The time passes quickly it's already a few months since we have been friends. It's only been a few months since my birthday and I'll be sixteen! I can't wait until my birthday comes! Vanessa will go to my dorm later because they will sleep there. I'm so excited! I become nervous all of a sudden. But why? I feel bad something will happen later. I just don't know what exactly it is.

It's already 5:15 pm and this afternoon they will arrive at 6:00 pm. So I took a bath first, I removed my contact lens of course. While I was getting dressed when suddenly someone rang the doorbell.

Oh, shit! Maybe it's them! Why they're so early? I immediately hurried to get dressed and hurried to the door.

Wait I seem to have forgotten something very important? Geez! Never mind! I just shrugged it.

I immediately opened the door and when they saw me their eyes widened when they saw me.

Why? Do I have dirt or something on my face?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked confused

"Princess?!" they shouted in shock

Huh? I immediately pulled them into my dorm and locked the door.

"Huh? What are you saying? I'm Sophia Sandoval?" I asked completely confused about what's happening.

Their eyes widened even more.

"But why do your eyes look different?" Yna replied

"Huh? What are you saying that my eyes look like?" I asked

And Vanessa took her mirror from her bag and presented it to me.

When I saw what my eyes look my eyes widened in shock.


Sh*t! They might find out who I am if I can't make a good excuse on why my eyes look like this!

"U-Uhm... A-ah... I'll just go to my room I forgot something. Wait here I'll be back," I stuttered and was about to go to my room when suddenly someone held my hand.

I look to see who stopped me and I saw Drake. He has this grim expression on his face that made me agitated.

"Explain now Sophie," he said with a menacing voice and when I looked at others their expression was also cold.

I sighed violently I can't do anything I need to tell the truth and they are my friends eh and they will find out mom and dad I'm so dead!

"Okay fine," I said defeatedly and we sat on the sofa. I look at them and sighed. Looks like I don't have any choice but to tell them.

"My parents told me that no one should know my true identity while I'm in the academy because my life is in danger so I don't have any choice but to agree," I explained

"So you're parents are still alive? You lied to us?" Alexa asked and disappointment and betrayal are evident in her voice.

"Look, it's not what you think okay? I didn't lie to you just because I don't trust you. I just don't want you to get entangled in my mess. I don't your life to be in danger just because of me." I explained

"Can you now tell us about your childhood?" Yna asked

"No. I can't." I said

"Why? Don't you trust us?" Vanessa asked

"No. Not like that." I said

"Then what?" Clyde asked

"I can't because I have no one," I confessed

"What? We can't understand you! Look, Sophie! Just go straight to the point!" Drake said annoyed

"I have a sick. I can't remember my childhood memories when I'm 8 years old. We went to different hospitals and professional doctors but all of them didn't know what sick I have. They didn't find any damage in my brain that will cause me to have amnesia." I said

Their eyes widened at what I said.

"Your name. Is it your real name?" Blaze asked that making me bit my lower lip.

" So even your name is a lie," Clyde said disappointed

"What is your real name then?" drake asked sitting next to me

I was hesitant to tell them at first but Clyde suddenly held my hand tight.

"You can trust us," Clyde said

"I'm Princess Sophia Monteverde," I answered


"I'm Princess Sophie Monteverde," Sophie said which made us shocked.

Sh*t! The woman I love the most that I've been waiting for a long time until now is the woman I keep on trying not to fall in love with because I already love someone else but failed in the end?!

"Aren't you wondering? We have the same last name as Drake," she said

We are not surprised!

Of course, it's only natural because you're siblings! I want to tell her that now but I can't.

'We need proof that she is Princess. We should not be in a hurry we should not make mistakes now 'drake said in our minds

Only royalties can communicate with others using only the brain.

That's right we should not make mistakes now. Because we have made mistakes many times because the ones we have mistaken for Princess are opponents who just pretend to be Princess.

"Uhm... do you have any birthmark that your parents forbade to show to others?" Blaze asked

"Uhm... yes," she said and hesitated to say more

"If you don't mind can we see it?" I asked

And she seemed surprised by what I said

"Trust us. We will never hurt you." I assured her

She lifted the long sleeve she was wearing.

The bracelet she was wearing was the bracelet that proved our friendship.

We also have a bracelet that looks the same as Sophie's bracelet. Princess gave it to us when we were just kids, the design and color were different and the princess made it exclusively just for us.

"Here it is," she said

And she lifted the sleeve of her dress even more until it reached her arm and showed something that proved to us that she was Princess.

And Vanessa suddenly cried. First, her eyes are like Princess's, secondly the bracelet she is wearing they are the same as the princess's bracelet, and finally her birthmark is also Princess.

Suddenly the three women hugged Sophie while crying.

"Hey what's happening? Why are you crying?" Sophie asked frantically

I just stared at her. She is innocent and I don't like that innocent look will fade away. So I will do everything just to protect her to protect my princess.

"Nothing. Don't mind us. We're just glad that finally, you tell us who you are." Alexa said and Princess seemed to be bitten her excuse.

