We are here in their drake palace. When we saw the beloved king and queen we immediately bowed our heads with respect.

Even if you are a prince/princess and king/queen of another kingdom you must pay respect to the king/queen prince/princess of the royal kingdom.

If you are the royalties of one kingdom you still have to bow before the royalties of the royal kingdom because they are higher than you.

"My beloved father and mother we want to inform you that we have found the long lost princess," Drake reported

And suddenly the beloved queen embraced the beloved king and wept.

"Thank god you have found her!" the queen said while crying with so much happiness.

"Can we let Sophie know the truth?" Yna asked

"No!! That's what you should never do!!" the beloved queen cry

"But why?" clarence asked

"Because if you do that Princess will die," the beloved king that shocked us.


"B-but h-how?" Vanessa asked stunned

"She doesn't remember anything right? When she finds out everything when it's still not yet the right time her brain may not be able to handle it that might cause her death." the beloved queen explained.

"When is the right time you are saying, your highness?" I asked

"On her sixteenth birthday," said the beloved king

"What will happen to her when your time comes?" Drake asked

"Her head will hurt because she will remember everything. She can wake up and live after that but she can also die because of that. There's a possibility that she may not wake up for the rest of her life." the queen said

What the hell?!

So there is no guarantee that Sophie will live?!

"So you better watch over her carefully because something might happen to her," the king said

"All right. We understand. Goodbye, your highnesses." Alexa said

"We need to let other Ausgberg citizens know about Sophie," Drake said

We immediately went to a stage where announcing something important about royal blood.

"Citizens of ausgberg! (Note: It's pronounced as Os-berg) Listen!! We have an important announcement to make!" Drake shouted and the people here looked at us.

"We already saw the long lost princess!! And from now on you are not allowed to talk about the princess. Once the princess finds out her true identity we will kill you and your whole family do you understand?!" blaze shouted and everyone whispered

"Yes your highness!" they said at once

'They already saw the missing princess?'

'The missing princess has finally been found!'

'I hope the princess is beautiful!!'

People whispered.

"And her name now is Sophia Sandoval!!" I shouted and Sophie's picture appeared on the screen

And all the men's eyes seemed to be heart-shaped.

'The princess is so beautiful!'

'I hope she becomes my girlfriend!!'

'She looks like a goddess'

'I want her to be the mother of my future children!!'

And I clenched my fists. Do they want to be ice in no time?

And suddenly someone came up to me when I saw Blaze

"You know what if you confessed your true feelings for Sophie, you would have the right to punch the men who would dare to set their eyes on her. Tsk. Tsk" Clarence teased

"Hahahaha Clarence is right!!" blaze added

"Hahahaha It's because he is a total klutz." Drake mocked me

"Tsk. Are you ganging up on me?" I asked

"We are not ganging up on you. What we are saying is that you should confess to Sophie, go ahead, you might be ahead of other men. It will be your loss if you won't make move quickly." Blaze taunted

"All right he might be ahead of you," said Clarence

And I clenched my hand and gritted my teeth at what he said. I will not let him get Sophie! Never!



I slowly opened my eyes.

"Thank god! You're finally awake!!" glad Yna said I don't have to ask where I am because I know if I'm always in the clinic!

Then I still remember what happened yesterday

"You're burning with a fever so we took you to the clinic," Alexa said

"Are you nuts?! What went into your mind and you let yourself get rained on?!" drake said and I was surprised there

"Why are you worried so much as if you're my brother?!" I told him and he suddenly turned pale

"Of course I'll be worried about you, you're my friend!! Also, I'm your brother." Drake murmured the last sentence that's why I didn't hear the last thing he said, all I heard was of course you're my friend! That's all I heard!!

"What was the last thing you said?" I asked

"Nothing," he said

"Okay," I said and just shrugged it off

Then we went home to our respective dorms because it was already night. The next day when I came out of the dorm everyone who would see me keep on bowing their heads that shocked me. What the heck is going on here?!


I just didn't understand that and went to the ground. When I got there, everyone stopped what they were doing and gave way and at the same time bowed.

Okay? This is getting weirder and weirder. Seriously, what's going on here? What's the matter with all the people here? Is there something that happened that I didn't know yesterday while I was asleep?

This is so freaking weird! Why do they bow when they see me even the professors are bowing their heads on me even Master Harvard!! Seriously, what happened yesterday? This is giving creeping the hell out of me.

I know I'm a friend of royals but they don't have to bow! Duh!

"To all students proceed to gymnasium now!"

So I went to the gymnasium. When I entered there was no one there and it was dark.

Then there was a spotlight on me and I saw there were roses on the side.

So I just followed the roses. My heartbeat went wild I also felt nervous for no apparent reason.

Then someone sang Statue by Lil Eddie.

When a day is said and done,

In the middle of the night, and you're fast asleep, my love.

Stay awake looking at your beauty,

Telling myself I'm the luckiest man alive.

'Cause so many times I was certain

You was gonna walk out of my life, life.

Why you take such a hold of me, girl,

When I'm still trying to get my act right?

What is the reason when you really could've any man you want?

I don't see what I have to offer.

I should've been a season.

Guess you could see I had potential.

Do you know you're my miracle?

I'm like a statue

Stuck staring right at you.

