After getting chided by Benji for calling him old man and doubting his strength I head to my bedroom not before bidding him goodnight. I took a warm shower to relax my tensed body and a foggy mind. After getting ready for bed I slipped under the covers and sat resting my back on the headboard. My mind replaying the events of the night. I was thinking about my talk with Benji a while ago where he mentioned the boss. I asked him how did he conclude that this boss person was after us but he switched the topic immediately.

When I saw that box and heard that ticking sound, I assumed it was indeed a bomb. Fear stricken faces of all kids flashed in front of my eyes and my heart twisted at the thought of anyone of them getting hurt. I didn't know who this boss person was and what exactly he wanted but I promised myself that I will not let him win. I will not let them hurt my kids or take our home away from us. This house was our place which we turned into a home with love and our uncountable bittersweet memories. With that thought, I drifted to sleep.


I watched as everyone get settled on the dining table for breakfast. But there was no bickering, fights and noise like every day. They all were very quiet, their faces were holding the look like someone would jump out of nowhere to hurt them. I hated it. I didn't like my kids feeling this scared. Benji came into the room with the last plates of breakfast and put them on the table. We exchanged the looks.

I cleared my throat and switch to my best strongest voice " kids."

All six heads turned to look at me at the same time.

"I know you guys are disturbed because of yesterday's event. But I promise you that there is no need to worry you guys about it. I and Benji will handle the situation. You all just focus on your studies as your exams are coming in a few weeks. But you guys have to keep your guards up all the time." I paused to scan their faces for any reactions. They remained unchanged. I met Benji's eyes as he signalled me to continue.

"don't talk to any stranger. Don't touch anything which is not yours... in school and in home. Inform me or Benji immediately if you notice anything or anyone suspicious. Always stay in a group. It is the older kids' responsibility to look after the younger ones. And finally... Do not pull any stunt to show your bravery or how much you care about the family. Understood?"

They blinked then slowly nodded their heads at me in understanding.

"I want a verbal promise"

"promise," they all said in unison.

"good. Now hurry up. You guys have to get to school." I smiled at them. They dig in their breakfast finishing it soon. All the kids scurried out of the dining room but Juan lingered behind.

"Hey," I said softly as I neared him.

He lifted his head meeting my eyes. Before I could say anything, he hugged me tightly. I felt his heavy breathing and slightly tensed body. I wrapped my hands around his taller frame and started rubbing his back up and down in soothing motion. I pulled away to look at him to see his teary eyes. I pulled him further in the room and made him sit on the sofa before sitting beside him.

"hey! What's wrong buddy?" I asked while stroking his knuckles slowly with my hands.

"I – I am scared Bria."

"there's no need to be scared Juan. I will take care-"

"I read that second note Bria. I know they want something from you. They are not after us but they are after you. They are using us to just get to you." He clenched my hands.

I was shocked when he said that he saw that note. Only I and Benji knew about the threat in that note. I purposefully kept that note away from the kids but this sneaky chicken had to look it. I felt the wave of anger in me and was about to scold him when I noticed his tired eyes with bags under them. His eyes were filled with concern that made me decide against it. I sighed to calm down.

"Juan, you shouldn't have read that. I kept it away from you for a reason. I don't want you to stress yourself over it. We will handle it. I promise." I said in pleading voice to make him understand that I meant every word I said.

"what if something happens to you, huh? Or Benji? What we will do then?" he raised his voice while looking at me intently. I opened my mouth but closed it like a gaping fish as I didn't know what to say.

"Bria, we all love you so much. You are not only someone who provided us with a good life, you are more than that for us. When our own parents abandoned us, you took us in your life. You played the roles of mother, father, sister, guardian and best friend for all of us. You getting hurt is something that I will not be able to see, ever. You said you will handle everything but what if any of the kids get hurt? What will we do then?" his voice was filled with pain and fear of losing the people he loved.

"Listen, Juan. I understand that you are scared for your family and it's alright. I am also scared. But don't make it your weakness. Turn it into your strength. I am scared for you all so, I am gonna fight harder for you. I will fight those men, their boss. Heck, I will fight with the whole fucking world just to keep you guys safe. And as for getting me hurt....." I took a shaky breath and grabbed both of his hands.