After they hugged Sophie we men hugged her.

"Hey! Don't tell me the reason you're hugging me is the same reason on what Alexa has said?" she said and we nodded.

"And we miss you too," we said but whispering was enough for her not to hear

"What are you saying?" she asked and we just shrug

"Nothing," we said and let go of the hug.



As I sat on the sofa I just stared at Clyde.

"You love him don't you?"


"What the heck?! Vanessa!! Don't startle me like that ever again!" I said and I couldn't help when my voice slightly raised at her out of shock that made her chuckle.

"Sorry," she apologized

"It's okay," I said

"So back to the question Do you love Clyde?" Vanessa asked again

"What?! Of course not!" I immediately denied

That's very unlikely to happen! Me? Will fall in love with that punk? No way! If it's only him never mind! I'd rather be an old maid than fall in love with that jerk!

"Don't deny it. I can see it in your eyes. On how you looked at him as if he is the most handsome guy you ever meet." she said

"Tsk. You're just hallucinating Vanessa!" I said

"Okay fine! But just don't blame me if someday you'll regret what you didn't even realize earlier. Always remember Sophie regretting is always on the end." Vanessa said

I stared at Clyde and suddenly my heart beat faster for no apparent reason.

Why? Why my heart is beating so fast when I look at him? Why do I always feel nervous when he's near to me or when he's around? Why do I feel electricity when his skin touches my skin?

Is it because I am already in love with him?

Suddenly Clyde looked in my direction maybe he noticed that I was staring at him so we stared at each other. Maybe. Maybe Vanessa's right. Maybe I already fell in love with Clyde.

Suddenly we averted our eyes. Kyaa! Clyde and I stared at each other!

"I think your right wait scratch that I'm surely fallen in love with Clyde. And thanks to you I realize it." I said and smiled

"You're always welcome. And what friends are for right?" she said and hugged me and I also hugged her back.

I'm thankful that I have friends like them.

"Sophie we have something important to tell you," said drake

I don't know but I have the feeling that he was going to tell me is bad news.

"What is it?" I asked

"The persons who you called mom and dad was not your true parents," said Blaze

"Blaze? What are you talking about?" I nervously asked

"You're just an adopted Sophie," Clyde said

And with that, I fake a laugh. What the hell are they talking about? This is bullshit!

"Your kidding right?" I asked with disbelief

"No," said Yna

"B-but how did you know? You don't even know my parents!!" I furiously shouted

"You're wrong Sophie," Vanessa said that made me confuse even more.

"What are you talking about?! Look, just go straight to the point! Stop beating around the bush!" I shouted completely frustrated

"We know your parents. Their name was Sarah and Paul Mendez right?" said Alexa

And suddenly my head hurt.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" I shout in pain. But my heart hurts more than my head because all along I live in lies. It is all just damn lies! I felt betrayed. I felt scared.

"Hey, Sophie! What's happening to you?!" Drake asked frantically

And they were about to approach but I stopped them.

"Aahhh! Don't come near me! Stay away from me! Ahh!" I shouted as I held my head.

But they are still approaching me.

"I said don't come near me!" I shouted and raised my head and they looked scared.

Then I quickly ran away. I don't know how I went to our house easily. But I don't care anymore. I just wanted to ask them if Drake is saying the truth.

I went inside the house and went to my mom and dad's room.

I was just going to knock when I heard them fighting. I was shocked because it's the first time I heard them fighting.

I decided to listen quietly

"Sarah! I know what are you feeling right now!! But we need to accept the truth!" Dad said

"That what?! That she's just an adopted?! But I don't want her to leave us!! I loved Sophia like my real child! She's my child! I raised her! She grew up with us!" Mom raised her voice

I gasp at what mom said. So all this time I was living in their lies? So who are my real parents? Where are they? Why they're not the ones who raised me? Don't they like me? Is that their reason why they abandoned me?

I am in too much pain because of what happened today. This is too much! Is that why I was nervous earlier because I will know that I was just adopted?

I don't know why but instead of confronting them I ran away quickly and I didn't realize that I was in the academy again. I sat on the beach. I hugged my knee and burst into tears and it suddenly rained.

Great. Just great.

I was soaking wet in the rain but I ignored it and just cried and cried my hearts out. I was surprised because I'm no longer getting wet but it was still raining. When I looked up, I saw someone holding an umbrella over me.

I look at the one who's holding the umbrella.

"What are you doing here Clyde?" I asked

You read it right, Clyde is the one who's holding the umbrella.

"I'm the one who should be asking that to you," he said

"You know what if you will just tease me, just leave. I don't have any strength to argue with you. Don't add to my problem," I said while crying and I hugged my knee and cried.

Suddenly I felt someone hug me and I even heard the umbrella fall.

I realized that Clyde was the one who hugged me. I cried, even more, when he hugged me.

"All right, just take it out. Cry as much as you want" he said

After a few minutes, I stopped crying. He stood up and helped me stand up.

And suddenly I had a silly thought.

