The hair in my nose burned, and the feeling of puking out everything that I ate today was unbearable. I couldn't understand what was so difficult in following the simple rule for men: Use flush after every use. The foul smell was giving me a headache. I pulled up the neckline of my shirt to cover my nose.

I waited for a minute to confirm that I was alone in there. When no sound came for a minute, I slowly unlocked the door and stepped outside the washroom. It was an old building made up of bricks and many large pillars to support the roof. I hide behind a wall to analyse the situation. If I get caught, then it was over for me.

I felt like living the James Bond movie and wished I had some cool gadgets like him for help. But alas! It was a freaking reality that I was in an unknown place without any weapons where a whole gang was ready to kill with all kinds of weapons that I couldn't even remember.