
Ray woke up with a bright light coming on his face. The brightness was too much for his eyes. As he flutter his eyelids open and shut constantly. Slowly adjusting to his surroundings he opened his eyes and welcomed the brightness only to find that he is not in his room. He is in fact lying on the hospital bed.

His brother, father and one of his best friend Charlie was standing next to him. Their eyes were filled with happiness but Ray doesn't know what they were happy about. Infact he doesn't know why he is in hospital. He look at his father and asked, "Why is he in hospital? What has exactly happened to him?"

The happiness look on everyone's face turn into worry as Asher called for doctor who was no one other than his beautiful girlfriend. She checked Ray and gave a look to Asher which means she wants to discuss something in private. Asher and his father excused as they both left the room. Doctor said, "It seems like Ray has parsial anemia. It seems like he has forgotten his bad memories."

Asher smiled and said, "It's a good thing neither will anyone of us will tell about what exactly happen to Ray." Ray was casually chatting with Charlie when his father and brother entered the room. They told Ray that he is fine and he has to be kept in observation for 24 hours and after that if they find Ray is perfectly well he can go home.

Luckily nothing happen to Ray at that time. As he was happily discharged. Upon reaching home everything went well. Ray catch up the missing lectures and focused on his study. As he continued playing the game Clash Of Kings. Charlie has informed Ray's and his friends about Ray's anemia and they too hide the fact about Ray falling in love with Samark and dating him. Samark being obsessed with Ray who in return has tormented him until Ray felt like attempting suicide.

Sophia and his fiance would be going to marry next year and Sophia has already booked Ray's ticket to France two months before the wedding. Life for Ray seems to be happy and very normal. Charlie is not a casonava anymore he has find a girl and they both are in serious relationship. Jack decided not to date anyone as he is happy with flings, flirts and one night stands.

As for Ray he is focused on study and is very happy with his family and friends but somewhere in his heart he always feel that something is missing, something he is forgetting and whenever he talked about it to his family and friends they would avoid it saying that it's just Ray's imagination.

Until one night when Ray started seeing blur dreams. He couldn't see the faces of the two guys but as time pass by he saw his face and later on he saw Samark's face. But he still don't know who Samark is and what's the relationship between them. After three months Ray slowly started remembering about his missing piece of past.

As the memory came back it brought along with it pain, and those pain affected Ray. When Ray discuss about this with Asher his confusion got clear and he couldn't help but ask, "How did they save Ray?" Asher didn't want to remember that incident as it bring pain and hatred both. He let out a breath and said, "Mr. Morris came to know about Samark kidnapping you through Adam and he immediately started searching for you. His instincts told him the exact place where Samark has kept you."

He inhaled and exhaled the air as he continued, "When he saw you his heart broken into pieces because you were badly injured and top of that you have cut your wrist. Though Samark wasn't there at that time. He immediately took you to hospital and inform us and later on he took guarantee that Samark won't be coming near you from on. As he apologized to dad for the way Samark treated you and then he left to search for Samark."

" Your condition was critical at that time as the chances of you being surviving was only 20%. And on top of that you were badly injured. Samark somehow came to know about his father coming to your rescue so he planned his escape and gone to hiding. Mr. Morris promised him that until he is alive Samark won't come near Ray and he has disown him as his son."

Ray's eyes were filled with tears as he hugged his brother and thanked him. Though Ray knew that memory will always be going to be there in his mind. Because Samark is his first love. When he asked about Adam he came to know Samark killed him before going into hiding. Ray decided not to be in fear of Samark coming back as his presence doesn't matter him anymore. He with strong will planned to move towards his life and try to collect as much happiness as he can.

A year has passed and Ray is sitting on the designed chair as he is watching the marriage of his bestfriends. He wished them many happiness, longevity and eternal love as they both left for their honeymoon. In the after party a guy approached Ray as Ray casually talked to him but when that guy asked for date Ray immediately refused saying he is not looking for dating right now as he is focused on his studies.

Months passby even Charlie and his girlfriend has now get engaged and will be planning to marry after the graduation of the both. Ray's brother relationship went downhill as his girlfriend broke up with him due to their issues. Ray was at home as it's Sunday and was waiting for the KVK to start. Since it's half an hour left he opened the red video icon and entered 'YouTube' as soon as he entered YouTube he played some cartoon videos an ad popped up.

Ray was casually watching the ad until he heard it says, "Here you will definitely find a perfect match for you." Though everyone suggested Ray to date someone once again. But Ray was afraid to get someone like Samark. But a little curiousity arose inside Ray as it said let's see what this app is actually. He didn't skip the ad as he read out aloud the app name 'Tinder'.

He installed it and made an account as the search was loading..

-The End-

Hi guys I'm back with last chapter. So Ray is alive, happy and has moved on. But will be get the right soulmate he is searching for on Tinder?

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Lots of Love from LilFlower