It had been two days since my sweet 20th birthday and that awful night. I somehow was able to melt Benji's anger and made him stop with his silent treatment. Who could resist my charm! Well... I may or may not fell on my knees begging Benji to forgive me while crying my eyes out, shouting like someone was beating me with iron rods and refusing to leave his legs until he forgave me. And did I mentioned that all this drama happened in the centre of our café that too during the rush hours when it was packed with people? No? well, now you know it.

I didn't get much time to dwell on that threat because of my routine. Like every day I left the house in the evening for my run to the park. I completed 3 rounds as usual and sat there watching the sunset. I head back to the home enjoying the cool breeze against my warm and sweaty skin.

I was midway when I smelled the most addicting smell and that was hotdogs. My mouth watered at its site. The juicy meat and sauces made my heart melt with lust. I hopped towards the food truck ogling at that deliciousness. The vendor looked up at me when he saw me drooling over the food.

"good evening! Which one do you want to try? We have different options." He smiled at me showing their menu.

His voice snapped me out of my lust adventure. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment as I started fidgeting with my fingers.

"umm... so?" he asked me lifting his one brow expectantly.

"actually- I – umm... I don't have money with me right now" I blurted out pathetically and groaned internally at my stupidity. I could have given him any excuse like I don't like hotdogs or they were not hygienic or anything rather than embarrassing myself. But no! Ugh!

He looked at me like I was out of my mind but then he said with a forced smile "umm.. sorry but" I cut him before he thought that I was some charity case or homeless weak girl which I was sure could be the conclusion looking at my current form.

"no. no. it's alright. I – I was just checking out your food truck. Food trucks are really a great option for the startup. I mean here you are your own boss. And damn... everyone loves you because of your food. And.. i- I – ok bye" I squeaked in the end when my rambling became irrational adding my embarrassment and ran towards my house before my prestige got to mix with the dirt on the road.

I breathed a sigh and straightened myself as I neared the house. We didn't have any neighbours as the property was pretty isolated and little on the border of the neighbouring city and our town. Sometimes I considered it as a bad thing when it came to the security of kids. But most of the times it was a great thing that we didn't have to deal with nosy and complaining neighbours. Benji told me that my parents wanted a home away from the chaos of the busy world and when they saw this place and its beauty they instantly fell in love with it. Their choice was indeed the best!

I unlocked the front door and entered the house welcoming its warmth. I closed the door behind me and headed to the living room.

" Hey fatty! You have got some parcel" Liam called from the couch where he was sprawled over it like a blanket with a bowl of chips on his stomach and was watching some action movie on the TV.

"shut up you, elephant and stop stuffing food twice the size of your body. It may get explode with methane releasing in the air and hiking the rate of global warming." I hit his head with a small pillow and smirked when other kids in the room laughed their ass off. He threw daggers at me with his angry stare but then rolled his eyes focusing on eating and the movie.

There was a black box on the coffee table with a note. I picked it up and examined it for any name of the sender or anything. But there was only a small message typed that said

'a little gift for you Miss Maxwell. I hope you like it as much as you like hitting people."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I read that note. What the hell did it mean?! Benji came in the room and kids gathered around me as they noticed my confused face and stiffed body.

"oh and Bria I think its clock inside of the box. I heard the ticking of it." Ava said while looking at me. When her innocent voice registered in my head, I felt colour drained from my face.

I felt Benji suck a deep breath and his body was on alert mode. We looked at each other exchanging glances.

"ok kids. Get back to your room" Benji ordered but these little troubles stood there stubbornly.

"Liam, when and where you get it?" I asked sceptically.

"I found it five minutes ago. I saw some movement through the window so I checked outside but there was no one. I found the parcel placed on the front porch"

My mind was rolling with only one thought. What if it was a bomb or something dangerous? Suddenly, the meaning of that note cleared in my mind. I punched that fucktard that night. Oh hell no. Without thinking much I grabbed the box and ran out of the house. I heard everyone calling my name and loud thuds of Benji's feet behind me. But I didn't pay any mind to them and ran. My mind was in super panic mode and all I was thinking about that I need to get the box away from my family.

