Nighttime with Calypso (A.K.A. The Goddess)

I woke up on my bed. I felt lightheaded. I was still naked; however, the bracelet was still on my wrist. "What…happened?"

I was too lightheaded to stand or even sit up. My body felt heavy. It could've been from the thrashing I'd taken earlier but it felt different. I was used to living with bruises and scrapes. This was different all together.

"Don't move, cher. You've got a nasty concussion. I gave you a little treatment but it'll still take a little while before your brain re-writes itself."

I looked to the side, Professor Calypso Andromeda was seated on a chair, her long legs crossed at the knee. Just like earlier, she wore a dark blouse that fit her astounding figure spectacularly. Her thin pencil skirt was stretched around her shapely hips. A pair of dark stocking ran up her legs making me stare at the space between the skirt and her legs like I was an adolescent boy.

I felt my face flush for a reason that had more to do with the sexily mature woman and less to do with the concussion, but I didn't want to tell her that.

Then I realized that she said something I didn't quite understand, "Re-write? What do you mean?"

She leaned forward, granting me an open gaze at her deep cleavage. "Don't worry about that right now, sweetheart. We'll talk about that in a little bit. Don't you have any other, more pressing, questions?" She smirked as she looked, pointedly, at my naked body.

My eyes followed hers, "Ah! … Ahhhhh!" I screamed so loud that my neighbor next door banged on the wall.

Professor Andromeda pushed herself up out of the chair and walked towards me. Her weight caused my bed to dip. She placed her finger over my lips. "Shush, cher. No need to get all riled up. I'm not going to hurt you. Well…unless you're into that kind of thing." She licked her lips in a hungry manner.

I felt like I was being glared at by a hungry wolf. I felt scared…yet, oddly aroused. What was going on with me?

"B-b-but you said…"

She tilted her head in a cute and innocent manner that was at odds with the mature woman that I knew from her seminar. There was a gap between the two personalities, which was incredibly alluring.

Her hands fell on my shoulder, "I said what, sweetheart?"

I couldn't hold her gaze. Regardless of how attractive I found her. "Y-you said that I looked different."

She nodded, "Yeah. I did. You do. Why?"

It was hard to talk about this but I had to say something. "You're just like everybody else. You all think that I'm a freak because of how I look." I felt my eyes moisten. I closed my eyes tightly to prevent the tears from spilling over.

Don't cry, Kyah. Don't you cry!

"Cher…you know, I think that the only thing wrong with you are those twisted little dark thoughts of yours. Even Old-man Koko said the same thing."

"Old-man who now?"

"The man, in the alley. His actual name is Kokopelli. I call him Old-man Koko, though."

"Kokopelli? … Kokopelli? Why is that name so familiar?"

She smirked. "Your daddy didn't tell you much about your history, huh?"

"My dad?"

She shook her head with a sad expression on her face. "Honey, you're half Hopi, right?" I nodded. "In Hopi mythology, Kokopelli is your God of Fertility."


"He. Helps. Women. Conceive."

I thought back to the old man playing the flute. There was nothing about him that screamed "I'm gonna get you pregnant, bitch!" Nothing at all! Maybe I wasn't the only one with a concussion.


"How do you know about the man in the alley?"

This didn't make a lick of sense. I know that I kinda shut myself down when I was walking around town but I was pretty sure I would remember if Professor Andromeda was following me.

"Ha! You finally asked a question that makes sense. I thought it might take you longer, but it seems that the re-writing is going better than I imagined. I never understood why people never put two and two together. But you mortals are always like this. You never see anything that doesn't fit into your small little range of understanding."

"Mortals? What do you mean?"

"First, let me explain something about the universe. This might go over your head but just try to keep up."


