I packed my luggage after master had given me my visa and my ticket for Spain but i need to check on Alexand for me to be able to go peacefully,i went to the hotel that he stays at and i call the person that master has staying with him he came down and it was Mathen, "can you keep him safe, cause i have to tell you if anything happens to him i will kill you".
"calm down i will master told me what to do, you want to see him don't you",. "yes i do",. "okay then let's get going i will sneak you in just be careful".
We went up to his floor and he managed to get me in i hid in his walk in closet and he came in later he looked fine stressed out but he was good that was all i needed to know.
I texted Mathens to get me out of there and he managed to distract them all i left his hotel and i went back to masters place,had my shower and went to bed let's see what tomorrow will bring.
The next morning master dropped me off at the airport, after some minutes we boarded and took off. We finally arrived i checked out and called a cab i would be staying somewhere near the school,i got there and it was an apartment building it's not too expensive and not too shabby it was just perfect.
I went in and unpacked my things, my apartment was a two bedroom apartment the kitchen is okay and master made sure it was fully stocked i cooked after eating i decided to look around.
After walking around for a while i decided to go to my new school i stood outside the gates and the school looked grand and majestic it looks beautiful way better than i had expected, so i went back home bought out my clothes for tomorrow had my shower and went to bed.
The next morning i did the normal routine shower, brush, breakfast and wore my clothes and i was off to school,i passed my identification to the security at the gate but he still had to confirm from the principal after that he let me in.
I went straight to the principal office where she explained everything to me and i will be teaching them English.
So my name for this mission is Rosalind Franklin i am 21, which is my real age i don't know what master was thinking but let's go along with it i will be teaching grade one.
After everything the principal called one of the teachers to show me around, after i was shown everywhere she finally took me to my class.
I went in and the kids were all quite which i was surprised about,i had about ten kids in the class,"Hello everyone my name is Miss Roselind Franklin i am your new teacher".
"Can you all please introduce yourselves",. "my name is Mark and i am five years old". The kids all introduced themselves until only one person. "hey sweetie can you tell us your name please".
"My name is Sophia Montez i am five years old". After our introduction i taught them there lesson for the day they were all smart, Sophia was quite too quiet than the rest and i wonder why.
Before we knew it school was over as i was going home i saw a black car picking up Sophia i went back home had my dinner and called master.
"Master what next do you know how hard it is to teach kids they literally ask me questions that even i can't answer".
"Just for this week everything else will happen on Friday so just be patient".
After my call with him i went to sleep, and the same circle keeps on happening until on Friday after school today Sophia was late to go home and i had to stay with her, thirty minutes later her driver came to pick her up.
I took her outside to meet him but before we could get there we were being shot at, Sophia and i went down on the ground but her driver was shot down "Sophia i need you to move with me okay sweetie don't be secard i will get us both out of here okay".
"okay",. "let's go",. We got away and i saw a car near by we got inside and we drove off we were still being followed i put on her selt belt for her and told her to get down as we were going i hit one of the cars off the road, remaining one.
One of them shot through our car i drove down to the police station area and as i predicted they stopped following us i still drove around until i went back home we were not being followed.
I took Sophia and we went in i locked my apartment i checked her and she was not injured, "Sophia do you know anyone that you can call", "yes i can call my daddy". I gave her my phone and after three rings he finally picked up.
"hello daddy it's Sophia i am at my teachers house can you come and get me". "he wants to talk to you". "Hello Mr Montez i am Sophia's teacher Miss Roselind we were attacked outside the school gate and i think your driver is dead, yes she is safe okay".
He hanged up on me how rude, how will he even know where i stay, "your daddy said that he will come soon okay, what do you want to eat let me make it for you".
"Miss Rosalind you are bleeding". I looked down and i was shot in my shoulder the last thing i remember was Sophia saying something to me.
I woke up to pain in my shoulder, i opened my eyes and i looked around this was not my room the room was blue in colour i tried to get up but i was in pain and i was attached to a drip.
Plus i was really hungry, Sophia were is she,i managed to stand up and removed the drip i tried the door and it was opened i went out through a hall way and i found myself going downstairs.
"Sophia were are you sweetie, Sophia". as i got down i saw some men and i did the first thing i could think of i grabbed the photo frame next to me,"where is Sophia you guys better talk or you will be getting this".
They all started laughing at me"i am not being funny you better start talking i mean business here". "are you going to hurt us with a photo frame".
I will show you photo frame you,"Miss Roselind you are awake". I saw Sophia coming in, "Sophia sweetie come here do you know them or do we have to run".
"I know them they work for my dad you were asleep for three days i was worried how are you feeling". Three days if this are her father's men then they bought me back to their place is this your plan master.
"Oh hi nice to meet you all". "Miss Rosalind can you please keep the photo daddy will come and talk to you later after he comes back home, come let's go and eat".
Well i can't pass up a chance of free food now can i, i followed her to the kitchen and i saw the chief there. "Uncle Angelo Miss Roselind is awake, Miss Roselind meet uncle Angelo, uncle Angelo Miss Roselind".
He gave us food and it was good he knows his stuff after we had eaten Sophia took me to see her home it was pretty big for it to have an elevator i have seen every where and i have grabbed it my head the places that was locked or off.
I know where to start and after everything we ended up in her room and she was introducing me to her toys.
"Sophia am back". "Daddy Miss Roselind is awake". Okay her father is tall he is in his late thirties and he is exactly like the photo showed him to be expect for his height i look like a baby i front of him.
Beating him up if i get caught will be a problem, master what did you put me up too help me. "Miss Rosalind nice to meet you i am Mr Montez".
Oh i know his hands were big when i shaked him his whole hand grabbed mine with space remaining, master can i quite please.
"Nice to meet you Mr Montez sir". "Follow me, Sophia i need to talk to your teacher okay we will be back". Can Sophia just follow us, okay woman up you are going to follow him in there with your head up high you are not some one easily intermediated you are a strong woman.
"Let's go Miss Roselind". You know what i give up master save me.