The thought of watching any one of them getting hurt twisted my heart painfully. My body was shaking in fear and I thought it would give up any moment but adrenaline did its work and forced me to run faster. When I got away from the house and my family, I mustered all my courage to throw the box with all the force I had. But I stumbled and tripped over a stone falling face-first on the ground. The box fell from my hands and I closed my eyes for the bang and boom to be heard and be prepared for my body to explode in thin shreds.

I heard panicked yelling and gasps when the box hit the ground with a sound of metal hitting the ground. After waiting for two shaky breaths I opened my right eye and then the left one. My eyes went wide when I saw a metal clock peeking shyly out of the box with broken glass. I scrambled towards it and opened the lid to see the now damaged clock and one more note folded neatly inside of it.

Benji pulled me by my hand and helped me get up before pulling me into his arms. I felt his ragged breath and wildly hammering heart. I pulled away from him and gasped at the sight. For the first time in my entire existence, I saw one thing evidently in his stormy grey eyes. Fear. He opened his mouth to say something when the sound of crying stopped him.

Jack was crying big fat tears and shaking in fear. Juan scooped him in his arms trying to calm down him. Juan was being strong but I saw the same fear in his eyes. I looked at the note in my hand and opened it to reveal one more message. But this was not a computer typed message. It was written in neat and elegant handwriting. Each word was finished with confident strokes like a calligrapher. It was such beautiful handwriting.

' I hope that you liked this little gift for your Twentieth birthday. I also hope that you have already felt that feeling which wrapped around your heart like a vice. Fear. I like that. And that fear has a form and shape and that's ME. Your worst nightmare. You have messed with the wrong person Miss Maxwell.

P.S. be a good obedient girl.'

A chill ran down my spine making hairs on my body stood up in straight lines. I admit that never in my life I got this intimidated by reading a mere message from anyone. Benji snatched the note from my hand and his eyes ran over the lines. His face was contorted in fury as his hands clenched into tight fists.

I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him a bit. I saw the scared faces of all kids. If they were scared before then they must me pissing their pants in fear looking at furious Benji. I couldn't blame them as I was also feeling the same. Ava cleared her throat awkwardly and nodded at Liam.

"let's get inside. It's late." He said slowly as if testing the thin ice that was Benji's temper.

Without wasting a minute everyone rushed into the house followed by me, gently dragging my old man not before he kicked that god damn box and clock with all his force sending it flying for a good few feet away.

We stepped inside the house and closed the door behind. In the next two hours I made some small talk with kids and Benji to ease the tension. Well .. I tried. No one spoke about what happened like it was a forbidden secret that we couldn't even utter a single word about. And I was glad about that. We finished the dinner after which elder kids cleaned the kitchen except Ava as she took Jack to his room to sleep.

After making sure that it was safe to left the kitchen in their hands, I went to Benji's room. He was still angry and tensed as he sat on his bed with head in his hands. Now don't get me wrong but he was behaving strangely. Yes ... I was also scared and angry but he was beyond that.

"Hey," I said softly and sat beside him.

"are you ok?" he asked me with his worried grey eyes.

"Yeah. I guess. Are you?"

"no. I am not ok. I am not ok that some bastard decided to play a sick game with the life of you and the kids. I will fucking kill him." He fumed with anger again.

A chuckle escaped my mouth before I could control it.

"Bria... why are you laughing? What's funny?" He looked down and narrowed his eyes at me.

"god Benji. You look like a fucking terminator on the mission of destruction. Don't get me wrong. I know you are a strong guy but old man you are more than twice the age of me." I shook my head as I imagine Benji go all ass-kicking ninja on the person who was threatening us.

"I may be old but I can surely beat some dozens of asses without wasting a drop of sweat." He grumbled crossing his hands over the chest.

"Yeah. You sure can." I nodded at him then placed my head on his shoulder and took his hand in mine. The thing I always do when I feel scared or sad. I felt him relaxed a little.

" do you think it was done by the man I punched."

"no. it's his boss." He spat the last word with anger.

"How can you be so sure? I mean I didn't punch the boss. I punched his... Employee? or whatever he is to him. No boss gets all this sentimental on his employees. At least my boss does not."

My attempt of easing out the tension worked fine as Benji pulled my ear playfully making me laugh loudly.