Oh Shit before Ray could see Samark his cellphone ran out of battery and was switched off. He was lucky that he is almost near to his home. He was curious to see how does Samark or Lucifer look. Sadly the destiny wants Ray to wait for sometime. He kept the cellphone down on the seat and started chatting with the driver. One of the good thing which Ray has is that he easily get befriend with people and spread the happiness with his smile.

We are home Young Master said the driver. Ray gave the smile and handed him the two bags and said give this to your childrens. And with that he headed home with his cellphone in his hand. He was stopped by the servant who greeted him and asked when he will have dinner. Ray smiled to him and said he will be downstairs in fifteen minutes. He go to his room, put his cellphone on charge and headed for shower.

Wearing his stars and moons pyjamas he headed downstairs for dinner. In the meantime, his cellphone got switched on and there were texts of others on Line Messenger as well as text of Lucifer or Samark. Ray ate his dinner, asked about his dad and was told that he will be flying to Mexico for business. He headed upstairs and saw that his cellphone is switched on and there were several messages on it.

Without looking for anyone else message, Ray opened the text message of Lucifer. He was curious to see Samark. When he opened his text message he saw several of his pictures and his heart skipped a beat. He felt his world stopped and his heart beating strangely at the sight of seeing the guy for the first time. An unknown feeling has started blooming inside him.

He drop himself on the bed and opened the picture of Samark. The picture he opened has him wearing a business suit and the look of him was truly handsome but there was no smile. He then opened another picture of him which was his shirtless picture. Ray blushed seeing Samark shirtless. As for Samark he has short black hairs, with faded black beard which covered his sexy jawline.

He has dark chocolate skintone and a very fit body. In one of his text he asked Ray as to how his abs look? Ray didn't replied but he counted that he has 8 packs which were difficult to have. A voice came from his inner mind that this guy practically looks hot, handsome and dangerous. Because his golden brown eyes could make anyone shiver in fear.

He decided that he will reply him in morning and drifted to sleep. In his dream he was seeing Samark because he has fully captured his mind and Ray knows that he will soon capture his heart too. The next morning when Ray was on his way to university he texted Lucifer, "You should smile often after all smiling is cost free." Some time later he got reply by saying that, "He don't have anyone to make him smile and it's very difficult to make him smile."

Ray send the 😈😈 and then texted that he can make him smile. The driver has dropped him to university and he was walking to his class. Besides you have good body which I think is hard to build and I can bet that girls would throw themself on your feet. He didn't get reply so he thought Samark must be busy. He kept his cellphone in pocket and headed to his class.

Today as one of their professor was absent he came home early. He logged in game and was doing his work in it when he saw Zeeshan in KC. There was debate going on about strongest alliance. Ray was reading silently until his name popped up. Someone said that Ray is a whore who send his n*des to the top player to make them on its side. Ray clearly know that some people hate him because of him being friendly with top players. Seems like you know very much about this thing said Ray. That guy texted back saying I can give you my strongest castle just send your n*des to me. The only thing Ray said was not interested and log off the game.

He didn't touch the cellphone because he was pissed by that guy so he decided to distract his mind by studying and he did that. Later on Charlie came to his house and said he need to buy some books for his current girlfriend and he don't know where to find. Ray was genuinely shocked when Charlie said he wants to buy book but when Charlie further continued that those books are for his lastest girlfriend this only make him laugh at Charlie. Ray left with Charlie to buy the books keeping his cellphone at his room.

When he came back it was evening, he freshen up and took his cellphone which was lying on his bed stand. He saw many Line messages and even some calls from Zeeshan and Jack. He asked them what's was wrong and both of them gave him same reply that ask Lucifer. Ray then texted Lucifer and asked what has happened? And saw many of his texts too. He got immediate reply saying, "He has taken care of that guy who talked ill about Ray." "It was of no use because he doesn't care whatever people say also thanks for taking care of that guy" replied Ray.

"Also yes girls drop themself on me but I don't care because I didn't have anyone to my interest. And the one I've got interest is with whom I'm talking now" said Samark. Ray immediately blushed reading that. Also my parents have made me get engaged. Ray felt that whatever was blooming inside him is rotten even before it is fully bloom. He don't know why but felt sad about the discovery. And with that the cellphone from his hand was dropped on the bed leaving Ray in complete shock and sadness.