Chapter 3
My ninja way
(Cameron POV)
Nara Household
It was a cold morning as Cameron threw the covers off his body as the sun rays pierced through his window as what happened last night he couldn't get it out of his head. " I can't believe that she said that to me.." he said out loud as he sat up from his bed as his arm bandages were loose around his arms, " Of course it didn't come as a surprise..anyone judging how I was I didn't really stand a chance." He thought as his thoughts drifted away toward last night.
Flashback last night
It was 9pm that night as Imani took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking as they reached the ramen booth. " Listen Cameron, I know that you sent me that letter earlier at the start of the academy and I never really had the chance to...answer your confession. And honestly it was because I was absolutely shocked that you thought of me in such a way, even so I don't feel the same way you do and I'm sorry Cameron." She said sadly as Cameron was quiet as he swallowed another big loop of noodles, the atmosphere became awkward as the awkward silence was deafening as the ramen chef and lady felt bad for the young man too which they quietly walked toward the back to give them so space. " I see..well that's okay just as long as we can be friends and it doesn't make things awkward between us. I am completely fine with that." Cameron said finally as his tone had a hint of sadness in it that Imani caught as she averted her eyes from him toward her noodles. " You hate me now don't you?" Imani mumbled softly as Cameron carefully looked at her and gave her a small smile. " No I don't because I still get to be here with you and talk to you. It's not like you declining my feelings will change my feelings and how I see you as a person. Because I hope you find someone who you will like and love and I hope that person cares about you the same way I do for you." He said sweetly as Imani was completely shocked at his words as she felt herself blushing slightly along with the noodle assistant who heard him while doing the dishes as she felt herself smiling. " Such a ladies man." She thought to herself as the chef laughed out loud. " He reminds me of that knucklehead Matthew." He said softly as he carefully looked at his assistant as her cheeks were slightly red. " Ohhh seems someone liked what they heard.." he teased as the ramen girl flinched and threw one of the dishes at him. " Not one word!!" She yelled as Cameron and Imani wondered what was happening back there as Imani commented. " So what have you been up to lately? My father came to visit but he had to leave as his business keeps him on the move as a peace negotiator even though he and my mother separated, she works as a night patrol ninja so she sleeps during the day. And my ninja training has been going very well as a medical ninja." She said softly as Cameron nodded listening to her every word. " Well that sounds exciting as well as for me the same old same old with Mom and Dad arguing as usual and the academy is a drag. I much rather play shogei than a written exam. And I still don't know what I want to be as a ninja." Cameron said calmly as he grabbed his noodle bowl and started to drink the leftovers, as Imani nodded in response. " I see that it's getting late and I should get home as Mom hates it when I'm out late when she is working." She said softly Cameron finished his noodles and paid and left money on the table as he forced himself off the table booth and pushed the entrance blanket aside while Imani exited first and he followed. " You know you can go back right? I can get home okay by myself.." Imani said surprised she didn't expect Cameron too walk her home or it seems like it anyway, " It's not big deal I got time and want to make sure you get home safely besides I don't want your mother to freak out and go on an assassination hunt because her daughter is missing." He said sarcastically as Imani eyed him mischievously, " Was that a joke toward the massacre of the Uchiha clan?" She asked as Cameron gave her a teasing expression. " Who really knows there is constant bloodshed especially in the village hidden in the mist that's why it's known as blood mist village." He said seriously his voice deepened slightly as the night sky loomed above them.
Flashback ended
" Cameron!! Don't forget to meet your team in an hour." His mother yelled as he forced himself off his bed as he pushed his thoughts of last night in the back of his mind as he walked toward his closet door. He opened it taking his fishnet undercoat along with his light grey jacket as he tightens his white bandages around his wrists, he made his way downstairs and was surprised to see his mother working on her ninja tools as she noticed him watching and hands him a demon wind shuriken and kunais. " Here boo bear you will probably need this for your training with Maloney she made it clear that she wanted you to be there with tools." She said softly as she looked happy really happy and that didn't seem normal for her. Cameron quietly stared at his mother for a second before taking the ninja tools and giving her a slight smile as he walked toward the front door before his mother called out to him. " How was your night with Imani?" She asked softly as Cameron kept his back toward his mother as he thought for a moment. " We had fun. We just talked about what has happened currently in our lives is all nothing serious." He muttered softly before waving lightly goodbye to his mother before leaving. " Have a good day boo bear" She said before the door closed as the door opened behind her as Carlos appeared from her bedroom. " Is he gone?" He asked as she turned and nodded while closing the windows making it dark in the household.
As Cameron made his way throughout the village heading toward the forest of death when he noticed Jerald at the flower shop where Elizabeth works at as he hid carefully behind a random booth seeing Jerald exit the shop as Elizabeth waved at him goodbye before watching him walking toward the direction toward his house. " Damn it has to be now when I have to go to training.." he thought as he forced himself to continue toward the forest of death despite not wanting to leave his mother alone with him but he had no choice.
Meanwhile at the forest of death
(Erica POV)
" Someone tell me why are we here?" Steven asked sarcastically as Erica flared at him hard feeling frustrated at their last person being late and now having Steven ask a stupid question, he was dangerously edging close to her tipping point. " For the last time Steven we are here for our group training with Maloney to prepare for our first mission." She said irritated pacing back and forth while Ashanti ate his chips in peace when Cameron soon arrived holding the back of his head slightly tired. When suddenly he was stopped by Erica as she took a moment to look at him while Cameron was surprised, " You're late" She said seriously while Steven and Ashanti were laughing in the background as Cameron sighed and looked away. " Yeah I know I had some personal things to take care of first plus I overslept." He said normally but before Erica could question him more a cloud of smoke appeared as Maloney appeared with her blonde hair tied in a pointy tail everyone turned to face her. " Welcome everyone, thank you for coming, especially Cameron. We will start today's training with one on one based to get a sense of your abilities and strengths and weaknesses." Maloney stated while Erica spoke up, " Well I think it's only fair that I battle Mr I am late." She commented as Cameron rolled his eyes as Maloney nodded while Erica readies herself. " Hope you're ready for this." Erica said confidently while Cameron looked up at the sky. " What a drag.." he thought.