"Oh congratulations! So who is she?" replied Ray. You could say a b*tch who is greedy for d*cks came the answer. Ray replied back by saying, "You shouldn't say such thing about your fiance." Who cares this is all for business when I capture the heart of the one whom I started liking I'll break off the engagement besides its not like whatever I said is false that's her real identity" replied Samark.

"Enough talking about her can I have your what'sapp number so that I can know you more personally" asked Samark. From the feeling of heart break to shocked Ray decided to give the number that night they both talked on call for the first time. Before sleeping Ray advised himself that Samark has already got fiance and it will be not good for him to get heartbreak or be the third wheel.

That night Ray felt tears in his eyes as he couldn't understand why is he crying or what's the reason of crying. So he only know that he wants to cry and he let his eyes flow tears. Somehow he made himself understood that whatever happens, happens for the best and this is the reason he came to know about Samark being engaged. With teary eyes he somehow drifted to sleep.

The next morning Ray was walking in his university campus when his cellphone started ringing. He has saved Samark's named as Lucifer in contact and was surprised why he was calling. He hesitate but then picked up the call. When he asked the reason of call, he was answered that, "Samark was missing him and since last night they talked on call he couldn't get over with Ray's voice."

Everyone was looking at Ray as he was blushing and it's a rare scene to see Ray blush. Both the guys talked on call for sometime before Ray heading back to his class. And since that day onwards it's been habit of each other to talk on call atleast three or four times in a day.

One morning, Ray called Samark and he didn't pick up his call. Ofcourse Ray was worried but then thought Samark is a businessman he must be busy in work. After half an hour his cellphone started ringing and Ray find it was Samark he picked up the call and first word that Samark said was "Sorry!". Ray heard the gasps of people which means that Samark is in meeting.

Samark then continued, "My cellphone was in my office and my assistant just brought back my cellphone and informed me that I got a call." Ray laughed and said, "It's okay I understand that you were busy in work afterall work is important." Immediately a reply came, "You are more important than work!". Samark put the call on hold and tell his assistant that if he see My Boo❤️ calling him then he should bring the cellphone immediately." Ray was surprised to hear that what has Samark  saved his name.

My Boo? asked Ray in innocent. Samark laughed and replied yes because you are my boyfriend. As soon as Ray hear that he felt shy and he excused himself by saying that his dad is calling him. Though his mind reminded him that he and Samark are only boyfriends in game. In fact Mr. William call Ray downstairs so it means this was not an excuse. Ray came downstairs and tried his best to behave normal in front of his dad.

Yes dad you call me? said Ray. Mr. Williams motioned Ray to sit on the chair and Ray did. Mr. Williams then continued, "You will be having a week break so I want you to go and visit your brother in New Jersey." Ray stood and hugged his dad as soon as he heard that he will be seeing his brother. He thanked his hand and Mr. Williams said that the flight is of tomorrow so he should pack everything. Ray nodded.

As it was afternoon, Ray got text by Charlie saying that "he and his other friends are going to watch the movie will be joining them?" As Ray has nothing to do so he texted back saying he will. When Ray reached the mall, Charlie kept staring at Ray's face and then he asked what's this glow is for?

Ray brushed off the question by saying that its not glow but happiness of visiting his brother. Oh was the only thing that Charlie said and everyone headed to watch movie. After movie Zeeshan texted Ray as it's their daily routine to ask how they are doing? How was day? Both of them chatted for a while and then Ray told Zeeshan about Lucifer being engaged in real.

Zeeshan warned Ray to stay away from him because now Ray has started to develop feelings towards him as he is engaged it will hurt Ray more in future. Ray agreed with the advice of Zeeshan and decided that he will follow it. He told him that he will be visiting his brother so he won't be online tomorrow so he will have to take care of his castle.

When Ray reached home, he had dinner with his dad as it was dinner time when he reached home. He changed into his pyjamas and was about to sleep when his cellphone started ringing. He saw it was Samark who was calling. He decided to avoid the call but couldn't help answering it.

Samark told him about his day while Ray told Samark about his day. In the end Ray decided to confess Samark. Ray let out a sigh and continued, "Samark it's better if we make some distance". Why? asked Samark. Ray wasn't the one who will hide things so he said straightforwardly that "he has started developing feelings towards Samark as he is engaged so Ray doesn't want to be third wheel. Also he should try to know his fiance after all they are gonna spend future together."

Samark chuckle and said so you want me to stay away from you and with that he hang up the call in anger. Ray was surprised to see Samark in anger but didn't think about it. He drifted to sleep only thinking was that he too harsh to say the truth.