get home at our house!" she frantically said at the same time raising her left hand and when we looked at her appearance we almost burst out laughing.

"Pfft!" we tried hold back a laugh and later on when we couldn’t able to control our laugh anymore "Pfft wahahhahahahaha" we already burst out laughing as we held our stomachs.

If you can see how she looks, you will definitely laugh too. Even Clyde, who is the coldest among us, couldn't help but laugh. We are laughing so hard that the tears are streaming down our face and we all rolled around on the floor as we laugh.

Are you curious what she looks like and we are laughing like this?

Well, she looks like a poor child because she is already blushing with extreme fear and then her face is covered and she looks like he will cry. I think she misunderstood us hahaha. Confusion is written in her face.

"What are you laughing at?" she said and nodded

"Kyyaahh! You're so adorable!" me together with the other girls squealed with Sophia's cuteness and approached her then we squeezed her cheek.

"Iiitsshh hurttssshh!!" (It hurts!) She said I like her wait, let me rephrase it. I don’t like her anymore. I already love her! I swear! And we let go of her cheek

"What we want you to do is be our friend." Alexa said that makes her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You’re kidding right?" she asked

"Nope" we said seriously

After a while, she smiled at us a real one

"Sure!" she said with joy

"We've been talking for a while but we don't even know your name. What's your name?" Yna asked

"I'm Sophia. Sophia Sandoval." she replied

"Where are you from?" blaze asked

"Mortal World." she answered

"What are you?" Alexa asked curiously

"A wizard. What about you? What are you?" she asked

"Woah! We’re all the same Yna and me are wizards while the others are a vampire" I said

We stopped when we suddenly heard the bell rang that it was already class time.

"Maybe we should just continue the interrogation later because we will gonna be already late in our class. By the way what is your section Sophia?" Rence asked

Rence is our nickname for clarence.

"Room 154." she said

"Woah! That's great! We're classmates" Yna said cheerfully

"Let's go. We will be late in our class” Drake said and we went to our classroom.

We found out that Sophia was the one who was rumored to be the transferee whose beauty can be compared to a goddess. Well, I don't mind because it's true. I can’t argue with that. Sophia is the most beautiful here at the academy. She instantly became a heartthrob in the academy within just a day. Soon our professor arrived.

"You're Miss Sandoval right?" Our prof asked her and Sophia nodded

"Introduce yourself first." the prof said

Sophia went in front and started introducing herself

"Hello! I'm Sophia Sandoval. 15 years old. I'm also a wizard."

The men's eyes instantly became a heart shape when Sophia smiled. Our new friend is really a goddess. She sit down next to Clyde. Then our prof started discussing.

Later on, the bell rang. It means it’s already break time. Soon we were out everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us and bowed.

"All of you are royalties, right?" Sophia suddenly asked

"Yes." alexa said

"How did you know?" Yna asked

"The way they act when all of you are there, the way they look to all of you, the way they talk to all of you. I'm not stupid to not notice all of that." she said

Now I know that she's not just beautiful, she's also an intelligent and a keen observant woman. And with that moment I already made a decision. I want to know her more and I want her to be my best friend.