Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells. Goblins all the way!

The journey begins!

Since I'm going to the Chronogal, through walking. Let's continue our brief discussion. I will tell you all what's about the Irregular and its Legend.

Irregular are humans who have granted divine potentials from the gods and goddesses of different mythologies. About the mythological weapons that some of us owned. It is because of the fight between the Great Irregular and the Fallen King. The Great Irregular is Zakaria Vij , physically he's not in a good shape (they said). He is very tall with walnut skin, black hair, and brown eyes. He's stone-blind but can foresee or predict what's gonna happen. He defeated thousands of Ogre, Trolls, Goblin, and many creatures during that battle.

His weapon of choice is the Sharur, which means "smasher of thousands" It is the weapon and the symbol of the God of Agriculture, War, and Hunting; Ninurta (primordial Mesopotamian god).

In an unlucky manner, he got defeated by the Fallen King. Oh yeah. Fallen. Fallen is irregular also, but failed to use their strength in a good way. In an uncommon situation, some of the Fallen got their powers from the evil god and goddesses. Grayson Minor, the Fallen King. They said he was quite handsome. Has black coiled hair and vanilla-colored skin, with rare blue eyes and brown eyebrows. The Fallen King can resurrect the dead, his signature move is Soul Lost. Once he touches a living matter, the soul of the victim will be eaten, that's also the reason why he prevailed.

Grayson's weapon is the supremely powerful weapon; the Krono's scythe. Its blades contain half celestial bronze and a half of steel.

Their battle lasted for seven days. Humans, Angels, and Fairies are on the side of Zakaria, while Demons, Giants, Ogres, Goblins, and other creatures are on Grayson. Today humans are kind of excluded or forbidden. Humans got greedy, self-centered, and cannot be content.

That makes things clearer! After that thwacked on my butt, Mom will still continue to spank me. It's because I left her lunch box and umbrella at the school. Do you know what's worse? It's the day before the vacation.

The Fallen King revived those Warlords, Kings, Warrior, and Cavalier to put it into his arsenal. That makes sense, of why some ancient or mythical weapons appeared at this time.

Last night, I discovered a new spell. It was the "Blink of Slight" I can get myself out from where I stand. It took five seconds after one blink. It's not the typical - shine with a gleam that goes off and on. I used the spell to arrive there earlier.

In just a few more steps, I will get through the Neia.

There's a beautiful rock formation here in the mountain, besides it is a waterfall. The weather is quite good. The prospect of them was picturesque. While stepping in here, let's shoot photos. The view is certified instagramable. I hope they'll like it. I do not hook up for the compliments.

As I laid my eyes on, I saw a small town there. I quickly strode off to ask the villager. I lickety-split moved to a villager to inquire.

He told me that Chronogal is beyond here.

"How can I go there?" I asked him.

"You just pass this village, but before the jerkwater town, there's a vast expanse of the forest you should cut across." He said.

From the looks of the guy, you can barely sense or feel the fear. He seems to hide something from me. I just nodded at him as thanks.

"Be careful. There are rumors that everyone who passes through the forest will likely lose their stuff, especially their cash." He uttered.

That facial gestures of his are somehow doubtful. I was kinda frightened. Making my move unsteadily or unsure. Again, Sky Wolfhart undergoes deep thinking. But that wouldn't make me stop from the place we're going to. I want to make myself better, to improve. I proceeded to the destination, where Gail and I will have the training. You know what? Gail is an adventuresome being! She's inclined to take risks.

From here, I can see that the forest's getting nearer. The winds are whispering, and the air becomes cold. Woah, Woah, Woah. What's inside of that forest? I tip tapped my feet on the cobblestone pavements to ease my fear. It's very wide, the trees were too close to reach the sky. The branches of it made the path dark.

As I amble through the dark forest. Crunching sounds started to take my attention, making me aware. I thought birds like singing, why these crows are crying triumphantly. Seems like celebrating their success because Sky Wolfhart entered the forest. Hooray!

Hey, I didn't make a joke. Why are they chuckling here?! I narrowly sensed that they were lurking behind those shadows, waiting for the golden opportunity. I turned my head side to side, repeatedly. Trying to catch a look for that creepy thing.