"I know there is someone who will protect the kids and will look after them better than me if anything happens to me. And that person is... You." His eyes widened a little at my statement.

"yes Juan. I know you will always be there to hold this family together, to protect it from the demons of the world. You are a strong guy. You have seen this family growing from the start. You have helped me to look after this home, our café and our family. I know how much you love and care about everyone. I am not afraid about putting myself in danger because I trust you with all of my heart that you will fulfil all your responsibilities."

Juan stared at me with teary eyes and then pulled me again for another hug. I wrapped my arms around him closing my eyes to keep the doors of the dam of tears closed.

"I promise you, Bria. I will never break your trust. I will be stronger for my family and will protect them with my life."

I smiled at him and told him to go to school before it was late, ruffling his hairs. He grumbled about me ruining his fifteen minutes of hard work and skills, he had learned watching men's grooming channels on YouTube. I chuckled at him, waving him goodbye.

I got ready after that and hurried to the café. I saw Benji working in the kitchen and few customers enjoying their mornings with breakfast and good company. Time flew and it was around three in the afternoon already.

The bell above the door chimes indicating the arrival of a customer. I glanced up to see an unfamiliar man in his late twenties entered the café. He was of average height with a lean body. His blonde hair combed and styled perfectly. He had black sheds on. He was looking nothing less than a filthy rich businessman. He stood there looking around the café with stony expressions and his hands in his pant pockets. His eyebrows shoot up slightly when he saw me behind the counter. He looked at me for few seconds then turned, heading to the table in the corner near the windows.

I stood up and went towards him to take his order. Our regular customers gave their orders directly at the counter, on the other times, it was my duty to take their orders at their tables. I approached him analysing his body language as he was looking into the menu card.

"good afternoon, Sir! Welcome to Café Merry's. What would you like to order sir?" I asked him politely.

He looked up at me "thank you. Café Merry's. Is it your name?"

I couldn't see his expressions as his face was set into an expressionless mould and his eyes were hiding behind black shades. But one thing I certainly knew that I was not getting any good vibes from him. His unexpected question took me off guard. When I took long to answer he quirked up his brow to remind me that I had yet to give him an answer.

I cleared my throat and masked my suspicion with a fake smile that was reserved for particular situations like this.

"no. Merry was my mom. This café was started in her remembrance."

"Oh. Then what's your beautiful name pretty lady?" he asked me with overly sugar-coated voice which was as fake as my smile.

"Bria," I told him hesitantly, purposefully avoiding giving my full name.

He kept looking at me but I could tell that the wheels in his brain were running on a different road. After a pause of a minute I said again "your order please?"

He snapped out of his thought and gave me his order of a black coffee. I went to give the order to Benji after telling the strange man that his order will be ready soon. I helped Benji preparing the coffee and got back to that man's table.

He was busy typing something in his phone as he didn't notice my presence. I put the coffee mug before him and asked him if he wants anything else which he replied with no. I turned to get back to the counter and get away from this not so good man when I noticed a sleek black car parked at the other side of the road. What caught my attention was its windows which were tinted black and there was this sign of 'K' shining in the sunlight in golden colour, gold maybe, fixed on the front of the car. We lived in a small town hundreds of kilometres away from the nearby city with mostly middle classed people around. Our house and café were situated little away from the main road and was somewhat isolated from the neighbours. So, it was quite strange to see such an expensive car near the café.

"Is there something wrong?" I heard that strange man from behind me making me snapped out of my thoughts.

"Uh, no. Enjoy your coffee, Sir," I said and hurried towards the counter.

After five minutes I took a look at the man and saw him looking at the same car while he was holding his phone to his ear. He said something and nodded then hung up the call. He finished his coffee in one go and stood up to walk to the counter. He placed the money in front of me gaining my attention.

"it was a nice coffee. And it's a nice café." He said as his lips stretched into a small smile.

"thank you, Sir. Please visit again." I said for the sake of formality and because of Benji. He would kill me he knew I didn't do my duty properly.

He looked at me from behind his shades as his smile turned into a cocky smirk "sure. It's a promise, butterfly!" with that he got out of the café as I stood there stunned at his choice of the words. I ran to the window and saw him slipping in the passenger seat of the same black car with golden 'K' on its front.

I shivered automatically as his voice ranged in my ears again and again.

"It's a promise, butterfly!"