Chapter 4

Eva's POV~

The look on Scarlet's face told me she didn't believe that I wasn't the one who wrote the letter.

I know she didn't trust me and honestly, I don't blame her since I wouldn't trust me either if I were in her shoes. Not that it bothers me in any way.

How I wish I had listened to her on that day, but my pride didn't allow me. She not being part of the circle annoyed the hell out of me which made me didn't wanna stop.

I knew if Scarlet took Heather to the infirmary that day, it would have been bad news for me and the rest involved. I just couldn't help it and I had no idea she would die from the little beatings we gave her.

Day of incident ~~

"I think she's gone!" Ian said horrified. We all looked at the body on the ground in horror as Scarlet bent down quickly to check for Heather's pulse and judging from the look on her face, there was she was still breathing but barely.

"Its all your fault!! what did she ever do to us to deserve this!" Scarlet yelled in tears while on the ground beside Heather's almost lifeless body.

I was too aghast to say anything. I just stood there numbed, not able to do or say anything.

"W-We have to take her to a hospital" I heard Brit saying with a shaky voice.

"Fuck! why does this bit#h have to lost consciousness here of all the places out there!" Dilan cussed out.

"We have got to report this"

"Are you crazy?"

"We are all gonna be in deep shit"

"Well, as far as I know, I didn't take part in this"

"You are a witness and it will be your word against all of us"

"If only Eva had let it go in the first place, all this wouldn't have happened "

"I'm really scared of what's gonna happen to us"

"What if she dies and comes back to hunt down and kills us?"

"You still fucken believe in ghosts?!"

"Shut up all of you!!!" I yelled when I came back to my senses. The voices were just too much.

"First of all, she's still breathing and secondly, we have got to get out of here before anyone notices us.

"Who the hell do you think you are? telling us what to do and what not to do" Scarlet yelled at me angrily, her face laced with frustration.

"You guys caused this mess in the first place so don't try to drag Selena and I in it, we are leaving and that's it!!" Scarlet took Selena's hands in hers and yanked her away.

I looked at them as they were leaving and I knew I had to do some about it before we get into any more trouble because of miss perfect.

"You are an accomplice" I shouted for her to hear me. I gave her a fake cocky smile when she stopped and turned to face me, meanwhile deep inside me, I was super anxious.

"You would dare not" Scarlet dared me.

"Try me" I gave her a daring look. I knew she would rat us out the second she left here. Knowing Scarlet, she was gonna get help and report us as soon as she left.

"Its the word of both of you against the five of us" I threatened her.

She looked at all of us slowly and knew she couldn't win.

"We still have a little time left to get Heather to a hospital before it's too late," she said giving up.

"We have got to call someone! We have to call.."

"Hello! one is taking anyone to the hospital," I said to Scarlet.

"What we need to do is leave here right now before someone finds us here"

"You are not serious!"

" I couldn't be any more serious " I looked at her wanting her to give it up already.

We all became quiet for some time and I still don't know why no one was saying anything about us leaving.

I looked at where Scarlet was, and she was lost in her thoughts. For some reason, she being part of this situation calmed my nerves a little bit. Selena was right beside her and she had a look of frustration written all over her face.

To be honest, I didn't feel so good inside either. I just didn't want to look weak as the others.

Dilan being the asshole he is just like me, stood there cussing silently while Brit on the other hand looked dead. She looked so pale just like the body on the ground. I don't even know how I became friends with her. I guess it because I like to be in control and she's weak and a pushover!

I turned to my left and Ian stood there dwelled in his thought.

The look on his face was not readable since he doesn't show what he feels on his face. His face was blank all the time and you couldn't tell whether he was happy, sad, scared or angry. He wasn't even with us when this whole thing started, he came to meet us at the scene just like Scarlet and Selena.

Voices which seemed to be drawing nearer to us caught my attention and I looked at the rest and the look on their faces told me they also heard the voices.

"We have to go and I mean now!!" I whispered.

"W...We can't just leave her here like this"

Scarlet said with a shaky voice.

I grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the student parking lot where the rest were all headed.

She snatched her hand away and shot me a dirty look.

I didn't mind that since she started running anyways.

We left Heather out there all by herself and ran off.

End of the past~~

I am not one to believe in ghosts, so when Scarlet brought the paper accusing me of writing it, I thought someone amongst us was tryna play a joke on us.

I don't even know why she would think Heather is back to haunt us. Soo ridiculous.

The school bell rang and we all got up and left Scarlet and her Selena there still in their thoughts.

"Do you believe what Scarlet was saying?"

Dilan asked me when were got to his car.

He drives me home and picks me up to school every single day.

"Don't tell me you believe that crap" I rolled my eyes.

We got into the car and I saw a flash movement and nothing was there again.

"Did you see that?" I asked Dilan still looking in the direction of where I could bet I saw someone in a split second.

"Nerhh, maybe your eyes are playing games with you because of what Scarlet said," Dilan said laughing.


He started the engine and we drove off. I still believe I saw someone's head out there staring at us.