Chapter 2, The system

David's mind was racing, he looked at his reflection once more. He was Anakin Skywalker in his prime. But what was Anakin Skywalker doing in the Borderlands universe? Does this mean this is an alternate universe mashed with Star Wars? That would mean anything he knew from the books and games would be useless here. David continued to question himself for several minutes until he came up with an idea. He thought about for a second, then said "system" out loud, he knew in self-inserts stories the protagonist used a "system" interface with information and inventory to help them out. And just as he thought, an interface popped up in front of him. The interface itself was identical as the one in the Borderlands 2 game.


Name: David Harel (Anakin Skywalker)

Age: 23

Class: Jedi Knight

Level: 1

Exp: 0/1000

Hit Points: 10/100

Attribute Points: 0

Ability: Decepti0n, Phaselock

Skill Tree: Zer0, Maya



(Story) Follow CL4P-TRAP.

A funny looking robot "saved" me and wants me to help him reach Sanctuary.


David whispered to himself. "So, I really am Anakin Skywalker, and I am a Jedi, does that mean I can use the Force and become a Sith? Being a Sith would be more useful than a Jedi on Pandora."

David was about to have a mental breakdown; he couldn't fathom why he had a Lightsaber in a world with billions of different guns. Not wanting to get a headache, David approached Claptrap only to be disappointed to hear Claptrap talking about human poop. David hated with a burning passion Claptrap in his previous life. So, he still hated him here as well, David wanted to slice the poor robot into pieces, but he knew that Claptrap was needed for the story quests.

"Follow me!" said Claptrap, leading the way.

(Entering Claptrap's hideout)

"Well done! Your ability to walk short distances without dying will surely be Handsome Jack's downfall!" said the abused robot.

David observed the hideout, it was 4 times the size of the one from the game. He quickly concluded that most buildings were smaller in the game than in reality. Without Claptrap noticing, David looted everything he could get his hands on.

"Sorry about the mess. Everything Jack kills, he dumps here – bandits, Vault Hunters, Claptrap units… If I sound pleased about this, it's only because my programmers made this my default tone of voice! I'm actually quite depressed! Now, the creatures around here are dangerous, none more than this Bullymong named Knuckle Dragger – killed everyone I know. Anywho, I keep a pistol in the cabinet over there for emergencies, but in here, we should be pretty safe! "

When David finished looting the craphole, he awaited the "gun in the cabinet" quest to start, listening to Claptrap talking David came to another conclusion. "The NPC's are capable of proper conversations, that's a shame, I was looking forward to staring at Lilith's chest when talking to her." Sighed David.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, and Claptrap shouted "Arrgh--Bullymongs!" Just like in the game, a Bullymong named "Knucke-Dragger" appeared from a hole in the roof and stole Claptrap's eye. David was surprised by the creature, it was real, for one and it looked like an albino gorilla the size of a bus. When the monster ran away with Claptrap's eye, David injected himself a healing syringe he found in a pin. To be honest, David knew he was more worried about how to heal himself during combat than retrieving Claptrap's eye from a monster.

"MY EYE! AHHHHHH!" screamed the robot, knowing he can't feel pain.



Quest : Gun in the cabinet.

Get the gun in the cabinet and retrieve Claptrap's eye.


"The gun... The gun in the cabinet..." acted Claptrap like a dying animal.

David dashed to the cabinet to retrieve a hand-gun, only to be disappointed when observing it's stats.


Name : Basic Repeater

Damage : 11

Accuracy : 86.9

Fire rate : 12.5

Reload Speed : 1.5

Magazine Size : 10

Effects : Burst fire when zoomed

Manufacturer : DAHL

Cost : $20


The gun was a dull and rusty handgun, with a greyish grip and sand coloured barrel. David threw it away immediately, he had a Lightsaber, there was no need for a gun yet. David let the now blind robot bump into obstacles, for his entertainment.

(Minutes later, outside of the hideout)

After looting some Hyperion crates, outside of the hideout, the female voice reappeared. "Once upon a time, four Vault Hunters changed Pandora forever. But their time has passed -- thanks to Handsome Jack. Pandora needs a new hero. I know that hero is you."

"Please enlighten me, Goddess of truth." Said David trying to hold back himself from laughing.

"Stick close to the robot – he will help you get off this glacier, and into the city of Sanctuary. That is the only place you will be safe." said Angel.

"Consider it done." Replied David with a smile.

After the female voice left, an evil grin appeared on David's face. He was making plans for his task. "To prepare for the onslaught, I would need an army, either the loader bots or crimson raiders could do. Or… The Destroyer… I could wait for Jack to find it and then steal its control and proceed with order 66 for all psychos by pretending to work for Jack and I could have him trust me, but Handsome Jack trusting someone? Lilith made sure that would never happen again. Since I don't know myself the exact location of the Destroyer or the Key, I need to get Angel to work for me." Said David firmly to himself. He also knew he needed to prepare for Borderlands 3, or Tales from the Borderlands.

Claptrap interrupted his thoughts by saying. ""Ugh – AGAIN?! Jack's tearing Pandora apart to find the Vault. They say Jack's drilling operations are causing those earthquakes. That, or your mom just got outta bed, ZING!" said the soon to be dead robot.

As David ignited his lightsaber on, facing the blind robot. Angel interrupted him "You'll need that funny little robot's help to reach Sanctuary, the last bastion of the resistance against Jack, and the only place you will be truly safe. Get to Sanctuary."

"tch-" came from David's mouth as he continued to walk.