Ashleigh opened her eyes. ‘Kelley?’

Kelley smiled.

‘Where am I?’

‘You’re in hospital.’ A deep voice answered.

Ashleigh looked over to the end of the bed, her eyes still a little blurry, a male in a white suit stood there. ‘I’m doctor Maintere, sorry Miss Summers I have some bad news for you.’


‘You lost your baby.’


‘You had a very high stress level causing you to bleed heavily and stop the blood circling around your placenta. I’m sorry.’

The doctor turned walking away.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Me too.’

Phoenix and Kieran walked over to Kelley and Ashleigh. Phoenixrapped his arms round Ashleigh. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

‘I wasn’t sure. I’m sorry.’

‘I’ll be back in five.’ Kelley said, felling a slight awkwardness in the air between Ashleigh and Phoenix


Kelley walked off the ward.

‘It’s going to be okay sis.’

’He’s right I’ll look after you.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘It’s okay Ash.’ He said taking his arms from round her. ‘I’ll get us all a drink.’

He kissed her softly on the lips before he walked away.

‘I’m sorry Ash I had no idea.’

‘It’s okay.’

Kelley walked out of the bathroom.


She looked at Phoenix. ‘What do you want?’

‘I’m going to get us all a drink want one?’

‘As long as you don’t poison it!’

‘Come on Ke I wouldn’t do that.’

‘Wouldn’t you!’

‘Come with me then.’


They walked down the corridor.

‘Why didn’t you tell me about Ash?’

‘She wasn’t sure.’

‘Why didn’t you get me?’

‘No one could find you.’

He turned looking at her, pushing her up against the wall. ‘Anything like this again you find me got that!’


‘Got it!’


He smiled, placing his lips on hers kissing her.

He moved away. ‘Come on let’s get those drinks.’

He smiled and they walked away.

They walked back onto the ward passing the drinks around.

The doctor walked over to them. ‘Well good news you’re free to go.’


The doctor walked away.

‘Can you wait by the car Ke?’


Kieran took Kelley’s hand and they walked off the ward.

Phoenix looked at Ashleigh. ‘Don’t worry Ash once this is all over we can try again.’

She looked at him, his eyes showed no remorse, not a care for anything, or any one, not even her. He smiled taking her hand walking out of the ward and the hospital to the car.

They all got into the car closing the doors. Phoenix slipped it into gear and drove away.

‘Where are we going?’

‘Didn’t Ke tell you?’


‘We’re going to the hut.’


‘Chill Kelley it’s just for your protection.’

‘No you’re not roping her into it too.’

‘In to what?’

‘This vendetta.’

‘What vendetta?’

‘Heard of the Scorpions?’

‘Yeah who hasn’t?’

‘Well we’re bringing them down.’

‘You crazy?’

‘No fucking mental!’

‘So this is why you wanted Ash? Just so you could get closer to them.’

‘You catch on quick.’

‘So you don’t really love her?’

‘Yes I do. Can you quit with the questions.’

Phoenix pulled up they all got out the car closing the doors, Phoenix locked them taking Ashleigh’s hand, they all walked away from the car going into the hut closing the door.

‘Guys we have guests try to be polite round Kelley. Kieran is one of us so who gives a shit right!’

They smiled.

Kelley looked at Ashleigh what had Ashleigh gotten herself into. Whatever it was she couldn’t get out of it even if she tried.

‘Hope you enjoyed your rest busy day.’

‘Why what are we doing?’

‘Remember our little chat last night?’


‘Well I needn’t remind you then had I?’

‘You’re not using Ash as bate?’

He smiled.

‘You’re kidding right?’

‘Does this face look like it’s kidding?’ he said placing his arm round Ashleigh.

‘Guess not.’

‘Maybe you can join us once you’ve settled in, but for now you’ve got to stay safe.’

Kelley looked at Ashleigh. ‘Ash?’

Ashleigh looked at Kelley solemnly as if to say. ‘Sorry.’

‘You’ve bullied her into this haven’t you?’

‘It was her choice.’

‘Yeah what-ever!’

‘Look Kelley we’re all in this together whether you like it or not so deal with it!’ Phoenix looked at his friends. ‘Come on guys.’ He looked at Kieran. ‘See you when we get back.’


They all left the hut. Phoenix closed the door behind them.

Kelley looked at Kieran pissed. ‘How could you? How could you let Ash get involved

with this? I promised Ice she’d be okay.’

‘She is.’

‘Bull shit Ke and you know it. She’s scared even I can see that. She can’t say no or he’ll flip.’

‘Don’t talk wet.’

‘I trusted you Ke. She’s your sister she’ll end up hating you for this and so shall I.’

‘No she won’t.’ He said pulling her towards him. ‘Kiss me.’

‘Don’t push it Ke you’ve put us all at risk. I just hope he gets to them before they find us.’

‘He will.’

He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her. He pulled away taking her hand pulling them both to their feet leading her out of the room into the bedroom.

They undressed slipping under the covers making love.

‘You know what to do babe.’ He said kissing her. ‘Make me proud.’ He said tapping her ass.

Ashleigh strode carefully into the scorpions territory.

The gang surrounded her.

‘Well wellwell, what do we have here?’ a male said walking towards her. ‘Look what we have here lads, a bit risky don’t you think?’

Ashleigh turned her heart beating faster. ‘I’m looking for the one they call bull dog.’

‘Well you found him darling? He placed his bull dog tattooed hand on her face. ‘To what do I owe the pleasure?’

‘I was told you could help me with a little problem.’

‘What problem?’

‘Us.’ Phoenix said placing a knife to his throat.

‘Well if it aint little Johnson and the dragons.’

‘Your time to die.’

Phoenix glided the knife across his throat.

Another grabbed Ashleigh a knife he held to her throat.

She screamed.

Another knife sliced through his wrist his hand dropped to the floor.Then another through his throat. ‘That will teach you to fuck!’

The blood and the dead bodies lay across the ground.


He grabbed Ashleigh’s hand.

The crew joined Phoenix and Ashleigh who was shaking. They all got into the car. Phoenix revved up and sped away.

They stepped into the hut. Phoenix closed and locked the door behind them.

‘Looks like someone had an early night.’

‘So are we see you in the morning.’


Phoenix and Ashleigh went into the bedroom. He closed the door behind them. ‘Well that was better than the last.’

She looked blank at him.

‘What? What’s up babe?’

‘You.. You promised.’

‘You were safe, no harm came to you.’

‘I don’t believe you! You risked my life again! Just to get your revenge.’

He placed his hands on her face. ‘I love you Ash I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.’ He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily, undressing. They slipped under the covers making love.