Past is Prologue

This day started off without any warning about how insanely different it would be. I got up, went to the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed and did my hair. I went to the cafeteria and grabbed a hot sandwich and a coffee. Like most days, I took my food to go. If Kristi, Crystal or Celeste ever caught me in the cafeteria they'd go out of their way to bully me. Since no one ever raised a hand to protect me, I got used to doing what I could to protect myself. Yeah, you could say that I was running away if you want. I consider it a tactical retreat.

Morning classes were fine. Nothing really stood out. During the afternoon break, I left campus to go into town. As I was leaving, the most remarkable thing that happened was that I ran into the new history teacher, Professor Andromeda.

I was rushing around a corner when I ran right into the plump bust of Professor Calypso Andromeda. I was running with my head down and didn't notice when I rammed into a soft and gigantic chest.


I hit her and I bounced back with just as much force as I used when I ran into her. Thanks Newton. As I braced myself to crash into the ground, I was suddenly surrounded by the supple yet strong arms of the Professor.

"Easy there, sweetheart!"

When I opened my eyes, she was cradling me in her arms. Her beautiful blue eyes were as deep as the sea and her face was flushed with concern. Her soft lips were pink and pouty. Her high cheekbones created an absolutely perfect physical profile. Her thin waist and thick hips made her drip with sex appeal. Her long hair was held in a ponytail atop her head. Still, her hair was so long that the ponytail still reached the top of her perfectly round backside.

Looking at the perfection of her face as it was so close to mine, made my breath catch in my throat. It was the first time that we spoke, but I felt safer in her arms than I ever had in my life.

Professor Calypso Andromeda insisted on being called Calypso but I never was able to find the nerve to call her something so personal. There were some students that felt fine calling her by her first name. Let's just say that the girls that didn't have an issue with it were the type to get excited by the simple glance of a pretty woman, and Professor Calypso was indeed a pretty woman. She was remarkable to look at. Even someone like me, who didn't feel one way or another about either guy or girl could tell how mind-numbingly sexy she was. Being held in her arms like this made me feel a strange sensation in my stomach that I've never felt before.

Even though I couldn't feel my legs due to the sudden shock, Professor Calypso Andromeda held me tightly until I was standing upright once more.

"Why the rush, sweetheart? Got a hot date?"

"D-date? Huh? Oh, umm no. I don't date."

"You don't?" She cocked her hips and eyed me closely as if she didn't believe me. Even though we attended an all-girl Christian academy, the girls weren't prevented from dating. Still, because there were mostly girls, with only a handful of male faculty and staff members, there were more than a few faux-lesbian relationships. A lot of the girls had boyfriends off campus that they'd see. Although there were quite a few who would "hook up" with a girl for a little playtime when they were bored. It was just the way of things around here. Of course, to everyone else, I was a genetic freak and a punching bag for the heiresses of the academy. No one would touch me with a 10-foot pole.

I finally came to my senses and shook my head, "N-no ma'am. I don't date, anyone."

She clicked her tongue as she pinched my chin between her thumb and pointer-finger. Her eyes scanned my face and for some reason, I felt like every secret I've ever tried to hide or bury was dragged to the surface. My head hurt and I tasted metal in the throat. It was an odd combination of sensations.

After a moment, she spoke. "Kyah Open-Cloud. That's your name, right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're in my seminar."

"Y-you've noticed me, ma'am?"

She winked, "Are you surprised?"

"Y-yeah. A little. There's 400 people in your seminar." It was the most popular class on campus. She was a good teacher and taught history like she actually lived it. She was a stickler for details and painted a picture of different historical events that were so profound it was like you were right in the middle of it. Not only was she practically the Goddess of the academy, she was also the most amazing teacher on staff. Her seminar was incredibly popular. I was lucky to even get a seat. The heiresses were in the class too but no one ever caused trouble in her class. Even the other deviant students were perfectly behaved in her classroom. It was the safest place on the campus.

"Well, who wouldn't notice someone like you?"

