
A kind warning to the one who don't like BL or BL love scenes. 18+ recommendation is needed as the chapter is having adult stuff. Read it with your own imagination.

Ray was shocked when he heard what Samark has just said. He felt like he was dreaming he has always expected this moment but didn't expected that this moment will come so early. He was watching Samark in a proper attire he was wearing shirt of which he has left three buttons unbuttoned to show his chest and Ray saw that there was something on his chest inked in black. And on that white shirt he had wore black suit with same color pants.

Samark was on knee with a ring in his hands his expression was little bit nervous because he don't know what will Ray answer. Actually he knows Ray loves him but he is too early proposing Ray to be his fiance. And he seriously couldn't read Ray's face. Than he watched Ray smiling and the previous shock expression has been replaced by pure happiness.

Ray nodded his head in agreement then with the voice full of happiness he said, "Yes" though it was a single word but it brought uncountable happiness to Samark. He stood up and inserted the ring on his ring finger. And too everyone's surprise when Samark inserted on Ray's finger it was then the clock hit the twelve. And there was fireworks.

Both Samark and Ray looked at clock and Ray wished Samark, "Merry Christmas." But instead of wishing Ray back Samark kissed his lips and that was a deep kiss which was just like the kiss when the people do after taking their wedding vows. After they both pulled back from kiss Ray was blushing whereas Samark took Ray in his arms and was carrying him in a bridal style and was walking upstairs to Ray's room.

Ray was totally surprised by what's happening and asked, "what's going on?" Samark smiled and said, "Giving you your Christmas gift." Ray immediately looked downstairs he was like, 'look anywhere but don't look at Samark'. Samark opened the door of Ray's room and walked inside. He slowly closed the lock to be exact lock the door and put Ray on the bed very carefully.

He came on top of Ray and said, "Baby I can't hold it anymore please let me love you tonight." Ray was surprised that Samark asked his permission and he was happy about it so he nodded his head in agreement. He gave a huge smile before kissing Ray as the kiss get deeper Ray find that Samark was removing his clothes slowly. Samark pulled out from kiss and throwed his suit in frustration while he ripped the button of his shirt.

He looked at Ray and said, "Touch Me Baby." And Ray sit up and touch Samark's chest he was caressing Samark's chest with his lips he stopped and hold Samark's nipples with his teeth to tease Samark. He heard Samark who said, "I'm glad my baby knows how to tease me in bed." As Ray unbuttoned Samark's pants he saw that he was totally erect from his inner.

Ray hold the Samark's member in his hand as massaged it slightly. He slowly lay down as Ray was sitting on his knees and took his member through inner in his mouth as he was sucking hardly. It was then Samark hold Ray's hairs gently making him stop and removed his inner throwing on the ground and he inserted in Ray's mouth to let his mouth taste his member.

Ray sucked it harder as Samark's member was touching each side of his mouth. After sometime Ray pulled out and was looking at Samark. As Samark was having lust in his eyes. He stood up and came on top of Ray he started tasting Ray's body. He gave a bite on the collarbone of Ray which made Ray scream in pain. Samark then kissed Ray's thigh and he then took his member in mouth as sucked harder.

Ray was in pleasure as he kept on moaning Samark's name. Samark than pulled out and hold Ray and turn over him while keeping his back on bed. Samark was kissing Ray's back as he came more downwards he squeezed the buttocks of Ray and said, "Baby it's so soft." Ray couldn't help but say, "Yes baby." And then Samark kissed it as he spread Ray's legs his attention came on Ray's hole.

He touched it with his finger and the simple touch was enough to send electric current in Ray's body. He was slowly massaging Ray's hole which made Ray to moan in pleasure. He stretched Ray's legs more and he nuzzle his nose on the spot. He let his spit fall on the hole as he make it wet by that and inserted his finger. Ray screamed in pain as it was tight and Samark pushed it harder.

As Ray get comfortable with it he inserted the other finger and slowly moved inside him so that Ray can be comfortable. He later pull it out his finger and licked them. He slowly go down and kissed it with his lips while sucking. He then turn over Ray and stood up from the bed and walked towards the drawer as he brought lubricant.

He applied some lubricant to Ray's hole at first those lubricant burnt in Ray but later it get cold and Samark was holding his hand all this while saying bear it with me. He then came on top of Ray as he inserted his member on Ray's hole although he fingered it but it was still little tight. Ray screamed in pain as Samark inserted in him.

And he slowly started moving in him while looking at Ray. He just said, "If it's starting to hurt you just say me and I will stop." And Ray simply nodded. As Samark slowly started increasing his pace the pain from before turned into a pleasure. Ray never felt something like this before it was pure pleasure as he kept on moaning and the room was filled with both Samark's and Ray's moaning voices.

As Samark was thrusting he gave some bites on Ray's body saying, "This will let people know that he is taken." He again asked Ray that did he want to stop but Ray shaked his head and said, "More deeper and with speed." After listening to Ray's request Samark did what his fiance wanted and he enjoyed it. He saw Ray's cum falling on Ray's stomach and after some time he too feel that he will release so he released it all in Ray.

As he filled Ray's hole with his hot white fluid he gave a last thrust and removed it from Ray's hole. He take Ray in his arms and kissed his forehead.