
Sorry if it hurt you because I can say your eyes are filled with tears" said Samark. Ray gave a smile and said, "It's okay I've read that first time always hurt." Samark asked in surprise, "You said that you read so you were preparing yourself for it." Ray blushed and nodded his head. Samark gave a quick kiss on Ray's lips and said, "It means a lot thank you."

Ray laughed and said, "You gave me a surprise there by playing my favorite song on guitar." Samark gave a Told You look before pull Ray in his arms and said, "Let's sleep." And that night Samark felt so peaceful while sleeping because his Ray was in his arms. Around 3 a.m. Samark's cellphone started ringing and Samark immediately looked at the caller ID and cut the call because he didn't want to disturb his baby's sleep.

He watched Ray sleeping and gave a kiss on his forehead as he stood up from the bed. He cleaned himself and wore the clothes and headed out of the room. He saw Adam was waiting for him outside of the house. He nodded his head and motioned Samark to the car. Samark saw Billy came out of the car and opened the door for him.

Samark look at Adam and said, "You stay with my baby here and protect him if there's any danger." Adam simply nodded his head in agreement and headed inside the house. While Samark drove to his destination. Billy saw that before sitting in the car Samark has love in his eyes but after sitting in the car he has anger in eyes.

He was thinking that who has messed up with Samark this time. Because Samark's anger is really dangerous and threat to many people. Samark was sitting silent and silent Samark is more dangerous. The driver stopped the car and Billy told Samark that, "We have reached." Samark step out of the car and was walking to the warehouse he has bought recently.

Samark had an evil smile when he opened the door of the warehouse there he saw Charlie tied up in chair with his mouth open. The best part about this warehouse was it's sound proof. Charlie look at him and said, "Why did you tie me up? And who are you?? Most importantly where's Ray?" As soon as Charlie said Ray's name from his mouth he got a slap on his cheeks.

His cheeks were burning and immediately turned red in a single slap. Samark sat on the chair with an evil smirk on his face and said, "Don't worry about Ray he is at his home sleeping peacefully." Now Charlie asked again, "Who are you?? How do you know Ray??" Samark laughed and said, "Isn't it obvious! I'm Ray's boyfriend Samark, Samark Morris."

"Also never touch my baby like that and my baby's soul, heart and body belongs only to me i.e. Samark. So never think that you can do the stuff with my baby which is only my right" snapped Samark angrily. He told his men to let drop him at home and before leaving he said, "I'm sparing you because you are my baby's friend also never think about my baby that way he is mine only mine."

With that Samark left the place to go back to his baby. He wanted to have Ray in his arms and let his snuggle on his bare chest. He saw that Ray has noticed the tattoo on his chest which shows the initial letter of them. He know Ray's gonna ask about it in morning. With a smile he headed back to his Ray. Ofcourse Billy has to drop Charlie to home.

"Who is Samark Morris?" asked Charlie. "One of the dangerous gangster of the world in short someone with whom you shouldn't mess" replied Billy. "Does Ray know about Samark being gangster?" asked Charlie again. Billy simply nodded his head. He then look at Charlie and said, "If you were not friend of Ray I can assure you won't have come back alive or you won't come out unharm."

Billy dropped Charlie to his place and left for his destination. Charlie was shocked to death that Ray is dating a gangster but he smirked and whispered to himself,   " Who cares who you are Mr. Samark Morris. I love Ray and I'll have him in the end. " And with that he entered his home. Samark was back home and before leaving he has managed to dress up Ray he don't want anyone to see him naked other than him.

Samark has a bad habit of sleeping shirtless so when he entered Ray's room he stripped his shirt and take Ray in his arms. Ray was looking so innocent in sleep and Samark felt that he will protect him from all the evil of the world. He don't know when he fall in sleep as he was staring at innocent sleeping Ray.

Ray woke up by the ringtone of his cellphone and saw that it was Samark's parents video calling him. Without thinking about anything he pressed the green button and saw Mr and Mrs. Morris with a cheery expression wishing him "Merry Christmas". Ray greeted them back and Mrs Morris asked, "So did you said yes to my worthless boy."

Ray blushed and nodded his head in agreement. It was then he heard Mr. Morris saying, "I knew it you will say yes."  "Welcome to our small family son" said both Mr and Mrs. Morris. She then looked at Ray and said, "We have a request that you guys get married by next Christmas". Now Ray was shying as his face has turned into tomato red. Everyone was shock when they heard Samark's voice.

"Believe me mom I want to marry baby right at this instant but you know na baby is studying so I guess I ll wait till that time." Both of them started laughing and said, "We know it's just you saying that deep down you couldn't wait. But get married before Christmas we will celebrate next Christmas together" said Samark's mom.

"Than I ll be informing everyone that I'm officially having a son in law" said Mr. Morris.