He was so close to me that I could hardly breathe. His large rough hands covered my mouth, his calloused skin touching my lips. His woody and resinous scent filled my senses that reminded me of green forest and freshly cut grass.

"Understood?" I broke out of my daydream, regaining my senses.

I nodded my head slowly, and he removed his hand from my mouth brushing my lips, and chin in the way. A shiver ran down my spine at his touch. He started folding my pant up, and I pulled my leg away from his with a hiss. His face turned into clear annoyance as he looked up at me.

God... I can't believe that I could be this dumb.

"Actually- I - I haven't .....shaved my legs." The last words of mine dispersed in the air when he pulled up my pant before I could finish my sentence. He stared at my legs with unfathomable expressions while I stared at him with wide eyes, and utter mortification. My hands reached my necklace as on instinct.