I made sure to be not get noticed by anyone as I hid to listen. I couldn't commit a mistake or else all my efforts, including bearing that horrible smell of men's washroom would go down the drain.

"If you think that this is the worst then you are sadly mistaken. It's just a beginning." I was shocked to hear Samuel's cold and vicious voice. The sweet, smiling and caring Samuel was just a facade in front of me?

A man murmured something in his ear to which he replied in satisfaction. "They are already here? Good"

It meant more people were coming here. What if the captured people were the same people whom I was looking for?

I broke inside the building, playing James Bond in overconfidence, but I never gave a thought to what I would do if I find my men here. Shit! How could you be so thoughtless, Bria? I facepalmed in annoyance. Before doing anything, first I had to confirm my assumptions. If only I could get a better view...