
Samark hold the hand of Ray tightly as he pulled him to his side and said, "We are leaving." His voice clearly states that he wasn't asking instead he was ordering. Ray tried his best to get free from the grip of Samark and luckily it was Charlie who helped him in getting free from Samark's grip. Ray mouthed 'Thank you' as he rushed towards Adam's side.

Samark was angry as he look at Charlie and asked, "Who are you to meddle in our affairs?" Charlie let out a laugh and said, "Since you decided to cheat on Ray, I decided to console him. Since you broke his heart I was the one who was mending it. Since you were sleeping with someone I hold the hands of Ray and make him realize that I'll be always with him."

Samark was clearly angry as he pushed Charlie and started walking towards Ray. Ray was busy consoling Adam who was just staring at his newly wedded wife who has died in car blast. Ray made Adam look at him and he said, "He is sorry all of this happen because of him and if he wants he can punish him." As soon as Adam heard those words he immediately hugged Ray and let his tears fall as he said, "It's not your fault Ray. It's Samark's fault."

He wiped his tears and then look at Ray and said, "I always wanted to have family, I wanted to know what family love is and you showed me that you provided me with family. You gave me a little brother whom I care, love and feel to protect from danger. As for Rosalie I promised you Samark will pay for it."

As he was saying that he saw Ray was pulled from his arms and Samark was dragging him towards his car. Ray begged Samark to let him go, but Samark pay no heed. Adam who was running to rescue Ray was stopped in mid when Samark pointed his gun on Adam. It was then Ray who said, "Don't hurt him I'll come with you." Charlie too rush towards Ray and was stopped by Adam as they both were staring the car which has just left.

Adam immediately took out his cellphone and dialed a number. When he heard the voice from other side he said, "Samark has kidnapped Ray, he was killed my wife outside the church. I need you to help me get Ray back safely." A voice came from the other side, "What do you mean by Ray is being kidnapped by Samark and sorry for your loss. Don't worry Samark will pay for that. As for Ray's safety you don't have to worry even if I have to kill the son of mine who carries the same blood as me I ll do."

After the hang up of the call both Charlie and Adam somehow carried Rosalie's body to the graveyard and buried her. Adam doesn't want her to suffer more. And after that both Charlie and Adam drove to Ray's home. Ray was scared from Samark. He knew he can violent but he never saw him hurting his own people. Suddenly Ray felt that his head is becoming heavy and slowly he started losing his consciousness.

Both Adam and Charlie reached Ray's place and were glad that no one was home. They all headed to the room to get freshen up. Adam cried in the shower for the loss of his love, his wife Rosalie but he knew that Rosalie is gone he couldn't let anything to happen with Ray. Because he is his little brother. He came out in the living room and saw Charlie walking back and forth. He stopped and look at Adam and said, "What should we do now?" Adam only nodded his head and said, "Wait for the call."

Ray opened his eyes and saw himself in an unfamiliar room. He look here and there and he knew that he isn't in his room. It's then he started remembering everything and he remember that he was in car with Samark when he lose his consciousness. He was about to get out of the bed and walk towards the door. He saw the door to the room open and Samark enter inside. To be honest, seeing Samark made Ray shiver in fear he was truly scared from him now.

Samark sat on the corner of the bed and look at Ray and gently caressed his face and said, "You feeling okay baby?" Ray only nod his head as he couldn't form any words to say due to fear. Samark than look at Ray and said, "I want all our misunderstanding to be cleared. I wanted to tell you that the girl you saw was send my Vicky. She took opportunity of my grieving situation and kissed me."

Ray let out a breath and thought if they both talked about it then it's possible Samark will let him go back home. So he look at Samark and said, "I have move on from that topic and I even mean when I say that we are nothing now because Samark Morris I don't love you anymore." As soon as Ray said that Samark look at Ray and said, "This is your anger speaking I know that. I know you only love me and you won't love anyone else. Because you belong only to me."

Ray was taken aback by the possessiveness as he said, "I don't belong to anyone other than myself and I don't love you anymore Samark. Because whatever we had is ruined by you. That night you made the love I used to have for you die. And now I don't have any love for you. And I m angry with you for killing Rosalie. He and Adam were going to move Spain so that they can spend their life peacefully but you shatter their dream."

Samark let out a laugh and said, "Tell like this that you and Charlie are dating. You have become his whore now. That he fuck you from now on." As soon as Samark said that a 'Thud' sound of slap echoed in the room.