I went back down to meet my guest,"looks like we can't have fun so just tell me who sent you".
"I told you that i do not know", looks like we are going through this again.
Thirty minutes later"i will talk just please stop, i don't know who the person is we were contacted anonymously all i know is that he calls himself the viper".
"Is that all", "that is all i know i promise".
"Well you are going to be sending a message to him for me okay tell him i am coming for him".
I knocked him out poisoned him and i dumped him in an ally, once he gaves my massage he dies immediately.
I got back to get ready for tonight he will be there by eleven i have three hours to get ready.
I had my shower and wore my all black leather trousers and shirt,i took my boots and i strapped my knives inside, i choose not to take my guns with me.
Her name is Ashley i have to get her back to her daddy, Alfred Angelo you took the wrong person.
I got on my bike and drove off to the pub,my bike is my baby my favourite thing of all time.
I got there and i passed by the bouncer's i located a booth near them and i wait.
The pub is just your normal average one,i ordered a coke and i looked around for any danger and also for possible exit.
An hour later the man buying arrived he was an old wissile, after some time Alfred also came.
They both have ten guards with them each making that a total of twenty of them,he had Ashley with him it looks like he durged her.
They both got down to business, i need to take out there guards first i started one after the other no one noticed and i was done with them.
After that i went back to my booth and they were almost done with the deal, they both ordered a rum and coke which i had slipped in poison.
Low blow i know but i need to get the girl unharmed, after a while i could see that the poison was taking effect i finally went in for the final kill, i killed the buyer and i also killed Alfred.
Ashley had already passed out i grabbed her and used the back entrance, i do not want to be seen,got on my bike and drove off i got home put her on the bed and i called master.
"She is here and i made sure that Alfred and the man were dead, were do i drop her off".
"Keep her with you for now and also start getting ready for your next mission remember what i told you".
Well looks like i am stuck with princess over here,"okay", "did you check her for any tracking device if his people find out that he is dead and if she has a tracking device they will find you both".
Looks like i forgot"i killed them all",. "no you killed the one that was with him if they don't hear from him in five minutes the rest of them will come and if they find him dead then they will track you down using her".
I am officially dead"you did not check her now did you, Rose i need you to get her and leave there now but check her for any tracking device first right now".
I went to the room and i checked her and i found four tracking device on her three on her necklace,ring and hair i removed those but the last one was in her body, they injected it into her body.
I got my knife located it cut open the place and removed it i sewed the place back bandged it up and carried her the moment that we passed out through the back door my building was being raind down with bullet.
I managed to avoid them and got on my bike,we drove off but some of them still followed us, add speed and i managed to lose them,i got to an ally and i called master.
"we are out where do we head to next",. "you know where i stay come meet me over there".
I started my bike and we headed masters place, after an hour we got there.
I grabbed her and i knocked on the door master opened it up"what were you thinking, you were not supposed to put your self in any danger".
"I know and i am sorry but on the bright side we are both unharmed, she is still asleep i think he drugged her but i don't know with what".
"Keep her in the room i will check on her, here is the information on your next mission".
Master went in to check on her i kept the file for later and i went in after him"so what did they do to her".
"nothing harmful they just gave her a high dose of sleeping drugs, she has just enough not to kill nor harm her she will be awake maybe by tomorrow morning,go and rest you need it read the file tomorrow".
I want to the room next to her had my shower and went to bed,i was not in the mood for dinner.
The next morning i woke up to a girls scream i rushed out of bed to see that Ashley was awake and master was trying to calm her down.
Who are you were am i, i want to go home please let me go". "you need to calm down i will explain everything to you so please calm down".
"Good morning master,hey Ashley, so we were sent by your father to rescue you and Alfred Angelo is dead so you have nothing to worry about i will return you home as soon as i get the order".
"who are you ",. "the name is Rose nice to meet you". "Why don't you have a shower and come down for breakfast and then we can talk as we eat okay", "okay".
She went up to shower and i turned to make breakfast,i will be making something easy i love cooking it gives me peace in this crazy world of mine.
She came back down immediately i was done we had our breakfast after that we were all sitting in the living room. "How did you know Alfred Angelo what was your relationship with him".
Although master said that he kidnapped her they must have met at last once, "he was my dad's business partner that was where i met him,he betrayed my daddy and he took me after that when can i go back home".
"Your father is coming to get you soon,he should be here in the next twenty minutes". I left her with master for me to go and check on the mission that i had.
I opened the file and i was to infiltrate a money laundering and weapon trafficking cartel, they're called the Montezs no one knows who there leader is he is known as a dangerous man but not even his own people know who he is.
My mission is to find out who he is further order will be given,i was to also find evidence against them and after that orders will also be given.
They do not accept anyone easily that's why i will be going in as a tutor to his right hand man's daughter, her name is Sophia she is six years old and she is a sweet little girl too bad her father got her involved in this world.
Her mother dead after giving birth to her she was shot during an attack from there rivals, she goes to Medtronic school i will be starting as her teacher and from there i will look for a way to get in as her tutor.
This is going to be hard i can't use a little girl i have to talk to master about this,i went to meet him and he was alone,"where is Ashley".
"She was picked up by her dad she said to tell you thank you". "About my mission in Spain i can't do it you can't expect me to use a little girl she is innocent in this is their not any other way to do this".
"Sorry Rose but there is no other way, you said it yourself she is a little girl and you can take her away once you complete the mission and with you there you can keep her safe so be careful".
"But",. "No buts you have to do this, this is more than what you think i will explain more later but you have to get ready for Spain you leave tomorrow".