A shaky sound came out. I quickly looked at it and then I saw small guys, who had long noses, jump from the branch of the tree to the other one. I felt a rough hand, someone touch or hold my bag. I hastily checked it out. Oh no! My mini-pizza was gone. That made me mad, so I shouted. The sound I made just made another sound, it echoed, covering the entire forest. The green little guys appeared, they were all laughing, pointing their fingers at me.

I was in a panic when I realized that they are goblins, so I ran off.

Goblins are unpleasant to look at or grotesque sprites, they are usually prankish and sometimes evil and nasty. I hide under the large bush. For another time, my rainbow color shone. I am praying right here, instead of opening my book to cast a spell. I spotted them shaking off the tree, constantly. Hundreds of leaves fell over. They are really crazy. Looks like a kid with an autism spectrum disorder, also called pervasive developmental disorder.

The goblins found me, they're about to leap on me, but Gail and Rea's unanticipatedly showed up. Rea helped me to stand up. We forwarded. Goblins are befuddled, backing off. Gail Garza is settling things there. I was astounded by what I saw. Her combat skills are so smooth and refined. I'm pretty sure that the moves of her resemble fencing, but Gail used a dagger. Gail placed her other hand behind her back at all times. She's very fast to avoid the strikes from the Goblins, she's quite flexible. Gail is like an endless stream, every offensive strike she throws is precise.

I shouted, encouraged, and praised her for that move. I greeted her with cheers. In just an instance, Gail knocked them off. Goblins were obviously afraid, they ran away. I jumped into the scene, repeatedly move my hands away, saying shoo-shoo. Stood up brave like a statue, looking at high and acting all mighty. Yeah, that sentence seemed poetic.

Gail pushed out her lips, showing her egotistic side. In other words, she pouted.

"Do you like that?" She said.

"What's with that stance?" I said. "That moves you did is flawless."

"Oh, that was the Royal Dagger Stance. It's just for royals like me. Father taught me that stance. Bringing or pulling that swordplay at the edge." She said. "Forget about it, let's proceed."

I and Gail, including Rea, strolled over towards the destination. Walking slowly since I ran off fast earlier. Escaping the verge of death. A resonant sound came from my abdomen. The Goblins stole it. I only drink water to lessen the state of starving.

We arrived in Chronogal, the atmosphere of it is lonesome. It really is a small and dry town. There are no peoples' lives here.

Gail grabbed my hand and brought me to an old shack. Its floor is cracked and at any moment it might fall down. The corners of the shack are full of cobwebs. Really an old one.

Gail opened a hatch down the floor. Under that hatch was likely an underground. As she closed the door, everything turned black. "It's so dark here, I can't see anything." I murmured.

Just after that time, we reached the bottom. Exploding laughter, irritating shouts, and squeaking whistles welcomed us. It's very loud here, my body follows the beat of the crowd; pumping out. I noticed that this is similar to an arena. It looks nice though. Surrounded by torches. There's a bar there, where alcoholic drinks and foods were served.

As we got near to the arena to watch the fight. Everyone is staring at me, their stares are hurting me. It's like stabbing my back with a knife. From the west, someone pushed me.

"Back off, Draco," Gail said.

Gail covered me, protected rather.

"What's with that guy?" I said with a little angriness.

When they heard I said. Guys are slowly showing up, the friends of Draco.

"They are a circle of a bastard, subordinate, or should I say underlings of Sion Lavrov." She said.

"And who's that Sion Lavrov?" I asked her.

"He's the son of Admiral Sebastian, on the place I lived. His father holds the House of Gladiators. Sion likes me also, Yuck! She said.

Rea and I laughed in unison.

"Hello, Pretty Lady." Gail kicked my ass for saying it.

There's a sudden commotion when a guy came in. "That is Sion," Gail muttered.

Sion has a muscular and compact body build. Has blonde hair, black eyes, and brown eyebrows. That guy has a tribal tattoo style on his left shoulder. He wore silver-plated armor on the right shoulder and greaves on his legs. He holds a great helm.

A person on the stage is speaking, yelling, and giving a passionless comment; an analyst.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll serve you a wonderful and satisfying event." The Guy said.

Gail told Rea to get us away from here, but her ability didn't activate.

An old man sitting in front of the stage started to speak.