I put my left hand on the back and made a ball made of mud. I don't know how I'll do that I just thought of a ball made of mud then viola! I already made one.

Clyde is bent over now so I called him.

"Hey, Clyde!" I shouted, he lifted his face and when he raised his face, I threw the mudball at him and it hit exactly right at his face.


I burst out laughing. Oh, God! His expression is priceless!

"Princess Sophia Monteverde. You'll pay for this and I'll make sure you'll regret it" he said with a menacing voice. And instead of being scared at what he just said I just laughed at him and stick my tongue out like a child.

"As if you can catch me!" I said and turned my back on him to run.

But when I turned back he was already there that made me shocked.

"H-how?" I stuttered

"Don't you remember I'm a vampire?" he said teasingly and suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey! Clyde! What are you doing get off of me! Let me go!" I shouted as I struggle but he holds me tighter.

I stared at him and I found out that he was also staring at me. He slowly brought his face closer to mine until we were only an inch apart. He is looking at my lips and he is gulping.

All the last thing I know he is already kissing me passionately and for some reason, I started to respond to his kisses.

Damn! He's such a good kisser. I drowning in his kisses. It was my first kiss.

And after a few minutes, our lips were parted because we need to catch up with some air.

When I looked at him, he was staring at me so we both looked away, trying so hard to avert each other's gaze.

Damn! This is so embarrassing!

"I-I'm s-sorry" he stammered as he apologized

"It's okay," I said and I tried my best not to stammered

Then all of a sudden I was dizzy.

And after a while, my vision suddenly went dark.


Sophie suddenly fainted and fortunately, I was fast and I caught her immediately.

I immediately took her to the hospital. I am here now sitting outside the emergency room.

"Get out of there. I know you were following us earlier." I said

And Vanessa and the others came out of their hiding place.

If you'll ask me if they saw our kiss earlier. My answer is yes. They saw everything including my hug with Sophie.

And I'm sure Drake will break all the bones I have by hugging and kissing Sophie.

"It's good that you know what will happen to you later because of what you did," Drake said angrily, he read my mind again.

Drake is very protective and tends to overreact when it comes to Sophie. I think he has a sister complex.

"And who is overreacting?! Ha?! Clyde?!" he shouted at me

I was shocked by Drake's shout.

"I-I just got carried away earlier that's why I was able to kiss her." I stammered

"I'm sorry, my hand is also being itched to punch you right here right now. Did you know I wanted to punch you earlier ever since you hugged my sister? I just can't do it because they are stopping me from doing it!" he shouted

"I'm so sorry, Drake," I sincerely said and he suddenly became in a good mood.

"It's OK!! Be thankful that we've already been friends for a long time. Just don't do it again or else I'll bury you alive 6ft in the ground and I'll surely dance to your entrails," he said and smiled

"That was smooth as fuck, Clyde! So you're now stealing kisses?" Blaze said teasingly

"You are such a pervert when it comes to Princess," Yna added

"I remember before you always held princess's hand when drake was not there" Clarence added

F*ck! I'm so doomed! They even chattered right here. This f*cktards! What a traitor!

"WHAT?!" drake asked angrily and I swallowed

This is all I can say-

I'm so doomed!

His good mood has become beast mode! Waah! It's like he's going to kill me right here right now! He is filled with a very dark and ominous aura.

"CLYDE VILLEGAS!" Drake shouted as he called my name

"A-ah e-eh D-drake l-let me explain-" I wasn't able to continue what I was about to say because I could no longer think of an excuse!

Even though I'm scared of Drake now, I can't help but be happy.

Because we all went back to our old habits that were nasty unlike before that was always serious and poker face and that was because of Princess to Sophie.

"Hey!! Enough!! All we have to do is let the king and queen know we've found the princess!!" Vanessa said while smiling

Oh right! Tsk. I forgot about that because I was too happy that Princess is already with us.

"Right. We need to inform the king and queen" Blaze agrees

"But what about Sophie? No one will watch over her. Maybe when we come back he already gets Sophie." said Clarence

Sometimes I admire Clarence's intelligence.

"I'll just be her guard!" I present and drake gives me a death glare.

"No!! What if you do something nasty to my sister! Maybe later when I arrive my sister will no longer be a virgin because you raped her or maybe you are harassing her while sleeping!" said drake and I saw the others holding back their laughter

"Don't you trust me, Drake?" I asked in disbelief and acted as if I'm in my pain as I put my hand in my chest.

"I do," he said

"Then why don't you just-"

"Yes. But I don't trust you when it comes to my sister!" he said cutting me off

And my friends kept laughing.

Eventually, they stopped laughing

"It's good that you also stopped laughing I thought you had no intention of stopping laughing!" I said

"Hahaha sorry," they said and made a peace sign

"So who will take care of my sister?" drake asked

I was about to present myself.

"And don't you dare to present Villegas because I will not allow it!" drake said with a death glare

"I'll be the one that will watch over her for everyone's peace of mind," Vanessa said and everyone agreed.