Chapter 4 Effort

(Chapter 4)


(Erica POV)

"Hmm what should I use first.." Erica thought while teaching down into her ninja pouch and grabbing a few kunai knives, for Steven and Ashanti she easily used her wits to beat them before the fight even began. But for some strange reason she is hesitating why now? Cameron doesn't seem that powerful or intimidating, maybe his attitude was throwing her off. " Will see if he is any good!" She thought as she quickly threw her kunai's at him before dashing to her right. She then performed the tiger hand seal, " Fire style fireball jutsu!" She yelled as a huge ball of fire erupted from her mouth before blazing forward enlarging. " I got him! There is no way he can escape!" She proudly stated too herself before her eyes widened in shock, " where did he go?!" She thought as she looked around anxiously before dodging a shuriken out of nowhere. Erica carefully steps back and sees Cameron standing on a tree limb looking bored. " you're pretty quick on your toes.." he said sarcastically before making a hand seal causing Erica to flinch slightly awaiting his next move. " Now he is mocking me?! Just you wait you will be sorry!!" Erica thought angrily before her eyes turned red unleashing her sharingan carefully staring into Cameron's eyes mimicking his hand seal. " Whatever jutsu you have I can copy it and use it against you." She stated before seeing a smile on Cameron's face before feeling her body stiffen and freeze up as she couldn't move her body. Maloney smiled and turned toward Erica " You're right the sharingan is a very powerful dojutsu however you won't be able to copy this jutsu as it is specifically used and was developed by the Nara clan it's called the shadow possession jutsu!" Maloney said softly before Erica suddenly started walking toward the tree where Cameron started walking down, " Why can't I move damn it?!" She yelled to herself all the while Cameron sighed and stared into her eyes drifting off before releasing the shadow possession jutsu causing Maloney to shout out. " What are you doing?! You idiot you had her?!" She yelled violently before walking toward him hitting him on the head hard leaving a huge bump; Erica couldn't really believe it either he clearly had the advantage and could have easily taken her down but instead chose to release her. " What is with this guy?.." She muttered softly as Maloney was holding Cameron by the ear pulling it hard, " I can't believe this Cameron?! Finally you manage to do something great but yet again you keep letting it slip through your fingers!!" Maloney yelled again as Erica felt herself smiling before Cameron spoke. " It's not what you think after all I was the one who would have lost...she clearly had the advantage this whole fight due to her dojutsu and besides I used up half of my chakra on the way here watching someone. And if I was really doing this thing it would just mean more work." He said annoyed before Maloney grabbed him by the shirt, " Well we will see what you're her says when I tell her you were being lazy during your field test I'm sure she will be glad to hear it!" Maloney teased before Cameron started sweating bullets nothing was more worse than his mother's rather he would rather take a written exam then deal with his mother and he hates written exams. " ugh what a drag.." He yelled before Maloney loosened her grip on him and sighed. " Well at least you put in some effort during the fight so I won't tell your mother this time.." she muttered softly as Erica continued to stare at Cameron. " Yeah He is a weird guy.." she thought as she walked back to Steven and Ashanti while Maloney continued to verbally assault Cameron.

Meanwhile at the training field

" Come on Brad you should join me at the festival tonight it will be fun even Matthew is coming and you know that dweeb is only coming because of food! I swear he thinks of nothing but food it makes me wonder if his parents even bother to teach him any manners." Marie commented as she failed to notice Brad gritting his teeth hard before standing up and walking away quickly before Marie grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. " Wait Brad where are you going?! You still haven't given me your answer yet!" She yelled as Brad violently pulled his arm away from her, before looking at her in the eyes. " You don't have a clue of what it's like to be alone!! I hate people like you...your annoying.." He said harshly before turning and walking away leaving Marie speechless staring back at him. " What did I do that make you so say these things...Brad" She thought feeling tears roll down her face as she felt someone grab her shoulder gently turning her away from Brad who was already halfway across the field leading back toward the village, " What's wrong Marie?!" Matthew asked concerned before being shoved back hard by Marie. " I hate you!" She yelled before running away leaving Matthew confused before he looked at Brad who seemed angry causing him to clench his fist tightly. " So it was your fault Brad! I'll never forgive you.." Matthew muttered to himself.