I entered the gym tensed and have made up my mind that she needed to learn that the supreme authority here was only me. I was angry that I had to deal with Gabriel in this way, and it was all because of her.

I pushed open the door, and was surprised to see that she was already there. She was engrossed in her own world, and didn't notice my appearance. She was humming some song which I didn't recognise as I was not into the music or anything entertaining for that matter. She must have got here just before me.

Her fingers touched the zipper of her jacket, and I couldn't remove my eyes from her. Slowly she pulled down the zipper, and my eyes followed the movement all along. The creamy skin of hers revealed making me clench my jaw. The zipper slides down her full bosoms down to her flat stomach. It has always surprised me that the girl maintained a flat belly even though she ate like an elephant.