Ray enjoyed dinner with his family and was going back to his home when he bumped into a guy. He looked at the guy and saw that the guy was no one other than Charlie. "Hey Charlie you too come over here for dining" asked Ray. Charlie gave a smile and replied, "Yes he has come over here for dinner with his family. What about you?" Ray was smiling and said, "Don't worry I'm not here with my boyfriend I'm here with my family."

Charlie laughed hearing that and said, "Ofcourse to dine with boyfriend you need to have one." As Ray was about to answer he heard Asher calling him and said, "They have to head home as dad has to go back to work due to some emergency." Ray looked at Charlie and said, "Bye, see you tomorrow in University." And with that Ray left with his family to go for home.

Ray drifted to sleep as he was already tired and on top of that he was having a university next day. Days pass by and now Samark and Ray has been dating each other for past 3 months. It was the starting of month of December. Snows were falling hard and everyone was excited for Christmas. Ray has came back from university and was on video call with his future mom and dad in law. They both were going to New Zealand to visit the family.

As for Samark he hasn't told them that he will come or not. Mrs. Morris teased Ray by saying that, "Maybe Samark will spend his Christmas with Ray this year." Ray was blushing by that and Mr. Morris said, "Though we won't be celebrating the Christmas with you but we will be sending you our love and Christmas gift." Ray laughed and said, "Than I guess I'll be the first one to give you the Christmas gift."

He hang up the call and call Samark. Samark picked up the call. It was video call and Ray find that the scenario is completely different. Samark wasn't in his cabin. Ray could now heard the murmuring sounds of some people and he immediately realized that Samark was in meeting. And he called on wrong time. As he was about to hang up the call.

Samark said, "Here I present you, my boyfriend Ray William." A loud gasp could be heard. And Ray was blushing. He then saw everyone's face and they were staring at Ray in utter shock or surprise. Ray smiled and said Hello to everyone. People couldn't believe that Samark Morris could be also in love. He excused himself from the meeting by saying everyone can have a short fifteen minute break. And with that he plug out his cellphone from the projector and headed out.

Billy was surrounded by the people who were in meeting and they asked him, "So is this real? Did you know about it beforehand? Have you meet with Mr. Ray? Billy laughed and said, "Calm down you guys, and yes they are dating for real. I've met Mr. Ray and believe me he is complete opposite of Mr. Samark Morris. He is truly an angel." Samark came inside after his call with Ray and said, "As you have seen My Ray, I would like this news to be inside only not to let anyone know about it. And me and Ray are officially dating each other for past three months."

And if I've satisfied the curiosity of you guys so we can now focus on work. Later when Samark came back to his home he saw that his parents were happy as they were having a couple dresses. Samark with a smile on his face asked, "Why would you wear couple clothes at this age?" Both the elders look at Samark and said, "Well Ray has send us some couples clothes as a Christmas gift."

Samark smiled and said, "Well I'm gonna give him the best Christmas ever." And with that he headed upstairs in his room to freshen up. After sometime there was noise in the living room which irritated him. He came downstairs only to see Talia's dad making mess of his parents house. He didn't like that and said, "What's the matter? Why are you making the mess of the house?"

Instantly he replied, "By saying that his life is in mess and all Samark care is about his house." Samark had an evil smile on his lips and slowly walked downstairs and sat on the sofa with his parents. This really outrage Talia's dad. And he said, "My dad is dead and you don't even show any sympathy towards her. I believe everyone say true about you being heartless." Samark laughed and said, "You know whatever engagement we had was for purely business and I've broken it when I've find my love."

And your daughter was compensated with 1 crore the whole year engagement so I guess there's no one loss. Hearing that somehow enraged more to Talia's dad her daughter has taken money which he wasn't knowing and on top of that Samark is claiming that he already has a lover. If my daughter couldn't be the daughter in law of Morris than I wouldn't let anyone be that I'll kill the one whom Samark Morris love.

Both Mr and Mrs. Morris looked at that the father of Talia and said, "Whatever happens with you, you will be responsible for it. We are not gonna be here to witness. Also you bring whatever is going to come on you by your own words and with that they both left the living room and walked out of the house.

At first Talia's father thought that they were just threatening him. But when he saw the look on Samark's face he instantly knew that it wasn't a threat. Samark called his men and said, "Beat him until he realizes his mistake and after that let me know. They beat the father of Talia for some time until he said that he was wrong saying that.

When Samark was told about he smiled and came to the living room.