Chapter 10

Scarlet's POV~

Here I was on my way to school. I got ready for school very early since I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Reflections of Heather kept flickering through my mind the whole night which was unusual seeing as I haven't given her much reflection this past few weeks.

I got to the school early and most of the students around were the school's sports team and some few other students.

I looked around and saw a familiar face. He was staring at me with this look and I couldn't help my stomach from creating a little twitch.

“Ugh!” I rolled my eyes and turned away and made my way in the direction of the hallway to my locker. I entered my codes and “clack” it flung open.

My heart starts beating fast the moment my eyes fell on the envelope punched inside my locker with a pin. I looked around and I noticed I was the only person around. Slowly and carefully I pulled out the pin off the envelope and got hold of the envelope. I opened it scared shit of what was gonna pop out of it. My face crammed with fear as the content of the envelope came into contact with me. It was a paper. I hoisted my brows as I pulled it out and strangely, it was a picture of Britney. I had no idea why that was there. I flipped to the back of the photograph and what I saw made me jump back.


“Hey! I shrieked back when I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. Quickly I hid the photograph behind me and turned to look at the person behind me. My stomach did the thing again when I became aware of who it was that tapped me.

“ not now please” I pleaded with myself silently. Contrary, I disliked him but what I feel when I am around him or see him tells otherwise.

“ I called your name several times but you were not responding is everything alright?”

“Y...yeah... I'm okay, just a little tired that's all” I stuttered with anxiety written all over my face. I didn't want him to see what was in my hands behind my back.

“You haven't had breakfast, have you? Wanna go grab a bite?” He suddenly asked out of nowhere. I arched my brow.

“I mean, seeing how you are in early, I thought maybe you haven't had breakfast yet” He continued looking a little nervous.

“Is that some kind of line you use to woe girls to go out with you or something ?” I asked with no emotion on my face whatsoever.

“Hey, I was just tryna be nice okay, seeing how depleted you look, I thought I had help out a little and besides we didn't start of nicely, so you could say it's my way of making up for it”

I gazed at him for a while and I knew he was just trying to be nice.

“Well, if you insist, why not”

“I'm not insisting!” He whirled his eyes at me. I shrugged “Whatever makes you sleep tonight” I veered around to close the locker and I thought of the picture in my hand. I still didn't know what to think of it. I mean, why would a picture of Britney be in my locker. Yet, I still couldn't let anyone see it.

I have to talk to Selena about it later. I thought to myself.

“Why don't you go ahead, I will be right behind you” I said?

“You sure?” He queried and I noticed his eyes looking down at my hand which was behind me.

“ Yeah... I will just take a few things from my locker and catch up with you”

“Sure” he said and walked away with a look I couldn't quite describe. I pushed the photograph and the envelope back into my locker and took a few things I would be needing for the day and locked it.

“ Who would put a photograph of Brit in my locker” I kept thinking to myself as I made my way to the student breakfast spot near the school cafeteria. I mean, it doesn't make any sense.

“Hey” Lucas' voice snaps me out of my thoughts. Yeah, I know his name. Selena being Selena found out and told me. Not that I asked her. I looked up and saw Lucas motioning his hand for me to come over while holding a tray with the other. I went over and sat beside him on the chair he dragged back for me to sit on.

“Didn't take you for the gentleman type”. I said after making myself comfortable on the chair. He gave me a wolfish smirk. Well, it's a different story when I am with a pretty girl” he said while taking a sit himself.

We dug in silently. Nothing like an awkward kind of silence, just normal relaxing silent. Everyone in their own thoughts.

“ So I hear you play all kinds of sports” I asked, breaking the silence.

He laughed lightly” Curious much huh?”

“ Hey, don't think I went around asking about you. I heard it” I exclaimed looking all serious. He continued laughing while looking me in my eyes.

“ Hey it's true! Students talk a lot you know" I kept defending myself.

“Let's just say I believe you” he said sarcastically trying to hold his laughter.

I rolled my eyes as I waited for him to finish with the teasing.

“ Yep but that is all history now, I only joined the soccer team because I didn't want to bore my ass here in the school doing nothing”. He said getting serious.

“Okay so about you” He stated, staring at me with an intense look.

“I'm not gonna answer anything regarding me” I gave him a sardonic look.

“No way, that is not fair. You asked me something about myself and I gave you an answer, it's your turn”. He said still looking at me with interest.

I scoffed “that was merely a question”

“Still not fair” he probed.

“Fine! Shoot!”. I gave in.

“ I hear you used to be close friends with Eva and her battalion. What happened?” he said calmly while taking a sip from his juice. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat.

“Its It's okay if you don't want to talk about it” he encouraged.

“Nerhh, it's fine. It's all history now anyway” I said with a shrug trying to hide my discomfort.

“ HISTORY!” My eyes froze as the word history cued me of something.

“ Hey I will see later, thanks for the food” I said while rising up and rushing back to my locker. He looked at me confused. I didn't give him any explanation as I walked away. I needed to read the note behind the photograph again. “The only thing connecting me to Brit was all history” I thought as I made my way to the hallway as fast as possible. I noticed that almost every student was in, and they were all running towards a particular direction.

“Hey, what's happening. Where is everyone going to?” I asked the person closest to me.

“ A student has been involved with an accident just now while trying to enter the parking lot” She answered me with briskly.

“OMG” I said that aloud as I run in the direction everyone was running towards.