Naruto Fanfic Introduction - By EternalVirtues


"I don't fear death, I just fear that my anger will fade over time…."

Those are the words I still carry with me even after the death of my was a total genocide by the hands of someone I held so dear to my heart he was like a brother to me in many ways, but for some reason he decided to totally annihilate the whole clan. All except me...any case it doesn't matter as I will kill him one day for the sake of the name is Brad Uchiha and along with my sister this is our quest for vengeance..



( Brad POV)


I remember It was like it was yesterday a sunny morning when I was training and trying to keep up with my best friend Michael , who was a prodigy by the standards of his parents and peers as he was the youngest anbu black ops in the history of the Uchiha. he excelled in all the activities without breaking a sweat. It would always drive me crazy that I would train hard and never come close to him. " It's okay Brad it's harder than it looks!" Michael said happily as he helped me up as my face was covered in sweat as I stared into his eyes. They were red as it was our clan's trademark sharingan, he unlocked his from training and from then on his parents showered him with praise. I have yet to unlock mine but I know I'm close! I can feel it, " Speak for yourself Michael! You always hit your targets every time while I'm always off." I said slightly annoyed as he kept that big grin of his as he walked over to the target board that was pinned to a nearby tree. He grabbed all the Kunais as in that instant he jump into the air, he quickly shifted his weight and turned his body upside down as his head was facing down. Brad noticed that Michael's eyes were closed as he threw the kunai's all at once at the targets hitting them all in the center, as Michael adjusted his weight his feet touching the ground as if they were made of cushion. " Show off" I said softly as his grin grew wider " It's not showing off when you can back it up!" Michael said laughing as I rolled my eyes as I realized I had to get back home as Dad was going to show me the fireball jutsu technique. " Hey Michael I have to get home! But I'll catch up with you later!" I said quickly before running off as he waved, " Good Luck with the fireball jutsu." He said softly as I turned to him smiling and nodding before picking up the pace.

Michael's eyes fell as he stared at the ground sadly as he clenched his arm softly, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a scroll. He softly undid the scroll as it rolled down revealed the location to the secret uchiha hideout as a mysterious figure appeared next to him as he looks at him. " We strike tonight Michael I hope your ready.."

Brad was soon home as he pushed the door open as his mother was inside cleaning as it surprised her causing her to jump, " Brad! What have I told you about running in the house!" She yelled as Brad looked nervous and bowed his head, " I'm sorry Mom I'm just excited for today Dad is going to teach me a new jutsu!" Brad said happily as his mother sighted before smiling. " Alright I'll let it go this time your father is waiting outside for you!" She said softly before Brad took off running toward the backyard as she continued cleaning, " That boy is a handful.." she muttered happily as she looked over to see a picture of Brad and Erica standing side by side in the field. I ran out to see my father standing there with his back turned toward me as I stopped near him, " Alright Dad what are we going to learn this time!" I asked softly as he turned to face me with a sad expression on his face which was unusual as he rubbed his beard thoughtfully. " Well I have taught Erica the new technique and she picked it up quickly so your going to have to pay attention as I am only going to show it once!" He said seriously as I swallowed nervously as Dad is usually laid back and stern but he was more serious than usual as he told me to step back, I did as I was instructed as he performed a hand seal. In the blink of an eye he quickly transitioned his fingers and before I could utter a word he took a deep breath as he leaned back and let out a giant ball of fire that expanded as it left his mouth, " Wow…" Brad thought as he could feel the heat as the fireball soon began to shrink and fade as Dad turned to face me once more. " Alright son you try remember the hand seal we practiced last time and when you feel the heat build up release it like your burping and once the fire ball is release remember to slowly close your mouth to minimize the ball so you can control it." Brad nodded as he felt himself not so sure of himself as Erica was the favored one in the family as she got everything she wanted and Mom and Dad would always cave in, it was truly unfair but now he had the chance to possibly change all that and impress his dad! He took a deep breath as he slowly performed the hand sign as his dad watched carefully as I felt my body start to warm up as I leaned back as it worked its way to my throat as I open my mouth as the fire took shape into a small fireball as I slowly started to close my mouth to shrink the size of the flame. As the fire disapadded I turn over to my father hoping to hear him say his " Good job son I'm proud of you.." but he didn't say a work in fact all he did was stare at me before walking back inside the house leaving me to my thoughts. Did I do something wrong? Did I do well? I didn't know as I didn't know how to take my father's silence as I lowered my head. " I have to keep trying until it is as big as his flame!" Brad thought as he tried again unknowing to his father watching from the window as Brad's mother stood next to him, " He still needs to work on it…" he said deeply as Brad's mother nodded slowly before giving him a bright smile. " Don't worry he will get it after all he is your son he just needs extra time." Her tone was soft and supportive as she walked away leaving her husband alone to his thoughts.

