Ray and Asher were back at home, their flight has already landed and now they will be collecting their luggages and will be going out from airport. When they came out of airport they saw that their dad was waiting for them with two of his bodyguards. Ray immediately rushed to his dad and hugged him. Mr. William was happy to see his youngest son.

Asher walked towards his dad gave a smile and said, "It's nice to see you again dad." And Ray was looking at both his brother and his father. They both were behaving like a stranger with each other so he pulled out from his dad's hug and gave a slight push to his brother which let him hug his dad.

With a smile on Ray's lips he said, "Now it's looking like a father and son meeting each other after a long time." He put his both hands in the arms of his father and brother and started walking with them. You can say Ray is full of childishness but that's what make him truly special.

Samark got a text notification from Adam saying that they have reached perfectly and Ray is with his dad going home. Samark was busy so he just send 👌. Samark then look at his parents who were sitting in front of them. He tried to gave a smile but couldn't get succeeded in it as it's only Ray who could make him smile and laugh.

Mr. Morris look at Samark and said, "What has happened with Talia? I know clearly that you heard Ray's and mine conversation." Mrs. Morris wasn't with them as she was busy in kitchen making food for her family. Samark who was standing sit on the chair and fold his leg he had a smirk on his face.

And he said, "She was trying to separate me and Ray also I was trying my best to ignore but she crossed her line. And her suicide has nothing to do with me." Her post mortem report has came and it's says that she was raped before attempting suicide" said Mr. William. Now Samark didn't show any shock expression and said, "What can you expect from the someone who likes sleeping with guys. And yes those men were send by me."

Mr. William was truly shocked by that and with that shock expression on his face he asked why? Samark gave a laugh and said, "She called me and said, "That if Ray didn't leave me willingly she will hire some men to kill him so that I won't have any option left but to marry her. Also she has send a girl through Riley with an intention of making her a way to make me and Ray get breakup. So whatever happen with her is her own fault.

With that Samark stood up and said, "If Talia's dad think I'm responsible for it he can come and talk with me. With that he started walking towards his room. Mr. Morris was knowing that their will be terrible incident when Talia's dad came to know about his daughter. Samark was resting in his room when he got a text from his father saying that he will be going out with his mom to visit some of his relatives and the food is been made so no need to eat from outside.

Ray was happy to be back home. Everything was just like the way it was. He was tired from the flight so he freshen up and headed downstairs to have dinner. To his surprise his dad was taking them outside to dine so indeed this was a rare opportunity for him. Mr. William told his sons to get dressed properly. And everyone will be meet in living room in thirty.

Asher was wearing a red shirt with grey pants he has styled his hairs in small ponytail. Mr. William was wearing a green shirt with black pants though he is the father of two sons but no one would say that he has two sons. After sometime Ray came downstairs he was wearing at yellow sweatshirt with orange tracks on it. He was kind of looking cute.

Everyone was looking at Ray and couldn't help but pull his cheeks because he was looking cute. All the three guys have left for dinner without knowing that Adam was following them. After a short drive the trio have reached a restaurant. Asher and Ray went inside ahead to have seat as Mr. William was following his sons.

Samark was on business conference when his cellphone ring at text notification. He saw that it was a text of Adam and he silently took his cellphone in his hand and opened the text of Adam only to send a picture. The picture was downloading. And when it was downloaded Samark couldn't help but smile. Seeing Samark smile is a rare opportunity for everyone.

They must have thought that he is seeing the picture of his family and soon the murmuring voices were heard which made Samark attention back to the meeting. He heard the murmuring voices and saw that the people were distracted he just cough and everyone was back to normal. Samark told his assistant Billy to plug his cellphone on projector and display the plan.

There was silence in the meeting room and everyone was paying attention to the meeting when Samark cellphone started ringing and the people were shock to death by looking at the screen. Samark saw that it was Ray's call and everyone has saw what name he has kept for Ray. He pretended that he didn't saw anything and told Billy to give him the cellphone.

He took the cellphone and headed out of the meeting by saying that everyone can take break for fifteen minutes. He picked up Ray's call only to hear his cheerful voice. He couldn't understand how Ray manage to be this cheerful everytime. Both of them chatted for a while and Ray told him that his dad has taken him and Asher out for family dinner.

He could feel the happiness from Ray's voice and was happy too. He heard Asher's voice saying that Ray come back dad has arrived and that's when Ray said, "Go to go Love you." Samark was feeling happy hearing love you from Ray's mouth and said, "I love you too baby have fun." and with that he hang up the call and enter the meeting room