Chp 46

Both Ray and Charlie arrived at church and was looking at amazement the way church was decorated. Ray mind wandered to a foreign thought about the wedding of his and Samark. But as the thought came, Ray's heart started aching on the shattering of this dream. He closed his eyes and take a long deep breath in and when he opened his eyes he exhale that breath.

He smiled as he saw Adam in the black suit beneath which he wore a white shirt. On the other side. Rosalie was looking beautiful in her white bridal gown. She gave a smile when she saw Ray walking on the stage. The ceremony soon started as everyone settle down.

The priest of the church instructed the young couple to take their vows. He smiled and told them to exchange the rings. Ray came up with two boxes of rings and let Adam and Rosalie pick the rings. Both of them exchanged the rings and everyone was clapping in happiness.

After some time the priest than asked, "Do you take him as husband?" Which Rosalie nodded his head and replied, "I take him as my husband." He then look at Adam and asked, "Do you take her as wife?" To which Adam eagerly replied, "I take her as my wife." Both of them kissed each other.

And the crowd erupted into clapping. Everyone congratulated the newly married couple. Ray handed them their honeymoon suite keys and wished them congratulations. Both of them look at Ray and thanked him. Ray gave a smile and said, "Dad apologized as he couldn't attend the wedding due to his work but he promised that he will attend the reception tomorrow and this gift is from Williams to you guys."

The crowd started to disperse and so was the Ray and Charlie. Adam and Rosalie were too walking out from the church. Ray gave a smile and said his goodbye as he was walking towards the car of Charlie, who was waiting for him in the car. Rosalie and Adam too were walking towards their car when suddenly a loud 'screech' was heard. It was make by the car who has just given its brake.

Ray, Adam and Rosalie stopped in their way and look at the car. Adam immediately recognized the car and instructed Rosalie to go back to their car. He look at Ray and motioned him to run away. Ray at the moment didn't understand that why Adam was telling him to run away. A pair of black shoes appeared from out of the car and soon the familiar figure came in view.

Ray's heart ache seeing the person who broke his heart standing in front of him. He look at Adam and said, "I'll take my leave. See you tomorrow at your reception." With that Ray started walking towards the car when suddenly his way was block by one of the man from Samark's gang. He look at him and asked, "What's wrong? Why blocking my way?"

The guy didn't answer instead he just blocked Ray's way. Adam rushed to Ray's side and whispered in his ears that, "Samark has come here with some other intentions be on your guard." Ray nodded and followed Adam. Samark started walking towards Adam and gave a smile. He stood up leaving some distance between him and Adam and said, "You know I feel offended when you didn't invite me on your wedding."

Adam let out a laugh and replied, "I guess we are strangers now. So I didn't thought about inviting you. I don't know why you are here but we are getting late so if you don't mind please excuse us." With that Adam and Ray started walking towards Charlie's car when suddenly Ray was pulled back with a strong grip on his hands.

Samark gave a smile to Ray who immediately looked away. He then look at Adam and said, "Firstly, congratulations on your wedding. Secondly, Ray will be going back with me to New Jersey there are things we need to talk and settle." Hearing that Adam's eyes filled with anger. With sarcasm he replied, "Thanks for your wishes and Ray won't go with you anywhere as he has nothing to do with you."

Samark gave a sinister smile and said, "He is mine and whatever misunderstanding happen between us needs to be clarified." Adam took long strides towards Samark and pulled Ray to his side but was unsuccessful as Samark's hold on Ray's hand was strong. Ray winced out in pain and said, "I don't want to talk with you Mr. Samark Morris. And you are hurting me so please let my hands go."

Samark let go of Ray's hand and saw that a red mark was formed on his fair skin. He was about to explain everything to Ray when his eyes fell on the person whom Samark hate from his core of heart -Charlie. Charlie was walking towards Ray with eyes full of worriness. He look at Ray and asked, "Is everything alright?" Ray only nodded and Charlie gave a glare to Samark.

He saw Ray and Charlie heading back to car and Adam was heading to his. His anger has turned into pure rage as he removed his gun from the back pocket and shoot at the car of the Adam. Adam who was away from the car saw that car was burning and within in couple of second it blasted leaving out Rosalie's scream.

Ray too turn back when he heard gunshot and look at Adam's car. He heard Rosalie's scream as the car blasted. He rushed to Adam's aide and saw that Rosalie is dead. Adam has somehow brush off the fire but Rosalie wasn't breathing. Adam than look at Samark and gave a hard punch on his face which made Samark fall backwards.

He look at Ray and saw tears were flowing from his eyes as Ray rushed towards Adam and was stopping him from fighting with Samark.