"mom... dad" I whispered while walking down the dimly lit long hallway. The place was quite familiar though I had never been there before.

The walls were decorated with many frames depicting beautiful sceneries and some were displaying the pretty flowers. The place was so quiet that I could hear the light padding of my footsteps. Peace of the place was disturbed by the only sound of fire crackling in the fireplace which was coming from around the corner. My hands were sweaty which I rubbed on my jeans in nervousness. I kept walking till the end of the hallway and slowly entered the dimly lit living room where the fireplace was situated.

I scanned the large and spacious room decorated with expensive wooden furniture and artefacts. The middle of the room had a fine quality rug on the floor which was enhancing the classiness of the place. The ceiling was decorated with different lamps and in the middle, there was a huge chandelier hanging. The walls were decorated with wallpaper with elegant designs and family photos.

I observed the wall in curiosity as one of the photos caught my attention. It was a picture of a family. Father, mother and daughter. The man had a lean built with jet black hairs and blue coloured eyes. His face was adorned with a simple but loving smile. His hand was draped around the shoulder of his wife. The woman was simply stunning with natural features like wavy brown hairs and chocolate brown eyes with honey gold streaks. She was holding a baby in her hands. She was looking affectionately at the baby and her face held the bright smile. It was a kind of smile you want to see getting home after surviving a rough day. The smile that could take away all your worries in a moment. Looking at the picture brought a sad smile on my face as I watched the picture in awe.

I was broken out of my stance when the sound of laughter fell on my ears. I snapped my head in its direction. There was this same family that I saw in the picture sitting on the floor with many toys scattered around them. The mother was laughing at her little girl crinkling her eyes at the corners while the little girl was stumbling while trying to walk. And the father was looking at both his wife and daughter in adoration a small smile plastered on his face and a look of proud in his eyes.

The scene in front of me was so beautiful that my smile widened looking at their happy faces and I could feel the moisture at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't describe the feeling but I felt like I was at home. A place where there is a treasure of love and care they say. A place that I never had and I might never have.

I was smiling like an idiot standing there not caring that I was intruding their private moment. Suddenly the father and the mother lift their head slowly and met my gaze with their blank one. All the happiness and smiles vanished from their faces. My smile retreated as my hand reach to my necklace a habit that I had when I feel nervous or feared.



I jumped out of my skin at the ear-piercing sound of bullets and covered my ears with hands. My eyes were tightly shut. Fear struck my body as my heart thudded loudly against the ribcage. I was trembling and shaking uncontrollably and tears started flowing down my eyes freely. I wanted to run from there but my feet were rooted on the spot.




The sound of bullets was piercing my heart making the holes that were filled with only pain.

"stop... please stop. Nooo..noooo" I cried and slowly dared to open my eyes.

I instantly regretted my action as I saw the blood-covered bodies of the couple. Their faces were void of any emotions and eyes were empty as their lipid bodies fell on the floor.

"Nooo... Oh my god!" I rushed to their for help but the distance between us only kept on increasing as much as I try to get to them. I screamed in frustration but then remembered something. Their little girl. She was nowhere to see as if she has vanished in thin air. I looked around for her but she was nowhere. Breathing became a difficult task for me as hot tears ran down my eyes. Panic clutched my heart squeezing it painfully.

I woke up with a gasp covering my ears with hands to block the sounds of bullets. My whole body was covered in sweat and hot tears were running down my face.

I remembered my doctor told me how to calm my nerves during the sessions that I took years ago. I tried to follow the exercise inhaling and exhaling slowly and focusing on my breath.





After repeating it for few more times my breathing became normal. I slowly pushed myself to sat up on the bed and wrapped my hands around my body as if it would keep me safe.

This nightmare again.

I had no idea why I was getting the same nightmare from my childhood. I never met those people and never visited the place I see in dreams. I never encounter a similar incidence ever in my life. But every time I get that nightmare it felt so familiar, so real as if I have lived it. Sleeping again was out of the equation. So I spent some time playing with the numerous thoughts that always find their way to crawl in my mind.

My journey towards the sea of my own tears was disturbed by the blaring alarm. It was 6 in the morning. I wiped my face with the back of my hands and sighed deeply sympathising my poor self.

Here came another day with the same old routine and same old worries. I got out of the bed and head to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror that was fixed on the bathroom wall above the sink.

My black hairs were a mess resembling bird's nest on my head. My chocolate brown eyes were red and puffy with bags under them. My pink lips were dry and chapped. I sighed in annoyance as this was my avatar at least three to four times a week. I slide all the thoughts aside and decided to get ready for the day.

I brushed my teeth thinking about nothing in particular. I washed my face and patted it dry with a soft towel. I was tired and wanted to sleep more but I couldn't as my responsibilities were waiting for me.

I sighed for the third time in a span of fewer than twenty minutes. I stripped out of my pyjama shorts and a tank top getting ready for taking the shower. I looked at the reflection of my body in the mirror. My skin was not pale. Instead, I have a medium skin tone which compliments my jet black wavy hair and chocolate brown eyes with honey gold streak I was not gorgeous like those models on magazine covers but I was not too plain either. I looked just like any other ordinary girl, happy with whatever beauty mother nature had blessed me with.

I ran my fingers below my right collarbone. There was a light pink scar which I don't remember about. I was told that it happened when I was little and fell while playing. I didn't pay any attention to it when I was younger but as grew up I knew that I was fed with lies. The goosebumps formed on my bare skin thinking about it.