later that evening

" Dad! I'm ready to show you!!" Brad yelled as his dad put down his newspaper as he made eye contact with his son, " Please Dad just come out and watch!" Brad protested as his dad sighed and pulled himself off the couch as he followed Brad out to the backyard as Brad stood in the same spot as they practiced. Now that Brad's Dad was closer he noticed that Brad was covered in bruises and cuts as Brad performed the hand sign as he took a deep breath and leaned back. * Fire Style Fireball jutsu!* in an instant Brad released all his chakra at once creating a giant fireball as it expanded and grew, his father's eyes slightly widened as the flame grew hotter and hotter. As the fire disappeared Brad turned to face his father who in response turned away from him, tears threatened to leave Brad's eyes as he felt like he failed his father again. " Good job Brad you...made me proud" his dad said deeply as he walked back to the house. Brad couldn't believe it as he was overcome with joy as he felt himself smile as he wiped the sweat away from his eyes, " Thank you Dad!" He yelled as his mother watched from the window.

Later that night

" I am glad that the market had the bread Mom needed." Brad said softly as he turned the corner as the sky was dark and the moon was blood red as the streets were completely empty not a soul was there as it was dead silent. Which was strange as Brad made his way home as Michael stood on top of a pole looking down at him as his sharingan glowed in the night, " Brad…" he whispered as Brad stopped and turned to look behind him as his eyes drifted up to the phone pole. Only to see nothing as Brad continued to walk home feeling nervous, " I have a bad feeling about this.." He thought as he turned another corner to see blood on the fences and walls and bodies laid out along the path. " What the heck happened!" He yelled as he dashed through the alleyway passed the corpses toward his house as he pushed the door open quickly running to the living room. " Mom, Dad ,Erica!" He shouted as when he got to the living room there laid the bodies of his parents as his eyes widened and he screamed as his sharingan awakened as he kneeled next to them sadly, " B-Brad is that you.." Erica called out as she was hiding behind the couch as Brad looked over to her as his tears flowed down his face as Erica slowly made her way toward him. She hugged him closely as a dark figure stood in the background as her eyes widened as she noticed him, " Brad it's Michael!" She shouted as Brad pulled himself away from her grasp and stared at Michael who was looking at them seriously as Brad ran toward him. " Thank god you are okay Michael everyone is dead I don't know what happened! I got here and Mom and Dad w-" Brad stopped as he noticed Michael holding a katana in his hand which was covered in blood as he were his anbu black ops outfit as he stared down at Brad who looked scared and terrified before closing his eyes. " I was the one who murdered the clan Brad I killed my father mother and my lover.." he said darkly as Brad stepped back eyes widened, " B-But why Michael what was the point of all of this!!!" He yelled as he charged at him filled with anger with his new awakened sharingans. Michael easily sidestepped punching Brad in the stomach hard causing him to gag as he crumbled to the floor in pain as Erica rushed over and hovered herself over her brother, " I did it to test my abilities Brad none could challenge me….I have reached a level of which none in our clan could." He said with a dark and evil tone as he stared at Erica. " My mission was to annihilate the entire Uchiha clan but because you are both too weak I will allow you to live so that one day when you are strong, and have eyes like these come and face me!" Michael said as he used his mangekyo sharingan on Brad and Erica putting them in a genjutsu as he left the home.

Flashback ends

" So tell us Brad what are your goals as a ninja.." Fillyaw asked softly as Brad wrapped his fingers together as his two classmates Matthew and Marie looked at him. " My entire class was massacred by this certain someone my goal is to kill that certain someone and restore my clans honor…" he said darkly as Fillyaw looked at him for a moment before sighing. " Alright then Matthew what about you?" She asked softly before Matthew jumped for excitement, " My dream is to become hokage!!" He shouted as Marie rolled her eyes in disbelief and Fillyaw smiled.

" I see well Marie you are the last one what is your goal?" Fillyaw asked as Marie gently moved a strand of her brown hair away from her face, " My goal is to be the best medical ninja in the hidden leaf village!" She said proudly as Mathew interrupted. " That's am awesome goal Marie!" He shouted as Marie gave Matthew an annoyed look as she turned back to Brad and smiled as her cheeks were slightly red. " But who cares about that when I get to spend time with Brad!" She thought as she self consciously fixes her hair. " Well now that we have the introductions out of the way let's get on with training! The first test is to…" Fillyaw carefully reached into her pocket as the Brad and the others watched as Fillyaw pulled out two small bells and held it in her hand. " Your goal is to take these bells from me you have now till the evening!"