Got me frozen in my tracks.

So amazed how you take me back

Each and every time our love collapsed.


Stuck staring right at you.

So when I'm lost for words

Every time I disappoint you,

It's just 'cause I can't believe

That you're so beautiful.

(Stuck like a statue)

Don't wanna lose you. No.

(Stuck like a statue)

Ask myself why are you even with me

After all the shit I put you through?

Why did you make it hard so with me?

It's like you're living in an igloo.

But baby your love is so warm it makes my shield melt down, down.

And every time we're both at war you make me come around.

What is the reason when you really could've any man you want?

I don't see what I have to offer.

I should've been a season.

Guess you could see I had potential.

Do you know you're my miracle?

I'm like a statue

Stuck staring right at you.

Got me frozen in my tracks.

So amazed how you take me back

Each and every time our love collapsed.


Stuck staring right at you.

So when I'm lost for words

Every time I disappoint you,

It's just 'cause I can't believe

That you're so beautiful.

(Stuck like a statue)

Don't wanna lose you. No.

(Stuck like a statue)

And you're so beautiful.

(Stuck like a statue)

Don't wanna lose you. Never.

(Stuck like a statue)

Oh, no.

Every single day of my life I thank my lucky stars.

God really had to spend extra time when he sculpted your heart.

'Cause there's no explanation.

Can't solve the equation.

It's like you love me more than I love myself.

I'm like a statue

Stuck staring right at you.

Got me frozen in my tracks.

So amazed how you take me back

Each and every time our love collapsed.


Stuck staring right at you.

So when I'm lost for words


Every time I disappoint you,

Baby, it's 'cause I can't believe,

'Cause you're my statue

That you're so beautiful.

(Girl, you are the reason)

Stuck like a statue.

(The reason for living)

Don't wanna lose you, no.

(The reason for breathing)

Stuck like a statue.

(You're so beautiful)

And you're so beautiful.

(And I want you to feel it)

Stuck like a statue.

('Cause so bad I mean it)

Don't wanna lose you. No.

(You're the reason for breathing)

Stuck like a statue.

(You're so beautiful)

When a day is said and done,

In the middle of the night, and you're fast asleep, my love...

I'm the luckiest man alive.

After the song, a light suddenly appeared on the man who sang. When I saw the man singing, my eyes widened.

Sh*t!! Clyde is the man who sang waah!! That's why I was thrilled earlier while the man was singing! That's him! Kyyaaahh!

I'm not blushing!! Promise! Cross my heart hope to die. * note that sarcasm *

And he approached me and held my hands. Kyaahhh! I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and feel giddy.

"Ahm... Sophie. Do you know I love you? I love you not because you are beautiful. Not because you are kind. Not because you are strong. I love you because you are you. I love you more than my existence. I will do everything just to protect you. I love you and I hope you do not doubt that. I can sacrifice my life just for your safety. You are my only beloved that I am willing to sacrifice my life. " he confessed that surprised me.

Is it true that I heard he loves me?! or I'm just hearing things? Kyaaahhhh! I can feel myself burning with redness! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!

"C-Clyde" I stammered

"It's okay even if you don't reciprocate my love for you. All I want is for you to let me love you," he said in a sad voice and bowed

"Ah, go ahead if you don't want to it's okay just forget it starting today I won't bother you anymore," he said and he was about to leave when I suddenly grabbed him by the wrist and kissed him.

I kiss him passionately and he immediately responds to my kisses later we parted but our foreheads are still touching.

"You know what Clyde? You're the most stupid arrogant guy I've ever met." I said

"I love you too Clyde Villegas. I will do everything just to make you happy even if it means that if it's my happiness that is at stake. Even if you always annoyed me, even if we always argue, even though you are arrogant you're the only man I love, and will always love. Just you. Because you are the only man for me." I said

"So we're already official now?" he asked

"What are you crazy? You're too lucky if we're already official! Do look an easy girl for you? Court me first!" I told him

"Okay if that's what you want. But come to think of it what if someone will snatch me from you and someone will snatch you from me? Don't worry I will still court you every day even if we are already official. So please let's make it official hmm?" he pleaded and when I thought about it then I thought of the man who's always appeared in my dream.

"All right, Let's make it official!" I said

"Yes!!" he shouted at the same time punching the air and he picked me up and turned me around

"Hey!! Clyde!! Bring me down!!" I shouted at him

And he took me down.

"Sorry!! I'm just really happy. You don't know how happy I am that you're now my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend. You're mine." he said

And he smiled wide and I suddenly kissed him just smack okay?

"Just smack? One more! I want a long." he complained

And I slapped him on the arm.

"Hey!! You!! That's already enough!" I told him

"Please? Just one more?" he pleaded and pucker his lips and I would have kissed him when suddenly someone cough.


When I looked at the one faked a cough, my eyes widened

Sh*t!! All the students are here! And the one who faked a cough was Drake.

"Maybe you want to stop your PDA?" he asked

"Tsk! What a nuisance!" Clyde whispered with dismay and Drake immediately looked at him.

"Are you saying something Villegas?!" Drake asked

"Ah eh no! Nothing! I said I will stop!!" Clyde said that was obviously scared of Drake.

"So let's celebrate for the new couple!!" Yna shouted