I shook my head to clear my mind and hopped into the hot shower. After finishing with it I patted dried my body with a rough towel. I didn't like those soft and fluffy towels which I thought as nothing but luxury and didn't dry your body quickly. So I prefer them rough. After getting changed into a pair of jeans and baggy old t-shirt I tucked it in and tied my hair in a high ponytail to make them somewhat presentable.

Even after getting showered I still looked tired and drained out. But as usual, I had to keep my façade of a bubbly, happy and strong girl. With a last-minute breathing exercise I stretched my lips into a big sunny smile and left my room.

The house was quiet except for the sounds coming from the kitchen. I peeked into the kitchen and saw that Benjamin was preparing breakfast while humming a tune.

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet Benjamin aka Benji. My sole guardian, best friend and the only companion of mine through every thick and thin. My dear old man who loves me to the moon and the back. Benjamin was the only person I know from my childhood. He was my guardian until I turned eighteen. He was the only father figure in my life who raised me and took care of me and others as his own children. Watching his broad smile and pleasant aura every morning was a boost to my gloomy mood. I turned around quietly and entered the living room standing in the middle of it. I checked the time for the confirmation.

7 AM


Taking a deep breath I prepared myself and when the clock hit the exact 7 I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Waaaakkkeeee uuupppp sleepy heads"

As soon as my voice rang through the house cutting down the peaceful silence the whole house erupted in chaos. I knew Benji has already covered his ears before I screamed. It's our daily routine people, of course, he was used to it after all these years. I could clearly hear the sound of a thud, grunting irritating voices and groans. Not a minute later I saw the doors of every room opened and not so happy faces stared at me with anger.

I gave my brightest innocent smile and threw my hands in the air yelling

"Rise and shine people!!"


"hurry up guys or you will be late," I said it in an authoritative tone and clapped my hands fooling myself to be the one in command.

Everyone just rolled their eyes but carried on anyway with not so happy faces.

"she is a pawn of the devil" Lily muttered under her breath making Lillian, her twin giggled.

"I heard that" I shouted frowning a little.

I turned back and head to the kitchen after getting assured by Juan, the eldest one who would be turning eighteen in few months, that he would take the responsibility of these little clowns and help them to get ready for the school in time.

"good morning Benji" I side hugged the old man with a smile which he returned with the same affection.

"good morning darling. Are they getting ready?"

"yes. But I think some of them will need your help. I'll set the table for breakfast. You go and get them ready." I said thinking about Lily and Lilian as they always gave Juan a hard time.

"sure. Everything is ready. And I have packed their lunch."

I nodded my head and started preparing everyone's dishes.

Soon I heard the bickering, laughing and complaints coming from the living room. The noise grew as my gang came into the kitchen.

Here is my gang. Let me give you a proper introduction to them.

Ava was the silent and shy one in the group. She was a little more interested in studies and books that her schoolmates gave her the title of 'nerd' but we all like to call her 'the wise one'. Sometimes kids teased her calling her Hermoine from the Harry Potter. She was the source of my knowledge about strange and weird things like the meaning of abstract arts, the lifecycle of a frog or the hilarious habits of great personalities from history. Lily and Lillian were twins and like to do everything together. Lily was a bubbly girl with a good sense of humour but Lillian... well... she dreamed to get married to Chris Helmsworth someday so she could use his hammer to fight with the troublesome boys in her class. You can have a guess about her.

They all came and hugged me with their sweet good mornings. I smiled at them serving their dishes on their respective places.

"where are the boys?" I asked Lily.

"always late" Lily rolled her eyes.

"and always idiots" Lillian completed her sister's sentence when the said little monsters stumbled into the kitchen.

"boys... Boys... listen" Benjamin was running after them panting but they were engrossed in some heated argument that they didn't pay him any attention.

I saw Benjamin's angry red face and it was hard to not laugh at his helplessness. But I controlled my laughter and pulled on a calm face.

"booyysss" I shout with the top of my lungs and they stopped instantly.

Girls were looking at me with amusement and boy with wide eyes. I gestured them to take their seats and smiled.

"thank god. I really don't get how you manage to control these satans with the only command of your voice."

"what can I say... I was born talented." I gave Benjamin a cheeky grin and sat on my chair at the head of the table. He shook his head smiling and turned back to his work.

"so... what was that you guys were arguing about?" I asked while putting some egg in my mouth. Yum...

"correction Bria... we were not arguing but discussing will be a more appropriate term," Juan said pointing his finger like a saint.

"like adults" Jack chirped with a toothy grin which showed his fallen front teeth. He was the chatterbox and also the youngest member of our little family. The boy can't get tired of talking unless he was hungry.

"yeah right... Adults" Lillian scoffed. Ava and Lily laughed at her tone.

"what's so funny about it?" Liam, a little younger than Juan, cocked his eyebrow at smirking Lillian. He was a kind of serious-looking person and never talk unless he felt it necessary.

"look at you boys. You didn't even know that magenta is different from pink till the last week. And you think you are adults?" Lily snickered and high fived Ava.

"don't laugh. It doesn't even matter. Both colours just look the same. And who pays much attention to the colours anyways. Pink is just pink." Liam argued back.

And soon chaos erupted on the table. God! These kids. This happened every morning ... and afternoon and evening. This was what at all happened in this house. I checked the clock and my eyes widened.

"stooppp itt" I was shouting like a madwoman for the third time in the morning.

"shut up you all and finish your breakfast. You have only twenty minutes left for school." I scolded them.


"oh no"

"We are gonna be late again"

And they all dig in the food finishing it in a hurry and making me smile in content. By the time all kids left for the school it was 8:30 am.

I sighed and got ready for my next duty.