"First, the universe is vaster than your tiny little astrophysicists understand. They touched upon a small portion of the truth, but for the most part, they're grasping at straws. Between you and me, I think too many of them have gotten too much inspiration from Star Trek."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm getting there, cher. Be patient. Now, this world, specifically, this planet is still under the auspices of the Primals. You'd call them Gods. They are not as old as time but pretty close. They've been given shape and purpose by reality and people have a way of bending their minds and hearts to fit into specific Primal ideologies." She waved her hand towards the wall. "One such example is Christianity. It is the most popular religion…at least in this country. There are Zoroastrians, which are a whole crap-load of different. There were the Aztecs, Shintoism—hell, even Voodoo. There are more manners of faith than you can shake a stick at! All of them have their own beliefs and Spirits or Gods they pray to and sacrifice for. There are more branches of faith than there are blades of grass. For this small planet, the Primals have taken a backseat to allow for people to grow without putting faith in them. Hoping that they will find a way to rely on each other. Honestly, the main reason for this isn't because we want to watch the world evolve as much as we just want a fucking vacation once in a while. You have no idea how needy people can be when they realize God is listening to their prayers. Let me tell you, it gets old reeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllll fast!"

She was speaking English. I know she was speaking English but why was I unable to follow what she was saying? Primals? Gods? What the hell was going on? Before I got a chance to ask, she continued.

"Anyway, Primals had kids and those kids have decided to pick one or two unique people in every century to be their…I don't know…vessel maybe. Yeah, let's call it a vessel. It sounds scary but it's not. All it really means is that we give them a blessing, they live a little longer and depending on the circumstances, they might get a gift or two."

"I-I'm sorry Professor Andromeda…"

"Calypso. Call me Calypso, sweetheart."

"C-Calypso…sorry Calypso, but I don't get what you're saying."

As if I didn't speak, she continued, "Calypso. I like that name. She was a dear friend of mine. I took this name because my real name is just too obvious."

"True name?"

"Oh, you haven't figured it out yet, cher?"

I shook my head. "No."

She leaned forward until her nose was on mine. I looked into her eyes and it was like I was watching the stars. "Come on, cher. You're a smart little cookie. Piece it together with the obvious hints I've given you."

Hints? What hints? All that I heard was some batshit crazy crap about Gods and the universe. What was up with this crazy broad?

"Well that's not polite. I'm not crazy, you know."

My eyes bulged. Did she…

"Read your mind? Yes. Of course, I can. You're a part of my clan so why wouldn't I be able to do something so simple?"

"Your clan? I'm not the part of any clan."

"Clan…tribe…family tree…whatever. Same diff."

"I'm not following."

"Seriously? Calypso Andromeda. Do you children even read the classics anymore?"


"Yeah, you know Thesiod, Homer, Aeschylus. Those guys."

"Yeah, I've read Homer and Aeschylus."

"Great! So, you remember Odysseus, right?"

"Yeah…the Odyssey."

"And Calypso was…"

"She was the woman who trapped Odysseus for several years."

"Argh! I hate that Homer wrote that. That was totally NOT how it happened. Let me ask you this, why do mortals always blame the woman? Calypso didn't do anything that that moron Odysseus didn't ask for. Homer made him sound like a hero rushing to save his kingdom when in reality he was a drunk horn dog and a deadbeat dad. When she realized how useless that guy was, Calypso kicked his scrawny ass to the curb! Girl power!" She threw her fist in the air like a hyperactive cheerleader.

"You're saying some strange things ma'am."

"Not ma'am. C.A.L.Y.P.S.O! Got it? Calypso! Call me anything else and I'm liable to get violent on you. Now say it!"

"C-Calypso! Your name is Calypso!"

"Good. Now, about the whole clan thing. Because you're part Greek, like me, and part Hopi, like Old man Koko, you're lucky enough to get the blessings of two different Gods. Old man Koko and yours truly! The lovely! Lively! Ever impressive Goddess of Love…Aphrodite!"

I blinked my eyes several times. She was talking crazy. I knew she was talking crazy but why did I suddenly believe her? It might've had something to do with the light concussion, or, more likely than not, it had to do with the fact that the clothing that she was wearing was suddenly superimposed by a shimmering see-through gown of white gossamer. When the vision came back to my eyes, she was standing before me, just like she was before. I wish I could say that I imagined it, but something told me that lying to myself was not a question right now.

"Calypso…you're a…a…a God!"

"I am. And you, my dear, are about to receive the blessing of your life."


"Yeah. Old man Koko already gave you one. It was in that bracelet that you're wearing. Since its already worked its way into your heart and soul, I estimate you'll feel the full effects in the morning. And as for me…I'm going to give you my blessing a little more directly."

