Chapter 3

Scarlet POV~

Tick tock, tick tock...

I glanced at the wall clock stuck on the beige walls for the hundredth time in a day and swallowed down the unnerving burden in my chest when I realized the minute hand is 7 minutes away from the close of school.

It wasn't long before I heard the bell ring and students start packing their stuff off their desks. My backpack was already in my hands so I bolted up and walked out of the classroom with the hope of not seeing anyone I recognised.

I went straight to my locker to leave some books since I would be using them the next day anyways.

The second I unlocked my locker and flung it open, a piece of paper fell to the ground like it has been waiting for me. A frown found it's way on my face as I look around to see if the owner of the paper was still lurking around. Everyone looked like they were minding their own business. I stood there for a while before bending down to take the paper from the ground. Assuming it was a page from my notebook, I unfolded the paper with little hesitation and curiosity.

"Arghhhh" I yelled as the paper came flying from my hands. I gaped at the content of the paper. My eyes turned white and my body went limp. I could hear the sound of my heart beating as my chest rising and fall without harmony. I stood like that for some minutes without doing anything.

"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my shock and looked up to see a tall blonde guy who I didn't even recognize staring at me with a look of interest on his face. I turned my head to see all the other students who were also in the hallway staring at me.

" If someone was tryna play a joke on me, it's not a funny one." I thought to myself still not sure if I am being pranked or it's really real.

"Y-Yeah I'm good" Immediately, I took the paper from the ground, stuffed it in my pocket and made my way to the parking lot.

"Ahaaa...caught ya! where are you off to without me, huh?"

I heard Selena's shrieking voice just as I was about to open the door to my car. She looked at me as if she had just caught me red-handed changing my grades after a failed exam.

Crap! I wanted to go straight home after reading this horrible piece of paper

I looked at her for a while, trying to see if there is any evidence which will give her away as the person who pulled the paper joke on me and so far, I'm getting nothing!

"Helloo...down to earth.." she waved her hand in my face when she noticed I wasn't paying her any attention.

"H-hey, I'm down with a little fever so I thought I will call you when I got home"

I replied trying very hard to keep my cool. Judging from the look on Selena's face, I knew it wasn't working.

"Hey, how many years have we been friends? you can't lie to me and you know it, so spill, and don't you dare lie to me" she gave me a daring look conjured with worry.

"O-Okay.., get into the car," I told her hesitantly and opened the car.

"What's wrong? Tell me, and don't you dare lie to me!" she asked impatiently for the millionth time as I was still deliberating on whether to show the paper to her or not to.

She raised a brow at me when she noticed my hesitation.

"Hello...I'm waitinggg" she slurred.

I finally made my mind up to show it to her, who knows, she might burst into laughter and say she's the one who wrote it to prank me. And God knows what I'm gonna do to her is she is responsible for this stupid game. I took the crumpled paper out of my pocket slowly and gave it to her.

Selena unfolded the paper. I could bet, for a second, I saw noticed the look of horror on her face when she read the content of the paper.




"H-Hey, I bet it's a prank someone is pulling on you," She said, trying to assure me or I would rather say herself that it was a joke.

"I hope so," I said hopefully.

No one else knew about what happened that day except the eight of us including Heather, who is now dead which leaves only the seven of us and the rest wouldn't dare pull this kind of prank since they would be in much bigger trouble..unless they wanted to freak me out.

"That bit#h!" I snapped.

"Hey, get out," I said to Selena, more like I commanded her as I jumped out of the car.

"Where are we going?

Give me a heads up at least!!!" Selena yelled in frustration while trying to keep up with my pace which seemed like I was running a marathon.

I headed straight to the so-called lover's class with Selena right behind me. The lover's class was rumoured to be an old class where the romance of the school's alumni love birds started. And since then, it became a sacred place for only popular first-year students. So with that in mind, I was hoping I will find them there.

I could hear voices and laughter as we neared the door to the classroom.

I swung the door open and Lo and Behold, there they were. One face, in particular, stood out, Eva Scott. The girl I had hoped never to see again.

For a brief moment, she looked taken aback when she saw me before quickly covering it up with a smirk. Eva's lips looked a bit swollen so I guessed she and Dilan were making out before we barged in on them.

"Looking for me?" Dilan said with a cocky smile. I ignored his presence altogether.

I don't even know why Eva is dating this piece of shit, yeah sure, he's got the looks and all that, but that doesn't excuse him from being a dick! well, birds of a feather flock together since she is a bit$h herself.

" what do we owe this uninvited visit from both of you" Eva's voice snapped me out of my little trance. Why am I not surprised she's still a dumbass bit$h.

I looked at the scene before me and just as I expected, Eric and Britney were seated on a desk each opposite one another.

"You wanna know why I'm here!!" I fumed suddenly remembering the reason why I barged in on them.

They all gave me blank looks as if teasing me.

I had completely forgotten about Selena until she slipped the paper into my hand. I threw the paper in Eva's direction angrily.

"You still think it's a joke!!? how can you pull such ugly tricks?"I yelled at her while she unfolded the piece of paper.

She almost gaped at the content of the paper but Eva being Eva kept her composure since she didn't want to be seen as weak.

"You seriously think I am the one who sent you this??" She inquired with a bit of seriousness in her voice while holding the paper in her hands.

"Cut me some slack will ya, we all know you are the sole cause of this whole mess, to begin with, and besides being a murderer, who knows what else you are capable of doing" I felt anger rising within me, it felt more like rage, the only time I ever felt this much rage was the last time we were all together like this.

I looked at her daring her to question me one more time.

Her face went blank and she rolled her eyes covering whatever emotions she is trying so hard to hide. I know I'm in no position to judge her since I am also an accomplice to the murder but her cockiness is just too much. I wonder if she has some conscience still left in her.

Dilan took the paper out of her hand and looked at its contents. He looked horrified.

"What is the hell is making you all look like your deaths have been sentenced "

Eric said with curiosity in his voice as he took the paper from Dilan. Britney pulled closer to him and they both saw the contents of the paper.

'Who the hell wrote this?" Eric snapped at no one in particular like he was asking a rhetorical question.

"It fell out of my locker" I looked at them suspiciously with my arms folded on my chest.

From the looks on their faces, I could tell they had nothing to do with the paper.

"If it's not any of us, then who could it be" Selena spoke for the first time since we got to the classroom.

"W-Well, there's only one other person left who was present and also knows about that day" Britney chipped in shakingly. She was still in a daze after reading the contents of the paper. She was a cry baby who only followed Eva around to protect herself from other bullies or so I think.

The door suddenly flung open and we all turned our heads in the door's direction and Ian stood there puzzled by the stares we were all giving him. I was sure it wouldn't be him, no it can't be him.

"What!!??" He asked after waiting impatiently only for everyone to be in silence.

Britney passed the paper to him and his response was the same as everyone else after reading it.

"What the fuck! so you all thought I wrote this shit!!?" He snapped.

"S-Soo.., if it wasn't any of them, who else could it be? I thought to myself quietly I still suspected them tho. It wouldn't hurt to be a little suspicious. I was hoping it would be one of them since it would only mean one thing if they are not responsible for this mess..someone else was there that day and the person is out to get us!