19.- The Escape

While we were discussing they were listening to us outside without us realizing it and of course, all the information I revealed to anyone would have given a great impact even on her.

I left the room to go to my break followed by Sebastian who was still processing the information I revealed to him and halfway down the hall I saw Alice with her arms crossed of course I knew she was upset after all I could not reveal any of the information.

-Dude, are you okay? - Sebastian asked

-I'm going to talk to my friend and I'll look for you later- I motioned for her to follow me and she did, of course, everyone there noticed her, she was drawing too much attention in a positive way.

-You told everything, but not to the right person- she said as soon as I closed the door, -Is this boy to be trusted? -

-Yes, he is trustworthy, besides I didn't tell him the fantasy fact of the story.

-Oh well that's good and when do you plan to tell her? - said Alice leaning on the desk