Learning magic and continuing to north

[General information]

[Name: Abelard]

[Age: 16]

[Gender: Male]

[Occupation: None]

[Level: 47]


[Strength: 200/10000]

[Agility: 140/10000]

[Intelligence: 206/10000]

[Leadership: 150/10000]

[General reputation: 80/1000]

[Luck: 9999/10000]

[Job: Beginner mage]

The boy sat on the bed while staring at the general information where there's a new thing on it. Kind of surprised and confused at the same time, he asked Abelard about it, "Hey Abelard, look, there's a new thing called job,"

The mini boy was floating around with his small body and was examining the tab. He sighed, turned around and said to the boy, "Well, as I said, I'm not familiar with this thing called system. I guess you are a mage or a magician now, I'm more curious about the mana bar anyway,"

The boy nodded and opened the magic tab he has just gotten access to and examined the tab, then found the mana bar in no time. He was kind of surprised and pointed at the tab while facing the mini boy, "Abelard, you see this, why does it say I have 3547/3567 mana?"

Abelard sighed, now with his eyes closed and hand to his waist, "Don't you remember that body is actually mine, of course, I did practice with magic before? I guess the system can't detect the mana in the body because you are not circulating it?"

Abel scratched his head, showing a sign of confusion to the mini boy. He then asked, "Well… Abelard, before you told me to just say fireball and now there's circulating. I'm kind of confused on which one should I do to use magic…"

Abelard sighed once again, now showing the sign of disappointment, while Abel just laughed like an innocent boy. He explained it once again for the boy, "You see, the magic ring is for converting your mana to a spell, circulating mana means mana movement from one place to another- Wait… if you don't know the difference, how were you able to do that before?"

Abel just shrugged and Abelard raised one of his eyebrows, now he is the one confused, "So Abelard, you used magic without even knowing the difference… you must be a genius for doing that, should I even teach you how to use magic?"

Abel nodded, "I myself don't even know how the system work, I think you should continue teaching me how to use magic! So… what is our next step, creating lightning? Or even burning forest?"

Abelard shook his head and said: "Since we have the magic tab open, I want to examine it, wait for me" The boy nodded and just sat there waiting for the mini boy, then he slowly fell into the bed.

Abel closed his eye for a few seconds and when opened his eyes back, he saw Abelard right in front of his eyes, standing on his cheek, the mini boy said, "Hey Abel, I once again remind you that I don't know of the system, but… I guess I found something new after all"

Abel looked at him with one of his eyebrows raised as he straightened himself back to a sitting position. The mini boy continued his words, "I think if you use the magic three times, you can use it next time with the help of the system. I don't know if that will change anything though"

The boy examined the tab himself and saw the words right at the bottom of the tab.

[Use magic three times to get it listed to the magic spell list]

[Effect: Easier casting]

And he, out of curiousness, he cast a fireball, distinguish it, and then he cast another fireball and distinguish it again. And almost immediately, a notification popped up right in front of his view.

[Player used "Fireball" three times, spell added to the list]

He just grinned right after that…

The next day, the boy spent his time experimenting with all kinds of magic he could think of, even mixing elements with each other. Meanwhile, Halius was mainly in the pub, gathering information as best as he could from the dwarves.

Of course, it wasn't easy for both of them, but they did it anyway and succeeded, of course. Hence, the next day, they are making their way through the snow on feet, "Such a shame there's no horse in the town, don't you think so, Halius?"

Halius just nodded but didn't say anything, and both of them kept on walking until they found a cave just on the side of a cliff to take shelter for the night. Halius was very well asleep at that moment and there was only Abel, accompanied with the mini boy.

It was silent… neither of them has a topic they wanted to talk about, but then the mini boy realized something, "Hey Abel! You liar! I forgot about this, but I suddenly remembered about you using that sound barrier on that forest!"

Abel was shocked, and a little confused when he heard this, with two of his fingers on his chin, he thought about it and he instantly knew the reason, "Wait… I wasn't a liar, you may not know this but the system got updated recently right? I heard there was a problem before! Hmm…. To think about it, I just channelled some mana into the air with the tip of my finger that time…"

Abel suddenly got the idea. He created the same barrier that is shaped like a dome and did it three times. The notification popped up and with a light panting; he looked at it.

[Player used "Unknown spell" three times, spell added to the list]

[What would you like to name it?]


[Player used "Barrier" three times, spell added to the list]

Abelard said to him, "Barrier, huh? I heard magician created a mana barrier around them to protect themselves, I guess you were not much different. Anyway, let's go sleep in order to not awake that kid"

Abel waved at him and then just logged off.

The next morning, the two boys continued their journey north and 5 hours later, they found nothing at all, just a sea. Both of them got a bit frustrated, but when they stood at the place for a few minutes longer, the sea slowly dispersed and was replaced by flat land, still covered with snow.

[One of the 5 elven sages, Rayene, invited you to enter the land of the most north]