"Gail, you knew that here in the Arena, there's no running away. You should fight for you to get out. But we also knew

that you're one of the best students I had. So that makes your friends fight." He said.

"What?! They do not know how to fight, please spare them." She said.

"No, no, no." He said.

"Do you know him, Gail?" I murmured.

"Yeah, he's my teacher, who trained me some skills in our special schools. He's one of the people who motivated me to fight with real weapons and ignore those bad injuries and even death. He is Maximilian Loginov." She said.

Rea spoke up. She said that she knows a little thing about fighting. "Don't worry about me." She said.

"What about me? I yelled. "You two should worry about me."

Sky Wolfhart is about to drop his tears, panicking.

Yo, it's me, Gail! For now, I will be the one who narrates this scene because Rea and Artha are in a battle. The first one to go to the center is Rea. Her opponent is Shania Beige. Shania sees me as her rival, and she holds a grudge against me. She thought that I stole Sion from her.

They went to the armory to choose a weapon. The first one to go back to the center is Shania. She picked a Broadsword. It is an early modern type of sword that has a wide double-edged blade for cutting. A minute passed, Rea came along. She brought NOTHING.

The audience laughed, but I just smirked.

"Let's start the battle. In a sport, there's a rule on it, but here in combat, there are no rules. You can do everything you want." The commentator said.

Shania made a single step of her foot in transition, it's useful. She lowered the weapon in the middle. She points or aims her Broadsword at Rea's chest or throat. The hilt has held off to the side in front of her hip joint. Note: the tilt should be on the legs who'll lead. The position she made is quite good. It permits her to slice, be quick, and to thrust the sword upward. Wait, I'm on the side of Rea Madraga. Go, Go, Go!

Rea and I had our talk yesterday during the class. She mentioned that she is from the Philippines. Her ability is teleportation, so she decided to explore the world. Rea frequently flew over in any country. She told me that on her last birthday, her mother confessed that she's not a typical human being, that she is an Irregular. They decided to enroll Rea to the Spendsor Aux Fanix. That's all I knew.

Rea raised her hands and made a stance. Oh, yeah, tell Sky I am much more poetic than him. For the moment she made that posture, I could easily say that that was a form of boxing in which the fighter was permitted to punch and kick the opponent with her/his bare feet and hands.

Shania rushed into Rea and swung her sword. Rea noticed that there was a difficulty when Shania swung its sword. I noticed it too. That's because of the heaviness of the broadsword. Rea over, and over, duck every strike Shania made. Shania placed the sword up with her shoulders. That positioning is warding and threatening. Shoulder strikes are fast and more illusory but have less strength and range. Even the range is shorter, and the strength is not so great. That causes Rea's arm to bleed. Rea got hit out. I saw a gash, but Rea disregards it, still on her posture. Shania swings her sword with full strength and that puts a great force on that. Rea dodged it, she saw an opening. Due to the great weight of the Broadsword, she had difficulty in getting the sword up.

After seeing the opening, Rea dashed into Shania. She kicked Shania by doing a large circular motion both feet in sequence, making the fighter airborne. It looks like a slanted aerial cartwheel, and at the same time, her body spins horizontally in a circle. That made Shanian knocked over. Blood flowed on Shania's lips. Another opportunity popped up, so Rea gave endless combos, that made the first match over.

I didn't see her as a rival, so she's feeble.

The spectators, or the audience cheered on Rea, while Shania received a booed and hissed.

"I'm back, it's me Sky!" I said.

"For the main event, let's call in Sion Lavrov and Sky Wolffart." The commentator said.

"Did he just say Wolf-FART?" I said.

Gail and Rea went off to a department to treat her wounds. She said that it's just near the Arena. I agreed on Rea's sake. There's a possibility that her wounds might be infected by the bacteria.

As we went up to the stage, I heard some of them want to wager a purse of gold on the game. The majority are in Sion. I think all of them want to bet on him.

We walked towards the armory to pick up our weapon of choice. Sion picked up a long sword that has a cruciform tilt with a two-handed double-edge blade and a loose term type of a slender with a complex hilt to guard his hand. He's a dual wielder. It took a few minutes to choose a weapon. I chose a weapon that is commonly constructed from rattan. It's hard and substantial yet lightweight. That weapon is very convenient in defense against blades. It's called Baston.

