We had a small café attached to the house where Benji worked as a cook and I as a server and cashier. It was not a big and fancy place but it was small and cosy where you would like to start your morning with a cup of hot coffee and delicious breakfast in the winter mornings. Benji has already opened it early in the morning and some of our regular customers were there enjoying their coffee and breakfast. Benjamin was in his late fifty's but still had stamina twice of mine.

After attending the morning rush I finally took a sigh of relief and sat on the counter. I was tired due to lack of sleep and all the work and tensions. There were not many customers for the next couple of hours so I rest my head on the wall behind me as my thoughts wandered to thinking about my life.

I, Bria Maxwell, was living here in this two-storey house with my sweethearts and Benji. My dream was owning the best restaurant in our small town and for that, I wanted to attend a culinary school. But I had no enough money and time to follow my dream. Benji told me that my parents died when I was very little, three years old maybe. They left me this house and some money to live under the guardianship of Benji. He was my parent's close friend. When my parents died he took my responsibility. He didn't even think about starting his own family because he had promised my mother that he would take care of me. Sometimes I felt guilty that Benji had to sacrifice many things for me. Call me selfish but I was also glad that he was my guardian and teacher who cared for me and raised me into a kind-hearted person.

These all kids were not related by blood to me or each other except Lily and Lillian of course. They all were orphans. I was about four when Benji found a crying baby under a bridge wrapped in the blanket when he was taking me back home after a late-night dinner. Juan.

Benji was first hesitant to keep Juan with us. But when I cried and threw a tantrum that I wanted a baby brother he finally gave in and took Juan. The other kids were also found in a kind of similar ways. Their parents abandoned them for god knows what reasons. But I and Benji decided to look after them as a family.

These kids were my life, my family. I wanted to give them all the love and care which I got from Benji. When I completed my school, we realised that the money left by my parents would not fulfil all of our needs. And I also didn't want Benji to work hard for us in this age. So I decided to complete my further studies through distant learning programmes and we opened this café to make some more money. That was what all we had. A large enough house and the property around it. The cafe helped us well with the education of kids and the money we had was enough for our daily expenses. Other than that Juan, Liam and Ava also helped us with some part-time jobs and tutoring. I wanted to give the best education to my kids so they could live a much better life than me.

But though kids never said a word I knew that I was only able to provide them with the basic necessities but I couldn't afford to spoil them with the extra stuff like their friends. That was the only constant thought on my mind but I had no idea how I was going to fix this problem. But I was determined to find a way through it. And one day I will find it.

I was the luckiest person alive because I had the best big family that loved me unconditionally.

It was around five o'clock in the evening when I decided to take a break. This was the time for my running and workout. Benji started teaching me the importance of physical health along with a skill of throwing the punch when I was only five years old.

Some boy in my class made fun of me and I got very angry. I punched him on the face but it was a very weak attempt. He got angry and pushed me hard from the stairs. My hand was badly injured as I ended up landing on my left side. I was crying and fuming with anger. No one came forward to help me as they stood there staring at me. I still remember the taunting laugh of that boy and his friends.

When Benji came to pick me after school and saw my crying and injured form he was beyond furious. If he could then he definitely had beat the crap out of that boy. Benji took me to the doctor immediately. The scars slowly faded but the incident left a great impact on me. I was very angry and disappointed with myself. I hated how weak I felt lying on the ground and crying my eyes out in pain. That was the first time Benji showed me how to throw a good punch. I was always the short-tempered kid but Benji taught me to channelize my anger and make it my strength.

From that day onwards I started exercising with him every day. I worked on my stamina and learned the basic self-defence techniques that came handy many times living a life without parents and protecting the six kids. The feeling of power and independence became my addiction. I also started teaching the kids some self-defence techniques on weekends so they could protect themselves when the time comes. As the time pass, I learned to control my anger and channelize it but till this date, I tend to lose my control sometimes.

I informed Benji that I was taking a break and head towards my room. I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. Slipping my jogging shoes, I plugged the earphones and started running around the area while listening to songs from my workout playlist.

The atmosphere was very pleasant with warm air surrounding me. I smiled when I saw people taking an evening walk, families playing in the park and some of them busy with their loved ones. After three rounds of the park, I found an empty bench and sat on it. I pulled my headphones from the ears and dab the sweat from my forehead. I sat there staring at the sunset giving time to my body to relax after the run when the sound of laughing caught my attention.

I saw a couple playing with their two kids. The kids looked cute while arguing with each other. Their parents were laughing, looking at them with so much love and adoration. The scene made me smile sadly.

I know it was stupid but for some reason, I felt the pang of jealousy shot through my heart. I didn't remember my parents. I never had any close friends except some people from my high school. But we drifted apart as I couldn't get time to contact them and eventually they also didn't bother to take efforts. I always wanted my childhood with a family like that but I never had one. All I have experienced my whole life was hardship and pain. I never got a chance to live a normal life. When other girls of my age were busy playing with dolls I was learning how to break bones. When others were busy partying and having fun I was busy in drowning myself into studies to get scholarships. When others were enjoying college life I was busy working hard to make some more money for living. A lone tear escaped my eyes and I bite my lower lip to control my emotions.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and brought me back into reality. I pulled it out and smiled when I saw the caller ID. It was from home.


"Briaaa.... Where are you?"

The scream made me flinch and I recognised the voice of Lillian. I heard some ruffling in the background.

"what happened, Lillian? Is everything ok?"

"nooo.. nothing is ok. Liam is a meanie. He broke my barbie pencil." I heard her voice cracked at the end and I sighed rubbing my temples.

Before I could answer the phone was snatched by Liam "no Bria. I didn't break it intentionally. It was an accident."

"ok fine. Listen. I am in the park right now and will be home in fifteen. So don't fight until I get home. We will sort it out then"

After saying goodbye I put my phone again in the pocket and stood up. I started walking towards the house but couldn't help my self to turn around to look at that family one last time.

When I got home and opened the front door I was suddenly bombarded by a group of barking dogs. They were all over me and complaining about each other and almost everything.

"people... People.. peopleeeee" I screamed at the top of my lungs and finally they came to stop.

"I am sweaty. If you guys don't stop right now I will take all of you in a bear hug. Anyone wants to enjoy the fragrance?" I cocked an eyebrow looking at them.

In an instant, their face was turned into a disgusted look.

"eewww... gross."

"dirty Bria" I laughed at Jack when he scrunched his nose in disgust. He is super cute, I swear.

They all scattered in the living room to complete their school work leaving me alone. I took that opportunity and went to my room for a warm shower. After getting ready I came downstairs and resolved the fight between Lillian and Liam by promising a new barbie pencil to Lillian and making them take a quick hug. Then I helped younger kids with their homework and elder kids with their projects and assignments.

I didn't even realise when the next two hours flew listening about their day in school and other aimless rantings.

" dinner time" Benji came and called everyone for dinner clapping his hands.

Without wasting a minute everyone ran to the dining room followed by me. The dinner went by with usual fighting, laughing, complaining, teasing and chatting.

Very normal. Note the sarcasm.

After helping Benji to clean the kitchen, I went to the rooms of kids. I tucked Jack into the bed and made sure that all girls were sleeping well.

I came to my room and changed into my pyjamas. After making sure that every work for the day was done I got under the warm covers on my bed. As soon as my body hit the mattress all the tiredness from the day washed over me and within a minute I succumbed into the deep slumber.

God! This is heaven!