Did you know that Samark is not a normal businessman" Talia said and saw confusion written all over the face of Ray and felt satisfied. She then continued, "He is dangerous, not only dangerous but very dangerous because he is a gangster not a normal one but a dangerous one."

She was getting happy from inside seeing shock expression on Ray's face. And then continued, "It's still not late you can still break it off whatever you both have and be safe like I'm." Ray gave a smile and said, "Thanks for letting me know" and suddenly his cellphone started ringing and he saw that it was Zeeshan.

He said her goodbye and talked with Zeeshan. He reached home with shopping bags on his hand, and he has hang up the call of the Zeeshan as he wanted to go to study. He saw Asher in a suit and asked where is he going?

Asher gave an apologetic smile and said, "Will be having a dinner with business colleagues." Ray nodded in understanding. And headed back to his room as the room of the front door was shut behind him. He kept everything in the room, showered and wore his pyjamas and headed downstairs to kitchen to cook the dinner.

He has put earphones on and was preparing the dinner. When suddenly the  front door of the house was open and someone came inside. The person look here and there and heard voice from the kitchen. So that person decided to head to kitchen. The person was walking tiptoely and saw Ray was cooking dinner.

As soon as that person step in the kitchen Ray was saying, "I knew you were trouble when you walk in." And he felt strong arms around his waist and someone has place chin on his shoulder and was nibbling his ears. Ray was shock at first but then when he felt the touch he laughed while removing his earphones and said, " You came by surprise."

Samark laughed and said, "Asher has given me a spare key and said," I can use whenever I want whenever you are here in New Jersey. So what are you cooking?"

Ray gave a smile and said," It's Italian pasta with cheese sauce". Samark laughed and said, "How do you know that this is my favorite?" "Well I guess it's fate, tell me you will have dinner with me I don't wanna eat alone" said Ray.

Samark gave a smile and came closer to him and said, "Not only I'll have dinner but I'll have dessert too." Ray laughed and said, "So I said right I knew you were trouble when you walk in." Both of them started laughing and Samark helped Ray in cooking food.

Soon they both were on dinning table and were eating food. Samark looked at Ray and said, "It's delicious." Ray blushed and thanked him. Samark then hold the hands of Ray and said, "I want you to cook only for me for the rest of the our life." Ray gave a thoughtful look and said, "I'll cook for dad, Ash, you and your parents." Instantly Samark replied in a possessive nature, "You will cook for me only."

Ray gave a smile and said, "You guys are family so ofcourse I'll cook for all but specially for you." Hearing that made Samark smile. And he said my parents has liked you and they wanted to meet you. Ray was nervous and said, "They like me that's good I was scared what will they think of me and I was worried that will they accept me as I'm a guy not a girl."

Samark came closer to Ray, hold his face and said, "You are far more better than any girl which my parents could see for me." Ray was blushing hearing that and he looked here and there. Samark then continued, "Oh I forgot to tell you that they wanted to meet you?" They wanted to meet me asked Ray in surprise. Samark looked at Ray and then said, "Yes they wanted to have dinner with you tomorrow night."

"Omg I can't believe that I'm so nervous for that" said Ray. Samark hold the hand of Ray and said, "There's nothing to nervous about as I'll be there with you." At that moment Samark's cellphone started ringing and he saw it was his mom.

He pick up the call and started conversing with his mom suddenly the  noise of washing dishes was heard and his mom asked him," Where is he? " To which Samark only replied," I'm at baby's place having dinner with my baby." She excitedly said, "Put me on the phone with him I wanna talk with him."

Samark put the call on hold and walked towards Ray who was in living room watching some random video on cellphone. He then walk towards him and said, "Mom wants to talk with you." Ray was nervous but he didn't want to let an wait elder because of him. He took the cellphone from Samark's hand and put it on his ears while holding Samark's hand.

"Hello..."said Ray. "Hi, how are you doing son?" asked Samark's mom. Instantly that nervousness was gone, and Ray and Samark's mom were chatting very happily as if they talk with each other on cellphone daily. Though it was their first time talking on cellphone. Suddenly Ray heard a man's voice who said, "I'm eagerly waiting to see you on dinner."

And with that the call was hang up. Ray looked at Samark who told him that it was his dad. Ray chatted with Samark about what he and his mom talk. Samark was happy seeing his baby happy. He knew that Ray has a baby side too and he find it very cute. He was happy that he has got a complete package in Ray.

He then hold the hands of Ray which made Ray to stop talking and he looked at Samark's face. Samark looked at Ray with a look of love and said, "I want my dessert."