The fight began, I caught a glimpse of them, Rea and Gail came back to the arena.

Sion made his first move. Swinging his sword then holds the end of it with his left hand. He pointed his swords to my abdomen.

"I'm gonna rip off your guts and pull your intestines." He said.

"Yuck." I murmured.

Sion repeatedly strikes his rapier and bastard sword, I'm on defense right now. I have to guard myself using this stick. Luckily, those swords are not that sharp. I have to dodge all of his attacks and try to think and counter it. I paid attention to every time he hit me with his bastard sword and rapier. I noticed that every stroke he made had less impact. He's frail and impotent.

I showed him my attack.

I strike him using my right hand.

This is the most common or natural strike for me, an unskilled one. Moving my largest and complex joints of my body, the shoulder, towards his left hip. I was so slow, that the strike was useless. Sion dodged it.

Oh, he's a dual wielder. That made him fragile.

He ceased, he looked exhausted because of the exchanging of strikes. Sion is right wide open. By good luck, my stance is ready. My left hand on the right hip, and my right hand are on the back of my shoulder. I swiftly slashed his right sword, then followed it by the right hand of mine. After that numerous strikes on his right sword. I revised or switched my right bastion to the right one and constantly hit his left sword. It was a strike that lashed in a circular motion. It's Circular downward-striking double twirling craftsmanship. That made his swords tripped over.

Sion elevated his hands, and that means he surrendered.

Everyone is enthralled, making their jaw right wide open. Gail shouted when I unexpectedly won the fight, while Rea just smiled.

The guy who chose me to put his money on me, for a wager, is jumping and yelling. You can see him filled with joy.

When I walked down from the stage, Gail rushed at me, then hugged me tightly.

"What's the matter?" I said.

She seemed back to normal. She said "nothing."

They showed appreciation for our fight by applauding. They strike their hands over and over. Some of them whistled and raised their hands, swaying it.

"Sky, that move you did earlier is from the National Martial Art of the Philippines. That was Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima." Rea said.

"Oh, I didn't mention it. I am a half-Filipino. I was born and raised there. My mom is a Filipina." I said.

"Kababayan." Rea uttered.

I just smile at her.

Sion walked towards me, bending over his in submission or reverence.

"I accept my defeat, Sky. I forced myself to fight, just to encourage or prove to them that I can still fight. I have an illness, it hindered my body and mind from working normally. " He said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for hitting you. I hope for your fast recovery." I said.

Sion walked out.

"What's with those moves?" Gail asked.

Rea interacted. "The first move Sky did is San Miguel. It is named after the Archangel Michael, who often drew his sword at that angle and that insane numerous striking in a circular motion is Redonda." She said. Pointing her two fingers right beside her eyebrows, with her tongue outwards. She's trying to be cute, but she really is cute.

The old guy who's sitting earlier sauntered slowly towards us, and he congratulates us.

"Why did you come here, Gail?" Maximilian asked.

"Oh, I just want them to see how we, the gladiator's fight. I want this guy to look over here, for a fight." He grabbed my collar. "I'm going to train him." She said.

Maximilian just smiles, while holding his goatee.

"Well, that guy really has a skill, he has potential, but he has a long way to go to reach that state of yours, Gail." He said.

I grinned after I heard it.

"Hey, don't act like you're better now. It's just dumb luck." She said.

We exited the underground and went up to or climbed to the surface of the shack. Three of us proceed to go home 'cause it's already 3:15 o'clock. We're not yet that far, someone made a sudden noise from behind. We looked over. It was the old guy. Maximilian sprinted off to us. Don't worry, he's not that old as you thought he is.

"Gail, I would like to lend you a hand. Let's train this lad." He said, chuckling. "No issues here," Gail said.

"I want that boy to be my last student. I'm going to break him off, out of his shell." Maximilian said.

I just nod at the old man. So tomorrow we will go back here for training. Gail told me that we're going to the place of Maximilian, it's just over the old shack. That place has a training ground in front. I think it's exclusive, just for me.

Gail slapped my nape.

If you all still confuse or your thoughts are mixed up because there are gladiators here. They're the survivors of the assault of Ogres and Trolls. They transferred or moved there from here, when they found out that this place is a jerkwater, or a ghost town.