I felt the heat in my stomach reduce as a sinking sensation took over. "Oh." That was what she meant. She remembered my name because of how much of a freak I was. Of course, she'd remember the Indian kid in her class with half her hair shaved off, bronze skin and hazel eyes. Yeah, she probably thought that I was an ugly mutt, just like everyone else. It shook me to hear even Professor Andromeda say that I was a freak but it was nothing new. I was well aware of how my abnormal features made people distance themselves from me.

"What's with the sour face, sweetheart?"

"Nothing. I'd, umm, I'd better get going. Sorry about running into you."

"Oh, don't worry about a thing, cher."


She chuckled, "Sorry, darling. It's just a bit of the old Bayou coming out of me. You sure you're okay to be moving around? I might not look it but I'm a solid gal."

"I'm fine. Sorry again."

I ran away before I started to cry. I didn't feel good about being regarded as a freak by the professor. It hurt more than the kicks and punches I commonly received from the heiresses.

I ran until I was completely off the campus grounds. Once I could no longer see the main building, I finally stopped.

"Stupid Kyah! You're so stupid!" I hated how hurt I'd become over such a small thing as someone else thinking I was a freak. I walked into town and pick up a few things that I needed.

By the time I was finished shopping, it had already began turning dark. I was walking down the street on my way back to campus when I heard the sound of music coming out of an alley up ahead.

The music was mesmerizing. I felt my feet move on their own as I headed in the direction of the sounds. What I found was an elderly man with a kind face and a hump on his back playing a flute. His arthritic fingers moved nimbly over the flute's body. He was so skilled that I must've stood there and watched him play for hours. At least, that's what it felt like. When I showed up, the sun was just getting ready to set. By the time I noticed I had been standing there, the moon was already shining in the sky.

"I-I'm sorry for staring, sir. Your music is beautiful."

His laugh was dry like tinder but soft like a cotton ball. "It's okay, little cloud."

"Cloud?" I shivered a bit when he said little cloud. My last name being Open-Cloud, I wondered if he knew me.

He nodded, "It's been a long time since someone has stood as still as you have and listened to this old man play his flute. You reminded me of a wandering cloud, the way you moseyed on down this dark alley. Then you just stood still like the winds of Fate weren't blowing any longer. Hence, little cloud." Something about the way that he spoke to me made me feel uncomfortable.

Of course, there was nothing rude or discomforting about his personality, but his eyes were deeper than they should've been. They reminded me of Professor Andromeda in the way that they seemed to be able to see inside of me, but they weren't as piercing as her gaze was. He was like a sharp-witted yet kind grandfather.

"Is everything okay, Little Cloud?"

"Umm, yes sir. I'm fine. Here." I placed a $10 bill in his upturned hat.

He smiled sweetly. "Thanks for the blessing, Little Cloud. Here's my gift to you."

He reached into his rucksack and pulled out a small bracelet. It was the type of thing that you'd pick up in a cheap import/export place. It was made of a beaded cord and attached was a small wooden rabbit. He pressed it into my hand without any reluctance.

"Here you go, Little Cloud. May this give you strength in your travels."

I wanted to hand it back to him but he started playing his flute again. By the time I came too, I was already back on the academy grounds.

"What the hell was that?"

I found myself walking towards the main building in a daze, the bracelet attached to my left wrist. I don't even remember walking back, let alone when I put the bracelet on my wrist. It was all very strange.

I took one step inside the building and I shuddered. Waiting at the end of the stairs were the heiresses. Kristi, the leader, stepped close to me, her long red hair falling past her shoulders. Her wide hips swayed as she stalked towards me. Her two wing women, Crystal (the brunette with mean eyes and an even meaner personality) and Celeste (the girl with the short blonde hair who had a devilish smile and an evil personality). Kristi was the worst of the 3. For some reason, she had always pegged me as her little dog.

"Hey you little red-skinned bitch! It's time for your nightly treatment."

Tonight, was a bit worse than normal. I had the feeling that something must've happened because they each took their aggression out on my body in a nearly deathly manner.

After they were done, I trudged back to my dorm room only to be surprised by the shapely figure of Professor Calypso Andromeda.

Now we're back to the beginning. Let me tell you the rest of this crazy tale.