

‘Wake up!’ Sandman said, nudging Kaleen.

‘Wha!’ She said, barely opening her eyes.

‘We’re here.’

‘Oh right.’

‘Wake up bro.’

‘Sure.’ Ice replied. ‘Candice, Candice.’ He said nudging her, getting no response. ‘Candice! Wake up!’ he shouted.

‘Wha! Wha!’ she said waking up startled unsure of where she was.

‘Come on we’re here we’ve got to go back to the car to get off the ferry.’

‘Oh-right.’ She replied sitting up.

They got up holding hands, they went down the stairs to where the car was parked, and they got into the car closing the doors.

‘Here put these on if they’ve called the cops they’ll be looking for us, put these on then they won’t know who we are.’ Sandman said.

Kaleen and Candice put a long and short haired wig on, one blond the other red, both of them placed sunglasses in front of their eyes.

Sandman and Ice placed flake mastosh's on under their noses, and short haired wigs, Ice rapped a bandanna round his head tying it tight.