Chapter 9

Ian's POV

“… Buzzz~”

“Mm...another school day” I mumbled pretty much half asleep as I spanned my arm to the table and slam the alarm off. I wanted to come up with an excuse which will hinder me going to school today but knowing my mom, she's gonna find out anyway. I whirled my eyes with despair as I spanked my forehead with my palm.

“Ugh… I hate school” I said with a scowl as I hopped off the bed and infiltrated into the bathroom.

So there I was, in my car, driving to the hellhole people call school. I didn't want to go.

I pulled in the parking lot of the building. I found myself gripping the steering wheel of the car so hard my knuckles were white. I looked in the review mirror at myself to gain my composure. I quiet down my engine and hopped out of the car. Just when I was about locking my car...

“Yo! Ian. What's up!” I heard a familiar voice holler at me from behind. I knew all to well who it was making me let out a sign and masked my face with my happy goofy face and turned in his direction. And obviously, he was with the other trio. Well, I'm not surprised.

“Hey...what's up guys?” I said trying to avoid the awkwardness. I knew they were aware of my distance away from them.

It's been days since I last saw Dylan and his crew, well not that they are pirates or something. I didn't want anything to do with them anymore. They kinda freak me out. I knew I was no better since I was also there that day and did nothing about it. It Its just that seeing them keeps making me live through that day over and over again, so I thought it had to be better if I kept my distance.

“Hey men, you are not avoiding us or something are you?” Eric gave me a deadpan look and I heard Dylan scoff.

I gave Eric a quizzical look “Nerhh, just busy here and there, you know”.

Eva just stood by with an expressionless look.

“Hey umm, I'm gonna go, my class starts in a few minutes” I said, pointing my right thumb to in the direction of the cafeteria. My first class doesn't start till half an hour but It standing there was kinda awkward for me, so I had to come up with an excuse.

I turn around and walk away from them with a sigh of relief.


Dylan's POV

I watched Ian as he retreated to wherever he said he was going to. I knew the history class didn't start till half an hour later. He just made that up to get away from us. Well, If he thinks doing that is gonna make him any better than us, then he better think twice. I thought with contempt. I still don't get why they think we killed her, I mean we hit her yeah, but she didn't die right there. If anything, she was weak!

~~Flashback ~~

“We have got to leave before someone finds us here” Eva said with a straight face.

We all left the scene and left Heather there lying unconscious on the ground.

“Hey, do you think she's gonna be alright Eric asked me when we arrived at my place.

I shrugged “It's not like we shot him or anything. Who cares anyway?” I say as I locked the door. He thought for a while like he has been given a math test to solve. I rolled my eyes and start making my way to my room. My parents worked late, so they wouldn't be home for a till its almost midnight.

“I guess you are right he said altruistically after thinking it over.

My phone pinged and I looked down to see a message from Eva.

“Heather has been found and taken to the hospital”

“Who found her?” I typed back still not shaken by it.

“I heard it's a student. Don't know who though.” I read her last message and dropped my phone on the bed.

We heard from school the next day that Heather had passed away in the hospital. Every single person in the class was questioned by the police and surprisingly no one got ratted out.

After a few days, charges were dropped and the case was closed. We all didn't know what to make of the situation since it was so sudden. There were rumors that, Heather's family asked the investigators to drop charges and till today, no one knows why.

~ End of flashback ~