Shortly after we started dating, we got to know each other better and knew almost everything about each other, although rumors about us were not lacking. Some said that we were too early for the few minutes we knew each other and that it was only a harbinger of how badly our relationship would end. But we didn't care what others said, we just needed each other.
Of course, the rumors only grew because she was from another school and I was Enzo's nerdy brother. Also, because of the peculiar way in which we met, many girls said that it was romantic and others denied that it was very vulgar, not only the way but also the way she was, which bothered me a lot, although later it came out why they bothered and it was because I was a direct ticket to Enzo and Elian, When I told Anna everything you could only see the beautiful red color that insinuated the anger that I felt cursing them saying that they were opportunists and many other words that described them perfectly but that I never believed to hear from her after that episode her ears became red with shame I could only laugh because of the tender attitude. That was one of the episodes that confirmed how much I loved her.
The departures followed. Restaurants, parks, ice cream, etc. But the big step that I had to take at my young age was to meet his parents because the agreement was that I would do it first. Anna's family was upper class because her father became rich with the motto of working hard and because relatively speaking Anna's mother's family was wealthy, they had money, but not much like they do today. So I had to dress presentable and on my mother's orders I bought two bouquets of flowers one for Anna and one for her mom, I just felt like a fool and kept looking at myself in the mirror feeling uncomfortable about wearing a suit.
-Son, are you ready yet? - said my mom entering my room.
-I feel like a fool- I said as I threw the tie at the bed
- Well maybe you better not wear the tie- she said lifting it up and then folding it in half - It's just that you're not used to it, but you look great, son, so come on down so you don't get late and make a good impression, don't you want that?
-If I want that- I told her not very convinced I took the bouquets and went down with my mom behind me my dad was waiting for me at the door with his car keys
-You know I'm proud that you're a gentleman, but I don't want a single scratch on it. - he said handing me the keys
I said goodbye to them, got into the car and started my journey while driving, going over what I would say so as not to look like a fool, but the more I rehearsed the more I felt like one
The road was a torture, but something short when I arrived I saw a very big black gate if you tell me that half of the street I crossed to get there was the fence of his house. The doorbell was too fine and even touching it scared me, although I certainly did not know if it was that or the nerves I was already carrying from home I took all the courage I had left and touched the doorbell through the horn there was some interference.
-Please identify yourself- was what sounded like from there
-My name is Julen Sallow, I'm... Annah Callen is waiting for me.-
-Surely, Miss Annah is waiting for you.- said that grave voice as he opened the enormous gate, I thanked him and prepared to move forward.
The road was straight ahead until a certain traffic circle with a huge fountain that had a light pointing to the center where there was a statue of a woman holding some object that I could not identify. The entrance was made of glass with metal details and in front of it there was a man in a tuxedo who signaled me to park there and so I did.
the man stood by my door waiting for me to come out and take both bouquets and the moment I set foot out of the car the man came up to me and extended his hand to me honestly not understanding why I was doing it until I spoke
-Good evening, Mr. Sallow. I'm the valet- I gave him the keys and he pointed out to me that I should enter through the door that I had not realized was already open. I thanked him and then watched him get into my car and drive him somewhere.I took a deep breath and advanced Annah was already at the entrance waiting for me as soon as I saw her I approached her and extended the bouquet that was for her because even though we were already dating it was the first time for both of us in a relationship and we both had red faces. It was a bouquet with little Chinese bellflowers, small blue flowers in the shape of a star, and one or two small reddish-brown flowers that the florist explained to me were called chocolate flowers, because when I went to ask for the bouquets I had no idea what to ask for, and the kind woman of the place told me that those flowers were very rare, but they were very beautiful and if I wanted to impress someone those were the best. She took the bouquet and smiled at me.
-I didn't know what flowers you liked, but I knew you liked chocolate and those flowers are called that, but I would understand if you don't like them- I said nervously scratching the back of my neck and with the other hand in the shape of a fist she put one of her hands on top of mine and smiled kindly
-I love them, they are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen- she said to come closer and give me a kiss on the cheek, but as I said before we were both still a bit embarrassed and ended up with a red face