
Samark's P. O. V

When Samark realized that whatever Ray said at that night he surely mean it he decided to deceive Ray and trick him into coming more closer to himself. Now he has come to know from Zeeshan that Ray is visiting somewhere, since he has seen how Ray looks it's much more convienent to find his whereabouts.

And to find someone's whereabouts is easiest thing for Samark. As he has his spies all over. So he patiently informed his right hand Adam that he has to find about this particular guy that where is he right at the moment. And as expected within three hours Adam gave him the news he was waiting for since morning. Ray is in New Jersey.

Adam is like a big brother, bodyguard and closest friend of Samark. And he trust him much more than anyone. Samark was sitting on the sofa when Adam informed him the news. He look at Adam and smiled as he said, "You know whom you are looking for?" Adam laughed and said, "He is someone whom you are desperate to find. Though I don't know the reason but I'm sure you got a solid reason to find him as you are so restless."

Samark was not surprised or astonished because he knew Adam know him best. Though what's cook in his mind is only known by him. And with that he continued, "Ray is someone whom I started to feel the feelings which I didn't believe I'll ever feel. His smiling face makes me feel happy and for the first time in my life I got jealous by thought of someone having him other than me."

Adam chuckled and replied, "Samark, my friend this is love and you are in love with Ray. And currently your love is in New Jersey with his brother." Samark was happy that he has finally found the whereabouts of Ray but now he has to do everything according to plan. So first, he did some research on Asher and than he fly to New Jersey.

When he is in New Jersey he tried contacting Ray but Ray didn't pick up his cellphone though his eyes were always fixed on Ray whenever he is outside the house. And since Ray has decided to ignore Samark, Samark decided to make Ray come closer to him.

He knowingly broke his leg and got hospitalized. His assistant was informed about Ray and he did the perfect work as Ray rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. At first he pretended to be unconscious to see what Ray would say to him but when he saw that Ray stood there like a statue he decided to open his eyes and talk with him as his ears were desperate to hear the voice of Ray.

Ray scolded him for being careless and instructed him to be more careful in future. He then go out to see the doctor which Samark has no problem because the doctor is his friend. But he was surprised when Ray left early by saying he has not informed his brother and has to return back home.

His assistant informed him that Ray called someone from Samark's cellphone and then he left the hospital driving back to home. Samark was angry by the sudden leave of Ray though he hasn't expected that. But Ray has something in him which made Samark go more near him. And with that he decided to head back home.

Ofcourse his legs weren't broken for real he is pretending to gain some time with Ray but the plan backfired. So now he will be approaching Ray directly. All hell loose break when he was told that Ray is meeting a girl in such and such Cafe. Now Samark's anger was on rise as he don't want anyone of his to claim Ray as Ray is his only.

And with that he was driven to the cafe, upon reaching the Cafe he threaten the owner and manager to tell the staffs to leave as there were not much of customer at that time. He saw the scaried expression on Ray's face and badly wanted to hug but he has to control himself.

And with that he entered the Cafe as Ray asked, "Who is your Master?" To which Samark replied while entering the Cafe that he is their master. He saw Ray's expression soften when he saw Samark. And Samark immediately pulled Ray to his side by claiming his territory. He sighed in relief when he came to know that the girl whom Ray is meeting is no one other than Zeeshan's girlfriend.

An idea came in Samark's mind as he excused by saying that he and Ray have some work to do. To his horror when he reached home his so called fiance was sitting on the sofa with a slutty dress. Samark came to know that Ray has called her to take care of him to which Samark only smiled and the girl was having sweat in fear.