Samark pressed the green button and heard Ray's voice. He laughed and said, "Why are you getting hiccups." Ray replied, "How.. hic.. can I.. hic.. know?" Samark couldn't control his laugh and started laughing and said, "You know you look cute talking like how badly I wish I could see you."

Suddenly the call got hang up and Samark thought Ray got angry because he teased him. But he was wrong Ray has videocalled. Samark as being usual wasn't wearing anything other than his red-track whereas Ray was wearing a t-shirt of color sky blue with the shorts of same color. Samark's eyes were focused on Ray's thigh but then his attention move to Ray who was having hiccups.

Ray then smiled while having hiccups and asked, "Were you.. hic.. missing me?" Samark gave a guilty smile and replied, "I was watching this movie named "Baadshaho" and suddenly there came a song named "Mere Rashke Qamar" I don't know why but I started missing you. Then he look at Ray who's cheeks have turned red due to blush.

Then Samark started suddenly singing the song and Ray find his hiccups were gone. He with an intention of teasing said, "It will be good if you play it with guitar." Samark gave a laugh and said so you wanted me to play a guitar. Ray immediately nodded.

Samark didn't said anything and simply nodded with that both newly being couple talk for a hour and headed back to sleep. This time Samark too got sleep. And he realized that he needs to either see Ray or talk with him before sleeping so that he can get sleep.

The next morning Ray came downstairs for breakfast, and saw Asher was sleeping on the sofa, he silently go to his room and brought a blanket for Asher. He slowly and carefully put blanket on Asher and headed to kitchen to prepare the breakfast.

After some time, the breakfast was prepared and today Ray has prepared his brother's favorite pancakes. Although the ingredients were not there in home so he had to go shopping early in the morning. He didn't have to wake up Asher from his sleep because when he came to dinning table he saw that his brother was already awake with a huge smile on his face.

"So you smelled the fragrance of delicious pancakes?" asked Ray with a smile. Asher eyes were already on the plate which was in hands of Ray. Ray with a smile put the plate of front of his brother and said, "I thought you deserve your favorite breakfast after a long night work." Asher gave his best smile to Ray and said, "You are my Savior brother."

Heading that Ray laughed and Asher joined to laugh with him and both of them with mood of happiness ate the breakfast. Asher then ask about the chain which was around Ray's neck. Ray touch the chain, gave a smile and said, "It's a gift from Samark." "What! Ohoo so he gave you the gift not bad."

"Besides I'm happy for you that you have finally met the love of your life" said Asher. Ray gave him an eye and said, "I'm not a Casanova like you." And immediately Ray get a light punch from Asher who immediately said, "Well it's just that I met wrong peoples at right time."

With that Asher headed back to his room saying that he is feeling sleepy. Ray too wash the dishes and decided to go to shopping mall to buy some gifts for his dad and his friends. Samark next morning was at his parents place for breakfast. His parents were staring at him as they were seeing a ghost.

And finally Samark speak to stop those stare and said, "Why are you staring at me like that as if you are not seeing your son but a ghost." Both his parents laughed and said, "We hardly see you smile and judging from your facial expression it seems like you are happy." Samark's Dad then continued saying, "Seems like you have found your happiness. Seems like that guy is your happiness."

Samark simply nodded in agreement. His mom then hold his hands and asked, "Can I see him?" Samark unlock his cellphone and gave it to her. She gasp in surprise and said, "He looks so cute and younger than you." Samark's Dad peek at the cellphone of Samark's which was in his wife's hand and gave a satisfied smile.

He then look at Samark and said, "I like your choice and what have I seen the guy seems to care about you, and truly loves you." Samark was genuinely smiling at his parents, at first he thought they won't accept his lover to be a boy but when he sees their response he thought they didn't care about who the lover of their son is? For them what matter is their son's happiness.

Soon the family of three started talking about the lover of their son and the conversation on the breakfast gone pleasantly. Out of curiosity Samark's mom asked, "So what is the name of my future son in law?" Samark blushed hearing the word "Son in law" and said, "He is Ray, Ray Williams".

Suddenly Samark's Dad asked, "Does he know what are we?" To which Samark only shaked his head and said, "I think it's still not the right time to say that to him."  Both the elder said, bring him for dinner tomorrow we too wanna meet him. He agreed because he too wanted to bring him to meet his parents as he has officially meet his brother.

Ray was busy shopping when he felt someone call him by his name. He has shopping bags in his hand when he turn around. He saw that a girl who is older than him and was calling him. He wasn't knowing her so he looked at her in confusion. "You are Ray?" she asked. And Ray only nodded.

"Well I'm Talia, Samark's ex-fiance you seem to be a good guy so I just wanted to warn you about Samark" she said. Ray gave a smile and said, "Please say."