"But why me?"

"Oh, my little sweetheart. Who else could it be if not you?"

"I don't understand."

"You have no idea how special you are, do you? Have you never wondered why people are so uncomfortable around you?"

"Me? Well yeah. People think I'm a freak. They think I'm ugly because my mutt heritage makes me look too exotic."

"Oh cher. There is no such thing as being too exotic. Trust me. But also…yeah, you are kind of a freak but not in the way that you think. As I mentioned, mortals have a very limited concept of the world and what doesn't easily fit within their small sense of perception, they place into one of two categories. They embrace it with almost religious zeal, or they treat it as poison and distance themselves from it as far as they can. What makes you a freak is that you already have competing divine sparks inside of you. It makes people feel like something is off inside of you because the divine sparks are constantly at war, trying to gain a foothold in your soul. The fact that something is just not quite right with you, combined with the fact that they can���t put their finger on exactly why, makes people uncomfortable. Kyah, my love, you're a beautiful woman. You're so far away from being ugly that it's not even funny."


"Try to keep up, cher. I really only want to explain this once. You have my divine spark and Old man Koko's. Normally, we'd just wait until things played itself out in your spiritual realm, but we've both been kinda bored this last century and because we haven't found any mortal to bless in a few centuries, I proposed we cooperate and the old man agreed. You're sort of like an experiment of sorts. Honestly, we don't know how a dual blessing is going to work or how it will affect you but we're excited to find out."

"So, I'm your lab rat?"

"Lab rat? Why make it sound so menacing? You're our special angel. We're going to take good care of you. But…there are some conditions."


Suddenly, her happy go lucky attitude grew solemn. "Yes, the conditions for Kokopelli has already been met when you were entranced by his flute. My conditions are going to be a bit more complex."

"How so?"

She stood up and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. "I'm the Goddess of Love, baby. To give you my blessing is to give you my love. I like to give my love in a personal type of way, cher."

I was enraptured as I watched her slowly undress. Standing before me was a tall blonde woman with an amazing body. Her hips, her vagina, her breasts, her lips, her eyes—everything was so beautiful that for the first time in my life, I wanted another person—sexually. It was a new feeling but one that hit my primitive brain so hard that I knew immediately what it meant.

As I was entranced by her beauty, my head suddenly cleared. She smiled. "I guess the re-writing is working better than I expected. You're probably just about ready for the change but let's get to your blessing first. Otherwise, things might get a bit…umm…messy."

I wasn't listening. I was too busy thinking about all the things that I wanted to do to her. I wanted those strong thighs wrapped around my neck. I wanted to be buried in her glistening cunt. I wanted her pubic hair to tickle my nose. I wanted those breasts in my mouth. I wanted to bite down on those luscious lips. I wanted to nibble on her neck and leave love bits all over her body. I wanted her like I've heard the other girls talk about. I wanted to ruin her. The feeling was so intense that it left me feeling strained.

"Easy there, sugar. You'll get what you want, sort of."

I watched as she waved her hand in front of her exposed sex. There was a soft glow on her palm that was absorbed by her vagina. She moaned. It was a pleasant sound. Then I watched, wide-eyed as her clit grew larger and larger until it resembled a…

"Penis! Holy fuck! A penis just grew out of you!"

"Yeah, that's right, baby. Look at this lovely little cock. This is how you're going to receive your blessing. All I need is a little blood—virgin blood."

"My b-blood?"

She leaned over the bed until her heavy breasts were pressed against my small chest. Her nipples were hardened into points. My hard nipples kissed against hers, making a sensual moan fall from my lips.

"Will you accept my blessing?"

Her eyes were searching. I had a feeling that if I said anything other than "yes", she would disappear into the æther. I nodded before I had a chance to think, but even if I had thought about it, bleeding and pain was an old friend of mine. "Yes. I will accept your blessing."

Her smile was brighter than the sun. "Brilliant, cher! Brilliant!" She licked her lips again and this time her gaze went back to being one held by a wolf. "I'm going to take this cock and rip deep inside of you. I'll get my blood from your tight fucking cunt. Now spread 'em, bitch."