Wow! A river of chocolate. I watched it at in awe. The thick brown slowly flowing liquid was surrounded by candies and lollies like cobbles and pebbles surround the real river. I was literally salivating by just looking at the sight. I couldn't control my- self as I laughed giddily. I didn't want to leave this place. This was HEAVEN!!

I ran towards the river laughing like a 4 year- old without thinking anything else I leapt my body in the air for a jump with my tongue sticking out to taste the deliciousness. My face was about to touch the sweet honeydew when an ear-splitting scream woke me from my dream. I jumped in fright and shot out of the bed with wide eyes. My heart was beating wildly in my chest at the thought of someone broke into the house. I looked frantically around my room and suddenly the lights were switched on.

There stood a group of pawns of satan with amused faces and a worried-looking Benji. We stared at each other for a few seconds in pin-drop silence when their faces turned into a goofy smile. And before I comprehend the situation those jokers broke into a fit of laughter. They were all laughing like hyenas clutching their stomach. I stood there in shock and anger.

"what the-" my sentence was cut short when Benji gave me his so famous hard look and mouthed 'language'.

I huffed in annoyance and pouted. Slowly the laughter subsided and I was tackled in a bear hug. I was lying on the floor with six gorillas on top of me. Trust me they were heavy! My plead of help came out muffled and I prayed to the big man above that I don't get any fractured bone. I somehow caught Benji looking the scene with amusement and a smile graced on his lips.

He was enjoying watching me suffer instead of helping me. That cold-hearted old man!

"ok kids. Get off of her. Let her breath." Benji walked over to us and helped kids to get up one by one.

I sighed in relief but my poor heart was beating fast to grasp more oxygen. Benji helped me get up and circled my shoulders with one hand while he held me steady with the other one. I was about to attack the fireball of my anger when they all screamed in delight.

"haaappppyyyy birthdaaayyy Briaaaa"

I stood there with a dumbfounded look on my face when slowly the realisation came down on me. Holy shit! It was my birthday. How could I forget it ?! I am so dumb!

Benji came from behind and I turned to look at him. He pulled me into a warm hug.

"happy 20th birthday sweetheart. You have grown up very fast. My little munchkin has turned into a very strong and beautiful woman I have ever seen. And I am so fucking proud of you darling."

He kissed my forehead and pulled away to look at me with adoration. I smiled at him.

"how come you can use bad words but I can't?" I asked using my hands to air quote it.

He laughed "because only adults can use bad words and you are and always will be my little munchkin. So, NO. you can't use bad words" he mimicked my actions.

I huffed and rolled my eyes at his partiality. Jack tugged my hand " Bria.. come we have a surprise for you." he chirped with happiness and started dragging me downstairs.

Everyone followed us talking animatedly with each other about how their surprise would 'blow my mind away'. Juan came to cover my eyes with his hands ignoring my protest. I was bouncing with excitement inside because I looovee surprises. Well everyone loves surprises.

When they stopped dragging and pushing me, I assumed that we have entered in the living room.

"ok ... ready?" Juan asked me and I could hear the excitement clear in his voice. I nodded my head smiling then Juan removed his hands from my eyes and I slowly opened only to gasp in shock.

The whole living room was decorated with white and blue balloons which were my favourite ones. Some glued on the walls and some scattered on the floor. On the main wall, there was a decoration of 'happy birthday Bria' hanging. Ribbons and different decorative items added to the beauty. I watched the whole room in awe and surprise.

"There is something more," Lily announced clapping her hands with a grin. Liam and Ava cut through the crowd and came forward with the world's most precious thing in their hands.

Chocolate cake!!

My mouth watered as my tummy monster jumped in joy. Anyone could see the bright stars shining in my eyes at a mere site of that yummy cake. Damn... I am hopelessly in love.

Liam and Ava put the cake on the table and gestured for me to cut the cake with a smile.

I was so lost at words and felt my eyes watered. Oh my god! I love them!

"thank you, guys. It means a world to-" I stopped when my eyes land on the chocolaty goodness and my eyes went wide in surprise. The cake was beautiful alright. But that was not the point. It was decorated with neat cursive letters written with pink cream.

'dear FATTY'

Oh No! they didn't! Before I could go all crazy banshee on them, they all huddled up together and started screaming 'surprise' and 'happy birthday'. They grabbed my hand putting a knife in it and cut the cake before I could protest. I opened my mouth to shout when it was stuffed with cake.

The moment the chocolaty sweetness touched the taste buds I moaned in pleasure and all my anger faded away. They did it purposefully. They knew my weakness. These cunning little creatures!

The room was filled with chaos and soon as expected everyone attacked on the cake. I swallowed my last bite and open my eyes to look that more than half of the cake was already finished. My eyes widened in horror and I jumped in the crowd to take my share of the cake.

Not after only ten minutes, the whole cake was gone not even a small bite insight. Only it's remnants were present as evidence of its existence.

"Bria... we have a gift for you." Jack came to sit on my lap giving me his toothy grin.

"kiddos you know you have already done more than I expected. There is no need for anything else." I looked at them smiling and encircled my hands around the small frame of Jack placing my chin on his head.

They didn't answer me and brought a wrapped present from the adjoining room. Lillian cleaned the table and placed it on it. The gift box was fairly big in size wrapped in cute blue designed gift paper. It was decorated with a double layer of navy blue ribbon and chequered blue and green ribbon on it. The knot of the ribbon was fixed with a big shirt button. It was very cute that I couldn't help but grabbed my phone to take a photo. One can clearly see the efforts these kids had put into it.

I hesitated to open it because I really didn't want to tear it and waste their efforts. But their excited chatter pushed me to do it anyways. I opened the present and there was a book inside the box. I pulled out the book with a designer cover. I moved my fingers on it a clear surprise written on my face.

It was light green in colour with different patterns and colour. I open it and I swear my jaw hit the ground in surprise. The first page was decorated with different designs and colours. On the left side, there were small balloons of different colours with a small note on which my birthdate was written in elegant handwriting. There was a note with a cute message on the middle of the page. Below that was a cut out of 'birthday' stick at the bottom.

Soon I was filled with all the information of who made what, how everyone messed up their task, how much time they put in it and almost everything. Benji came and sat beside me on the armrest of the couch looking at the book in amusement. I looked at him questioningly to which he shrugged in response. Even Benji was unaware of this gift.

We spend next half an hour flipping the pages and chatting and laughing. Every page was explicitly beautiful. There were cute messages on each page from each kid. Different photos of us like dancing in the rain and making funny faces at the camera, playing on the beach, the time when we went to the amusement park and one where Liam was crying looking at the lion and other such photos. There were also some of our funny memories written in between.

There were comments and arguments for each page. I couldn't keep my smile away looking at the book. When the book finished I closed it and looked at everyone.

I took a deep breath and bite my lower lip trying to control the fountain of emotions.

"thank you so much guys, Benji. You guys are all that I could have ever asked for as a family. You made my day... well night very special with all this. I – I –" I couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling. I stopped when my voice cracked and I took a shaky breath.

"now stop Bria... I really can't handle the waterworks and sentimental drama at 2 o'clock in the morning" Lillian groaned.

"don't cry, Bria. We are your family." Jack wiped my tears with his small hands.

"and you are our family" everyone yelled and gathered around me for another bear hug.

I laughed and wiped my tears away. I grabbed Benji's hand and pulled him to join our group hug.

My life was not perfect but I was the luckiest person alive at that moment.