When we're walking along the large, wide forest, I've felt dizzy. My sight is getting shaky.

I passed out.

I was really starving at that time.

After that short period of sleep, or we can just call it a nap, I woke up in my bed, covered with a blanket. As I viewed the window above, it's already night. The moon shines brightly, the stars are twinkling and the birds are squawking. The air becomes bone-chilling. That made me go to the big and thick blanket.

I realized that I didn't eat any food and my stomach is empty. I decided to get out of my bed and prepare for my dinner. While I ran downstairs to cook, I saw the kitchen's bulb on. There's no sign of a person there, so I chose to go with it, to turn off the lights. I'm about to turn it off, but I stopped 'cause there's food over the white plate. I turned my head side to side, looking for someone who made it, but there's none. When I looked at it, nearing, there's a piece of paper under the plate, and inside it has writing.

Sky! When you're fighting earlier, you're so cool. Every swing you make is in slow motion. You really did a good job there. I really thought that you would cry and run there, but things didn't go as I expected. I don't like you, after all. I'm still better than you! Eat that food. It has a lavish wine and creamy sauce, that makes it a perfect dinner dish. That's a Sole Fillet in Marsala and Cream. By the way, I didn't cook that food, it was Rea who made it.

In just a later time, I consumed that delectable food, "Burp." I'm not sleepy yet, so I went outside. It's really silent there. It's already 9:36 pm. I walked over just to pass the time. The scratchy noise made by my shoes, the cars moving slowly, the gleams of the moon and the feels that my shadow's following me. What a classic and lonely scenario I've got here. While wandering the streets all through the night, someone appeared beside the pillar with an antiquated top on it.

It was Rea Madraga.

"Hey, what're you doing here, at this time?" I asked her. "Uhm, I don't know, maybe I, myself, just want to see you." She said and then laughed. Her cheeks blushed, holding her hair, then twirled the ends of it.

The scene she and I made right now is totally awkward, for me. I mean, it's too peculiar and strange. I didn't experience this kind of stuff. Things here are like a tornado, twisting and spinning. Quite a mess.

"Thank you for the food you've made earlier, Rea. That's really a superb dish. So flavorsome." I said, smiling.

"Nah, you don't have to thank me for that thing, that serves you right. You deserve it." She said.

Rea and I decided to wander the streets, it's not that late though. We had chit-chat about our lives. Sounds "knowing each other", right? As we walk, I can barely sense or see that we're the only one walking here. The lights of the street lamps seemed next to us. The leaves are kind of making a way. The flare of the moon is so clear, brightly and briefly. As if they're trying to find ways to see the worth of each other.

On my second day of getting suspended and an upcoming training with an old man who has a bloating stomach, Artha woke me up.

He stood all-tall. Artha wore classic garments with a luxurious design on it. As expected from the Ice Prince. But wait, why is Artha in the house?

"Is there something that made you come here?" I said.

"I knew that you're on training, Sky. Rea and Gail told me yesterday."

"Okay." I said with an unsure face gesture.

Oh, about Rea and me, it's just a dream, or a fantasy. 'Cause after eating that food, I rushed into my room and took a nap. Honestly, it's just a nightmare, so all of you got it wrong.

"Get up, Sky!" He yelled.

I sighed with laziness on it.

I rolled over from the blanket and Boom, I fell.

We proceeded to the kitchen.

"I'll just eat a sandwich with a rich peanut butter on it and drink a glass of milk, no sugar added," I said.

"Okay." He said. Artha's just going with the stream.

After eating my flashy breakfast. I quickly went to my room, picked up the towel and dashed into the bathroom. Thereafter, I took my clothes, then wore it up.

"Let's go, Artha." I said.

We're currently heading to Chronogal. A question sprouts from my mind.

"Wait, wait, wait. Artha, how about your broken foot?" I asked him.

"Oh, I put something on it, to hold up. A kind of supporter." He said.

"Are you sure that you're fine?" I said.

"Yes, I am." He muttered.

I nodded as an approval for that, and we moved on.

I wonder what they are doing in the school. My parents will literally kill me, using their weapons, when they know it. Asking everyone to gather up and pray for Sky Wolfhart.

The weather is composed right now, and seems relaxed. The sunlight is moderate. The winds are sighing at the tree and the temperature feels like a winter breeze.