When Ray came back home he was still in anger but when he smell the delicious aroma of food cooked by Asher all his anger vanish into thin air. He thanked Asher for cooking delicious food and said, "He will get freshen up and will come down for dinner." He showered, changed into pyjamas and headed downstairs for dinner.

The food is truly delicious with a delicious aroma. Both the brothers eat with their belly full. Ray then asked about Asher's day? Asher sighed and replied that work is not like same before. Everything is messed up since he had competitor in business. Ray stood up and hugged his Elder brother and said, "No matter whatever difficulties arise he has the whole family with him."

Asher was touched by that and hugged his little brother tightly. Both the brothers said goodnight and headed to their individual rooms. Ray call his dad and told him about Asher opening up about his problem and he informed his dad about his plan to visit Asher's office tomorrow.

"If you need anything you can contact me" said Mr. Williams before hanging up the call. Ray was not in mood to talk with anyone other than his dad. So he switched off his cellphone, kept it on bed stand table and drifted to sleep. He was watching a dream, in that dream he saw himself being tied from his hands to the bed corner. He then saw Samark smiling while looking at him. He kept asking Samark what does he want. At last Samark replied that he wants Ray only for him.

He came on like a tiger pounce on his prey. His eyes were roaming all over Ray's body. He kissed Ray and that kissed was like hunger kiss, Ray kept on pushing him by his strength but seemed like Samark has more strength than him. Without realizing Ray kissed back but for Samark he needed kiss more, he continued kissing Ray hungrily and slit his left hand inside Ray's pants. Ray was shocked to see that happen but then Samark started stroking gently which resulted in giving pleasure to Ray.

Samark then asked Ray, "Do you like me?" Ray in pleasure but said truthfully that yes he likes him and has started developing the feeling of love which he now wants to stop because Samark already had a fiance". Samark stopped whatever he was doing, pulled out his hand from Ray's left gave a gentle kiss to him and said, "So that's the thing coming in between us, that's stopping you from coming to me."

Ray woke up only to find himself wet, and face covered in sweats. He immediately stood up and rush to the bathroom for shower. He showered, dressed in white shirt and blue jeans on which he wore black sneakers and headed downstairs. Asher was up but seemed like he has some problem and was talking on cellphone. "Ash! Good Morning" greeted Ray.

Asher hang up the call by saying that he will talk about this in office. He then gave a weak smile to Ray and sat on the dinning table for breakfast. Ray brought eggs and bacon in a plate and put it in front of his Elder brother. Here's today's breakfast Ash. Ash took the plate and started eating and his mood somehow got light and he was smiling, not a fake smile but a genuine one.

"Thank you for delicious breakfast Ray" he said as he stood up from the chair and was walking towards the door while putting his suit on him. "Ash!" Ray called out which made Asher stop on his way and turn back to look at Ray. Ray gave him a smile and said, "He is getting bore at home and he doesn't have anything to do so can he come to his office?" Asher was surprised to hear that from Ray.

Asher gave a smile to Ray and replied, "Ofcourse he can." Ray immediately jumped in happiness and rush to his brother and said, "Let's go." Both the Williams Brothers sat on the car and drove to the office. Upon reaching the office Asher excused himself and headed straight to work. Ray was wondering around and was looking at the staff who were working. He gave them a friendly smile and chatted with people.

The staff too get comfortable with Ray as if he was not their boss's  brother but instead he was their friend. Ray after sometime knocked Asher's door and entered his cabin. He was looking at Asher's room which totally describe his taste offblue painted wall, a stand of book in one corner. A desk in front of his chair on which documents were kept and a sofa kept in one side to let others sit over there with a coffee table in front of it.

Suddenly Asher came to his room and saw Ray looking out of the window. He put his hand on Ray's shoulder which made him startled, but Ray gave a smile when he saw that its Asher. Asher told him that their competitor is here and is sitting in meeting room, they both decided to have talk. Ray then asked innocently that can he also join the meeting which Asher didn't objected.

Asher walked in meeting room, sat on his chair and was talking with his competitor when Ray knocked and walked in. He saw that a guy was sitting in front of Asher but Ray could only see his back. He gave a smile to Asher and was about to sit when Asher said, "Meet my little brother Ray Williams."

The guy turned around and gave a pleasing smile upon seeing Ray, but Ray was so shocked and surprised to see the guy who is his brother's competitor. Ray this is Mr. Morris. Ray only gave a smile to Samark and Samark returned the smile and then he look at Ray and said, "We Meet Again isn't it?" And then he  looked at Asher and said, "I didn't know you were brother of Ray" with a look that shows that he knew the fact.